Tuesday 23 December 2014

Moses Otolorin passes on

Odegbami, Alam Hawkes mourn him

Joe Apu
The Nigeria football family has again been thrown into mourning following the death of former IICC Shooting Stars of Ibadan striker, Moses Otolorin who passed on yesterday morning. He reportedly died of renal failure in Ilorin where he had been living since his active playing days.
His demise came less than a month after the death of former Stationery Stores of Lagos legend, Yomi Peters who was buried at the weekend.
The Shooting Stars stocky and power-built centre forward’s death makes him the sixth member of the 1976 heroic IICC Shooting Stars squad to have died. He was noted for his powerful shots and long throw in and scored more than half of the 15 goals the Shooting Stars had in winning the African Winners Cup in 1976.
His long throw in was a great asset to the Shooting Stars’ winning of the Africa Winners Cup in 1976, especially in the semi final clash with Zamalek of Egypt and later, in the opening goal against the Roger Milla-inspired Tonnerre Kalara of Cameroun.
He spoke on phone last Thursday evening to Kunle Solaja, the General Editor of The Sun Newspapers Limited.
The late Otolorin’s team mate, Segun Odegbami while reacting to the news described him as a fantastic footballer. “He was my team mate in IICC, my friend and strike partner. I knew he was sick and we even spoke last week but his death is a big tragedy for us. This is a big reminder to us all that as we grow older, we’ll surely go someday.”
Odegbami, recalled that even Alan Hawkes then coach of the IICC had described him as the best striker he had ever seen. “There was a goal he scored that left our coach shocked and he described him as one of the best strikers he has seen even better than Pele.”
Hawkes on his part, in an email to Ayo Ademokoya, a freelance writer with the Sun newspapers stated thus: “What terrible news to hear Moses has died. I received an email from him just 3 days ago, in fact he sent two photographs of himself, in action, on the football field and I e-mailed him back to ask how he was getting on and tell me about his family.
I was so looking forward to hearing his reply.
What a terrible shame, he was such a lovely lad and one of the easiest of human beings to get along with. I was not aware of his cancer and I would like you to pass on my condolences to the members of his family.
He was a fantastic player and a genuinely nice man. God bless him and may he rest in peace. So  sorry.”
Before Otolorin’s death, five other members of the squad that won the first continental honors for Nigeria had died. They were Folorunsho Gambari (1982), Muda Lawal (1991), Best Ogedegbe (2009), Joe Appiah (2012) and Skipper Sam Ojebode (2012).

Moses Otolorin passes on

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