Saturday 28 February 2015


NORTHERN NIGERIA GREEDY OR SELFISH? Out of 36 states in Nigeria, North has 19 States. 17 States left are for West, East and South. Inside these 36 States, there are 774 Local Government Areas, North has 445 LGA's, 329 Left are for West, East and South. From 1960 to 2015, Nigeria had had a total of 13 heads of state. Out of this figure, North produced 9 heads of State, the remaining 4 heads of state are from West, East and South. Nigeria's 54yrs of self-rule, North ruled 39Yrs out of it whilst the remaining 15yrs were ruled by West, East and South. Out of this figures, a sane man from either West, East or South would know the right candidate to vote, but its unfortunate that some people from these places are simply UNREASONABLE especially that Governor in Rivers and his accomplice in Imo. If you MUST vote, please vote wisely

PDP Alleges Osinbajo May Resign to Pave Way for Tinubu after election if APC wins

Scannews The PDP Presidential Campaign Organisation on Friday said that it believed the APC vice presidential candidate, Prof. Yemi Osibanjo, might resign as vice president, if the APC wins the presidential election, for Bola Ahmed Tinubu to step into his shoes and eventually become president should Buhari die from in view of his perceived health status. It hinged its speculation on an alleged video footage of the former running mate to General Muhammadu Buhari in 2011, Pastor Tunde Bakare, that there had been a plot to have him relinquish his position had Buhari won but that he resisted the pressure to get him to sign an undertaking to that effect. Addressing a press conference on Friday, Fani- Kayode by this supposed plan, Tinubu wanted to become President through the back door, thus seizing the presidency of Nigeria by subterfuge. According to him, "You will recall how Senator Tinubu wanted to be running mate to General Muhammadu Buhari in spite of the nationwide resentment for Muslim-Muslim ticket that he and General Buhari planned to foist on their party men and women. Senator Tinubu had justified the ticket by saying that competence was the important thing and not the issue of religion. "But when he and General Buhari could not push through the agenda within the APC, he (Senator Tinubu), after being given the opportunity to nominate a vice presidential candidate, decided to prop up his stooge in the person of Prof Osinbajo. "Now the real reason Senator Tinubu nominated Osinbajo has been made known to us and we hereby offer a public service to the Nigerian people by drawing national attention to it. Credible pieces of information at our disposal indicate that Tinubu has perfected plans to come to power through the back door. He further said, "It will interest you to know that our information is strengthened by the very similar act of resignation which Senator Tinubu had planned to force on Pastor Tunde Bakare which you can all watch now. "We will like to show to you some footage that is on YOUTUBE of Pastor Bakare’s interview where he openly admitted that he refused to sign a resignation letter that would have seen him hand over his vice presidential position had General Buhari been successful in his presidential campaign in 2011.” He showed a video clip to justify his claims. Thisday

