Tuesday 25 August 2015

Alleged Diversion of N4billion CBN loan: Amaechi’s associates refuse to appear before Inquiry Commission

Alleged Diversion of N4billion CBN loan: Amaechi’s associates refuse to appear before Inquiry Commission

14 die in Niger boat mishap

14 die in Niger boat mishap

Indonesian man called God told to change name

Indonesian man called God told to change name

Was Elvis Presley Jewish…You Bet Your Bagel He Was

Was Elvis Presley Jewish…You Bet Your Bagel He Was

The Irony of the "Free and Fair" Election In Nigeria

The Irony of the "Free and Fair" Election In Nigeria

Two soldiers, six rebels killed in Pakistan

Two soldiers, six rebels killed in Pakistan

Bomb blast: FG to handover rehabilitated UN building in 2016

Bomb blast: FG to handover rehabilitated UN building in 2016

Female suicide bomber kills 6, injures 42 in Yobe park

Female suicide bomber kills 6, injures 42 in Yobe park

FG to withdraw diplomatic passports from unauthorised persons

FG to withdraw diplomatic passports from unauthorised persons

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

Dr Junaid, You Are Deluded - Buhari owes Igbos Nothing

Dr Junaid, You Are Deluded - Buhari owes Igbos Nothing

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Launches Its Long Awaited Biafra Television on Satellite And Its Radio Station (Radio Biafra) On Shortwave

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Stop Appropriating Our Achievements’ –PDP Cautions APC …..Charges Buhari To Articulate Economic Direction

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) counsels the All
Progressives Congress (APC) to always be sincere and stop
appropriating the achievements of past administration as
The party said, instead, the APC and President Muhammadu
Buhari should make haste and activate the various economic
outlets which have been stagnated as a result of their
obvious inability to articulate a clear-cut economic policy for
the nation.
PDP National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh in a
statement on Monday said it is disappointing that a
government which came to power on claims of high moral
ground, rather than focusing on delivering its promises, is
dancing around the achievements of the previous government
in an attempt to make the public believe that recorded
successes in critical sectors are theirs.
“For instance, how do we explain APC’s spirited effort to
make the public believe that the equipping of the country’s
military for the fights against insurgency; the turn around of
the nation’s oil refineries; and the polio-free certification of
Nigeria were products of their government even when it is
common knowledge that they have not been able to find their
bearing for governance since their election into office.
“If the former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo
Dasuki had not been courageous enough to release those
incontrovertible facts that the Goodluck Jonathan-led PDP
administration actually fortified the country’s military before
leaving office in May, the APC would have succeeded in its
propaganda against that administration and led Nigerians to
believe that the equipping was a product of President
Buhari’s recent diplomatic shuttles.
“It is an obvious fact that before the May 29 handover to the
APC, the Nigerian armed forces, using these equipment
sourced under the watch of the PDP government, had already
pushed the insurgents to the verge of surrender in the
Sambisa forest, only for them to now resurge under the APC-
led government due to apparent lack of direction and
confusion that have characterized this administration.
“In the same way, this government has positioned itself to
claim credit for the turn around and resuscitation of some of
the nation’s oil refineries without reference to the past
administration that initiated and executed the Turn Around
Maintenance (TAM) of the facilities years back, which
dividends the nation now enjoys and which we expect will
result in steady supply of petroleum products in our nation.
“Similarly, informed Nigerians note with dismay how the APC
administration has been celebrating the certification of
Nigeria as polio-free in the last one year by the World Health
Organization (WHO) without giving credit to the PDP-led
government under whose watch the feat was achieved.
“While the PDP well understands the nervousness of the APC
and its government in the challenge of fulfilling their bogus
promises upon which they rode to power, such does not in
any way rationalise the resort to deceit and flagrant
appropriation of another’s achievements, a thing no serious,
credible and honest government will do”.
The PDP said instead of trying to poach achievements to
earn an undeserved praise, the APC and its government
should brace up, articulate a precise economic policy,
assemble an economic team and urgently commence the
delivery of their promises for which they were voted.
The party said it finds it unacceptable, not withstanding the
reasons being adduced, for a government in a democratic
setting to run for almost three months without a cabinet and
any policy direction whatsoever.
“This is the first time since independence that our nation has
stayed without a complete composition of government for
three months. Unfortunately, the negative effect of this
anomaly, which has taken a huge toll on the country’s
economy and the welfare of Nigerians, will be with us in the
coming years.
“We express this concern against the backdrop of information
that unpatriotic persons close to government are already
hounding civil servants for inflated concessions, allocations,
jobs and other favours being unduly granted, making the
system fertile for heavy financial sleazes in the absence of
appropriate statutory supervising officers.
“This is in addition to the avoidable economic downturn now
manifesting in the abandonment of ongoing infrastructural
projects, crippling of foreign and domestic investments and
continued slide in the money and capital markets.
“Finally, we want to reiterate our earlier call on Nigerians to
continue to pray for President Muhammadu Buhari, who for
obvious reasons is surrounded by people whose divergent
personal interests have become a huge burden on our dear
nation, the integrity of this government, the health of our
economy and sustenance of our democracy”.
Source: http://nigeriancurrent.com/2015/08/10/stop-appropriating-our-achievements-pdp-cautions-apc-charges-buhari-to-articulate-economic-direction/