Friday 19 December 2014


#‎Core_Middlebelt‬ Value: Wrote.
If General Buhari after being a former Military
Sole Administrator of a State, Former Commissioner of Petroleum ( the same as a
Minister ), Former GOC Jos Armoured Division,
Former Maximum Military Dictator and Former
PTF Executive Chairman (he got a commitment of
non interference from Abacha) would claim he
cannot pay his Abuja house rent, has only one
million Naira in his bank account and borrowed
money to buy his APC Presidential form,
then he has to answer the following:
In a Sun Newspaper interview of December 24, 2012, Buhari agreed that he had four houses.
One duplex in Kaduna, one duplex in Daura, one duplex in Abuja and another duplex in Lagos but with the caveat that he borrowed money from his bank to build the houses.
Okay Sir, how did you pay back the loans? What collateral did you use to secure the loans?
Why go rent a duplex in ASOKORO when you own a house there? Who is staying in the house you
I know the Federal government gives you cars as a former Head of State, gives you welfare
packages for medical expenses and others
annually and the sum is paid quarterly starting
from 2005 when the total annual welfare
budgeted was N140 million, 2006 - N105 million,
2008 - N24 million, 2010 - N250 million Naira
(none was paid in 2007 & 2009) and from 2013 it
was increased with each ex leader getting N23
million monthly. Now Sir, with all these money,
how come you have only N1 million Naira in your
Are you a spendthrift Sir?
Why have you not open an investment or Foundation that will employ at least 20 Nigerians?
Sir, you once said General Abacha never stole!
Sir, do you define stealing along ethno-religious
The questions are plethora but your e-Voltrons can start answering these ones first. We will do it
in stages.

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