SGF, Anyim, Metuh bribed lawmakers to impeach me - Governor Elechi

By Emmanuel Uzodinma Embattled Governor of Ebonyi State, Chief Martin Elechi has accused Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF), Chief Anyim Pius Anyim, Deputy National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Uche Secondus and National Publicity Secretary of PDP, Olisa Metu of masterminding the impeachment plot against him. The allegation is coming on the hills of impeachment notice served on him, Friday, by the Ebonyi House of Assembly for alleged gross misconduct. In an eight count charge signed by fifteen lawmakers and read on the floor of the House by the Acting Leader, Ogbonnaya Nwifuru, the lawmakers declared that the alleged gross misconduct was a clear violation of the constitution, which prompted them to endorse the notice of impeachment on the governor. Elechi has been in a running battle with the PDP stakeholders in the State, including Anyim and former Governor Sam Egwu. However, while addressing journalists at the Executive Council Chambers of Government House Abakaliki, Governor Elechi alleged that Anyim, Secondus, Metu and others within and outside the state offered financial inducement to the lawmakers to impeach him. He said that the SGF, Anyim had earlier during a national caucus meeting of PDP at Abuja moved a motion for his impeachment on the allegation that he, Elechi, was working against the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan, and that he had been meeting with former President, Olusegun Obasanjo and former Governor of Adamawa State, Murtala Nyako to work against President Jonathan. Elechi while denying ever meeting with Chief Obasanjo, whom he described as an-in-law of Ebonyi state, or Nyako, whom he said he saw last during expanded national executive council meeting of PDP before he was impeached, asserted that it was Anyim and his likes, through their divisive activities, that were diminishing the President Jonathan’s campaign effort in the state. “I mentioned this one of Anyim’s motion (at PDP caucus meeting) because it has come to the public domain. I was to be in that meeting but the notice came less than 24 hours and I had billed myself for other things, so I didn’t attend. I’m relying now on the publications of various papers and other things I hear about Anyim. I didn’t exhaust all of them like his effort to stop the bond which we are eminently qualified for, he tried that but he failed. “It is interesting for Nigerians to know that the decision to impeach the Governor preceded the finding of justifiable reasons to do so. It is simply the case of giving a dog a bad name in order to hang it. “The legislator must be convinced that an impeachment is justifiable before he or she can consent to it. But because there have been no justifiable reasons, many honourable members of Ebonyi State House of Assembly received threat messages to either append their signatures or risk assassination and/or a kidnap of their family members. “Others are coerced from the National Headquarters of the PDP to give their bank particulars so that (inducement) money will be paid into them. The accused agents in this regard are, respectively, Uche Secondus (Deputy National Chairman) and Olisa Metu (National Publicity Secretary). In consequence of the foregoing many Hon. Members of Ebonyi State House of Assembly have either fled the state or are in hiding,” he alleged. Elechi blamed his ordeal to the controversy surrounding the PDP primaries in November/ December 2014, which he said led to large number of PDP members moving enmass to the Labour Party (LP), even as he reiterated his earlier stand that nobody can beat a child and stop him from crying. He said that the SGF had been using the federal power to terrorise his administration with EFCC and ICPC, who arrest and detain government officials and his son and eventually froze the account of Ebonyi State/Local Government Joint Account, even before the conclusion of their investigation. Elechi said that he was supposed to be the chairman of Presidential Campaign committee of President Jonathan in the state but he was denied campaign materials including TAN rice and N80 million which was paid into the personal account of former Minister of Culture and Tourism, Amb Frank Ogbuewu. Souce: Ebonyi voice

Friday 27 February 2015

Northern elders endorse Jonathan for second term

George Agba — Feb 27, 2015 The Northern Elders Council (NEC) has endorsed President Goodluck Jonathan and his running mate, Vice President Namadi Sambo for a second term in office. The elders led by their Chairman and elder statesman, Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, made their intention known yesterday when they paid a courtesy visit to Jonathan at the presidential villa, Abuja. Yakasai said the NEC opted for the Jonathan/ Sambo because they offer the best prospects for continuous and sustained development, peace, unity and stability of the country. According to him, despite the numerous social and security challenges, Jonathan through his resilience, steadfastness, and patriotism competed with his focused leadership has held the country together. He noted that the president matched the country to greater heights through the faithful implementation of the administration’s Transformation Agenda. He added that the NEC acknowledges the administration’s remarkable development of the Northern part of the country, particularly in the construction of over 120 Almajiri Schools, Girl Child Schools in 13 states, nine new universities, massive dam and irrigation projects, expansion of railways and numerous projects. He also disclosed that the NEC was particularly delighted with the synergy between Jonathan and Sambo, whom they described as “our distinguished son and leader.” Responding, Sambo told the elders that they took a wise decision by endorsing the re- election bid of Jonathan for a second term in the March 28 presidential election. Sambo expressed delight with the show of love and support by the NEC, under the Chairmanship of Yakasai. Source:Leadership newspaper

Ebonyi house serves Elechi impeachment notice

February 27 The Ebonyi State House of Assembly on Friday served Governor Martins Elechi an impeachment notice. It is alleging misappropriation of state funds by the governor, among other sundry charges. At plenary, Ogbonnaya Francis Nwifruru, acting majority leader of the House, read out a list of offences and complaints against the governor. The House last

Thursday 26 February 2015

US-led strikes on IS after group seizes 220 Christians

By Mohamad Ali Harissi 22 minutes ago A French Navy Hawkeye reconnaissance plane prepares to take off from the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle in the Gulf on February 24, 2015 as part of a campaign against the Islamic State group . Beirut (AFP) - The US-led coalition carried out air strikes Thursday against the Islamic State group in northeastern Syria, where the jihadists have launched a new offensive and kidnapped 220 Assyrian Christians. The raids struck areas around the town of Tal Tamr in Hasakeh province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, without giving information on possible casualties. They followed the launch Monday of a new offensive by IS, which kidnapped the Assyrians as it seized territory around Tal Tamr. The town remains under the control of Kurdish forces, but at least 10 surrounding villages have been seized by IS, along with the captives. Many of those abducted are said to be women, children or elderly. The Observatory said negotiations were ongoing "through mediators from Arab tribes and a member of the Assyrian community" to secure their release. The IS offensive has killed at least 35 jihadists and 25 members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and of an Assyrian defence force, according to the Observatory. View gallery A Syrian Christan priest performs a mass at the Greek … A Syrian Christan priest performs a mass at the Greek Orthodox church in Aleppo (AFP Photo/Joseph Ei … - Thousands flee IS advance - The fighting and kidnappings prompted around 5,000 people to flee the countryside, with many seeking refuge in Qamishli, a large city in the province that is controlled by Kurdish and regime forces. "We've received around 200 families who are being hosted in local homes," Jean Tolo, of Qamishli's Assyrian Organisation for Relief and Development, told AFP. "The people arriving are desperate. They are coming with nothing, they left everything behind." Others made their way to Hasakeh city, the provincial capital, describing harrowing journeys after fleeing in their pyjamas. The United States and United Nations denounced the mass abduction of Christians -- the first of its kind in the country -- and demanded their release. View gallery Islamic State militants are purportedly seen on a road … Islamic State militants are purportedly seen on a road between Iraq's Nineveh province and the S … "ISIL's latest targeting of a religious minority is only further testament to its brutal and inhumane treatment of all those who disagree with its divisive goals and toxic beliefs," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, using another acronym for IS. Osama Edward, director of the Assyrian Human Rights Network, told AFP Wednesday he believed the abductions were linked to the jihadists' recent loss of ground in the face of US-led air raids. "They took the hostages to use them as human shields," he said. The jihadists, who are battling Kurdish fighters on the ground, may try to exchange the Assyrians for IS prisoners, he said. Before Syria's civil war erupted in 2011, there were 30,000 Assyrians in the country, among an estimated Christian population of about 1.2 million. - IS militant identified - View gallery 'Jihadi John', named as London man Mohammed … 'Jihadi John', named as London man Mohammed Emwazi was identified to the Washington Post by … IS is accused of multiple abuses against minorities in the areas under its control in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. Last week, a video emerged showing its fighters in Libya beheading 21 Christians, most of them Egyptian Copts. Such grisly videos have become a hallmark of the group, with one British-accented militant from the organisation appearing in multiple videos showing killings of foreign hostages. On Thursday, experts and media identified the man dubbed "Jihadi John" by the British tabloids as Kuwaiti-born London computer programmer Mohammed Emwazi. He was first named by the BBC and Washington Post, with the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation think tank saying it believed the identity to be "accurate and correct." More than 210,000 people have been killed since Syria's war began in March 2011. The conflict began with peaceful pro-democracy protests against President Bashar al-Assad but escalated into a civil war that brought foreign jihadists flocking to the country. In other developments, UN peace envoy Staffan de Mistura is expected in Damascus Friday for talks about a new plan for a six-week freeze of fighting in Aleppo, Syria's Al-Watan newspaper said reported. The envoy said earlier this month that Damascus was willing to suspend aerial bombardment and artillery fire on the city for six weeks. A group of French lawmakers met with Assad on an unofficial trip on Wednesday, drawing criticism from French President Francois Hollande. "I condemn it because French lawmakers have taken it upon themselves to meet with a dictator who is the cause of one of the worst civil wars of recent years," Hollande said.

Ebola crisis: Sierra Leone's Augustine Baker dies

Augustine Baker (January 2015) Augustine Baker's role in tackling the Ebola virus has been widely admired Why Ebola is dangerous Year of Ebola Mapping the outbreak The basics A Sierra Leonean who worked with children orphaned by Ebola has died of the disease himself. Augustine Baker had been admitted to an Ebola treatment centre after becoming ill last week. He had worked for an orphanage run by a UK charity on the outskirts of Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown. Thirty-three children and seven staff at the St George Foundation orphanage have been in quarantine since Mr Baker was diagnosed with the deadly virus. Ebola has killed more than 9,500 people in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Jump media player Media player help Out of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue. The BBC's Tulip Mazumdar reported from St George Foundation orphanage last month But in recent weeks, the crisis has eased and the governments of the three countries have pledged to achieve zero Ebola infections within the next two months. line Umaru Fofana, BBC Africa, Freetown Augustine Baker was an unsung hero. At the height of the Ebola crisis he would go into high-risk communities to help children who had been orphaned by the disease. With his backpack on and his notebook and pen handy, Mr Baker would collect data and go and find the children to take them to the orphanage. His colleagues, who are locked in quarantine at the orphanage, were grieving as news of his death broke. Jestina Conteh was sobbing as she spoke to me on the phone. He said Mr Baker was "a dedicated colleague who never said 'No' in search of Ebola orphans". line When Mr Baker was diagnosed with Ebola, orphanage co-founder Philip Dean said he had "worked tirelessly to help children orphaned by the disease". "He knew that he was at risk but did the job because it needed to be done," Mr Dean added. The orphanage was set up in 2004 and, until the Ebola outbreak, was mainly concerned with rescuing street children. In the last year it has helped care for some 200 children orphaned by Ebola. Ebola deaths Figures up to 22 February 2015 9,604 Deaths - probable, confirmed and suspected (Includes one in the US and six in Mali) 4,037 Liberia 3,461 Sierra Leone 2,091 Guinea 8 Nigeria Source: WHO

IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London

The masked militant first appeared in numerous gruesome videos put out by Islamic State, as Lucy Manning reports Continue reading the main story Islamic State The masked Islamic State militant known as "Jihadi John", who has been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of Western hostages, has been named. He is Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British man in his mid-20s from west London, who was previously known to British security services. They chose not to disclose his name earlier for operational reasons. Emwazi first appeared in a video last August, when he apparently killed the American journalist James Foley. He was later thought to have been pictured in the videos of the beheadings of US journalist Steven Sotloff, British aid worker David Haines, British taxi driver Alan Henning, and American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known as Peter. (Clockwise from left) James Foley, Abdul-Rahman (Peter) Kassig, Alan Henning, Kenji Goto and Steven Sotloff (Clockwise from left) Islamic State victims James Foley, Abdul-Rahman (Peter) Kassig, Alan Henning, Kenji Goto and Steven Sotloff 'The Beatles' In each of the videos, the militant appeared dressed in a black robe with a black balaclava covering all but his eyes and top of his nose. Speaking with a British accent, he taunted Western powers before holding his knife to the hostages' necks, appearing to start cutting before the film stopped. The victims' decapitated bodies were then shown. Earlier this month, the militant featured in a video in which the Japanese journalist Kenji Goto appeared to be beheaded. Hostages released by IS said he was one of three British jihadists guarding Westerners abducted by the group in Syria. They were known collectively as "the Beatles". line Analysis: Dominic Casciani, BBC News We don't know exactly when the British or the American security services worked out that the masked man in the killing videos was Londoner Mohammed Emwazi - and nobody in official security circles is going to comment on how they got to that conclusion. But we do know that he was, to use the jargon, a "person of interest" to MI5 going back to at least 2010 because he features in semi-secret court cases relating to extremism overseas and back in the UK. UK court documents relating to Mohammed Emwazi A UK court document said Mohammed Emwazi was part of an extremist network linked to al-Shabab Emwazi has been previously described as a member of a network involving at least 13 men from London - and at least two of them were subjected to house arrest control orders or T-Pims. One absconded. Another was killed in a drone strike. The chances of Emwazi ever returning to the UK are vanishingly small. Profile: Mohammed Emwazi Follow Dominic at @BBCDomC line Emwazi is understood to be about 27 years of age. Friends told the Washington Post that he was raised in a middle class area of West London and studied computer programming at the University of Westminster. He would on occasion pray at a mosque in Greenwich, they said. The university confirmed Emwazi had left six years ago, adding: "If these allegations are true, we are shocked and sickened." Emwazi's friends told the Washington Post they believed he started to be radicalised after travelling to Tanzania in May 2009 following his graduation. Journalists gathered outside a home in west London where Mohammed Emwazi is believed to have once lived Journalists gathered outside a home in London where Mohammed Emwazi is believed to have once lived He and two friends had planned to go on a safari, but once they landed in Dar es Salaam, they were detained by police and held overnight, they said. Emwazi then ended up flying to Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, where he claimed to be met by British intelligence agents from MI5 who accused him of trying to travel to Somalia, where the jihadist group al-Shabab operates. He denied the accusation and said the agents had tried to recruit him before allowing him to return to the UK. The incident is apparently described in a report published the following year by the Independent. It identified Emwazi as Muhammad ibn Muazzam. 'Live investigation' Emwazi later moved to Kuwait, where he got a job at a computer company. But on a visit to London in 2010, he was detained by British counter-terrorism officials and prevented from flying back to Kuwait, his friends said. It is believed he was known to security services in the UK and the US before leaving for Syria and was linked to a man with connections to al-Shabab, says the BBC's Dominic Casciani. Foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq "I had a job waiting for me and marriage to get started," Emwazi wrote in a June 2010 email. "[But now] I feel like a prisoner, only not in a cage, in London," he added, "a person imprisoned and controlled by security service men, stopping me from living my new life in my birthplace and country, Kuwait." The Washington Post said Emwazi was believed to have travelled to Syria around 2012 and later joined Islamic State, which has declared the creation of a "caliphate" in the large swathes of Syria and neighbouring Iraq it controls. British police declined to comment on the reports, citing the "live counter-terrorism investigation". A spokeswoman for Prime Minister David Cameron would not confirm or deny reports that Emwazi was Jihadi John, adding that the police and security services were working hard to find those responsible for the murder of the British hostages. A White House spokeswoman referred journalists to the UK authorities. The BBC's Rajini Vaidyanathan in Washington says the FBI went on record last September to confirm it knew who Jihadi John was. However, US officials said this month they would not name him as they believed this would be the best strategy for finding him and bringing him to justice. The London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation said it believed the identification to be accurate. It said that the naming of Emwazi showed that "whatever efforts are made, the ability to mask one's identity is limited or in fact impossible". line Jihadi John sightings August 2014: Video in which US journalist James Foley is apparently beheaded 2 September 2014: Video in which US journalist Steve Sotloff is apparently beheaded 13 September 2014: Video in which British aid worker David Haines is apparently beheaded October 2014: Video in which British aid worker Alan Henning is apparently beheaded November 2014: Video in which Jihadi John is shown killing a Syrian soldier in a mass beheading, which also shows body of US aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, also known as Peter Kassig 20 January 2015: Video in which Jihadi John is seen standing alongside two Japanese hostages and demanding a ransom in exchange for their release 31 January 2015: Video released appearing to show Jihadi John beheading Japanese hostage Kenji Goto

We Created Room for Vibrant Opposition, Says Jonathan

26 Feb 2015 Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator Anyim Pius Anyim Insists elections cannot be won through propaganda UNIPORT alumni, NANS declare support for Jonathan, students hold endorsement rally next week By Damilola Oyedele and Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja The current administration is responsible for creating an environment for a vibrant opposition to thrive due to the realisation that democracy can only be expanded and deepened if there is room for all citizens to assert their democratic rights. Despite the enabling environment for the opposition, the upcoming elections cannot be won through propaganda which the opposition parties seemed to have embarked on. This was the position of President Goodluck Jonathan, when he spoke at the presidential dinner held in his honour by the University of Port Harcourt Alumni Association in Abuja Tuesday night. The president is a member of the pioneer class of 81 of the University. Represented by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, the president noted that his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is not bothered about the rising opposition movement in the country. “…And that is why today, at times, people wonder or bother about the opposition activities and movements. We created it. We simply thought that except the political space is expanded, we are not heading for democracy. That except you allow people to strongly and firmly assert their democratic rights, participate in democratic process and indeed, enjoy it with confidence, that one day, we will pay for it,” he said. “I want to assure you tonight that the opposition movement as it were today, owe their existence and indeed, their activities to President Goodluck Jonathan. The enhanced political environment is what the opposition is enjoying. If they abuse it, do not mind. It does not matter. It does not challenge us. When the opposition try to make so much noise, one thing we know is that you cannot win election in Nigeria through propaganda,” Jonathan added. The president reiterated that he has no plans to perpetually remain in power, but only seeks to ensure wider participation in the political arena. He added that his transformation agenda had introduced and implemented reforms and policies that would secure Nigeria’s future. The president, whose visit was highly anticipated at the dinner could not make it following the bomb blasts that rocked Kano and Potiskum, Yobe State, on Tuesday, and his attendance at the burial of the 11 female politicians who died recently in an auto accident after visiting the First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan. Speaking further in his personal capacity, Anyim recalled that he encountered three Presidents: President Olusegun Obasanjo, late President Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua and now President Jonathan. Of the three, he credited the Jonathan’s administration with properly instituting the fundamentals of democracy. “My tenure as Senate President was greeted by the struggle to guarantee the independence of democracy. Under Jonathan, I played a role in the democratisation process of our polity, which is actually the content that democracy brings to what one asks for. If you do not have the freedom to speak, the basic idea of achieving the fundamentals will be lacking,” he said. The Minister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, who chaired the occasion, called on Nigerians to judge the administration of President Jonathan fairly, as he, Jonathan, not only ensured access to education, he also raised the quality of education obtainable. He added that with the number of academics who have been sponsored to study abroad under various schemes, the target is that all lecturers in the tertiary education sector would have minimum of doctoral degrees, in no distant future. Shekarau listed some of the achievements in the education sector in recent times to include the construction and equiping of 130 Almajiri schools, establishment of 12 new universities to ensure federal presence in every state of the federation, and provision of research grants for lectures. The president of the UniPort Alumni Association, Mr. Sampson Ngerebara, in his welcome address, said President Jonathan’s achievements in various sectors such as aviation, education, agriculture, oil and gas, power and others have touched and improved the lives of Nigerians. He added that the president remained focused in spite of local and international attacks on his person. “It is not advisable to change a winning horse in the battlefield, Nigeria cannot afford to change you now,” Ngerebara said and urged Nigerians to return the President for a second term in the forth coming elections. Meanwhile, as the rescheduled general election draws closer, the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) on the same day declared support for President Jonathan’s re-election bid as it plans to hold an endorsement rally next week. At a one-day national students solidarity parley organised by the students’ body in support of President Jonathan with the theme: ‘Transformation Agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan Administration,’ it said, it was determined to prove that the Nigerian students have the capacity to make or mar who the next president of the country is. Speaking at the event, the National President of NANS, Tijani Usman, said, the country has witnessed different kind of leadership in the country and as such, the country ought to have been more developed than this, but however expressed confidence in the present administration through the transformation agenda of the president. Usman stated that there were various polling units at various campuses and that NANS would do everything humanly possible to ensure that their votes are protected. “Our students will be in school and will man over 2,000 polling units across various campuses. We will make decision to stand firmly on free and fair election, we will stand firmly on one man, one vote.” The president emphasised that past administration inherited the crisis of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), but shifted it further to this present administration before the issue of ASUU was laid to rest. “On that note, Nigerian students say kudos to Mr. President. We are here to tell Mr. President to ‘carry go’. We want to convey a message that the Nigerian students will have a final student endorsement voting mobilisation campaign within the next one week where millions of Nigerian students will converge at Eagle Square to display and prove their capacity that Nigerian students will make a difference in this coming dispensation,” he noted. Usman therefore urged the president to resolve the impending ASUP strike, stressing that the students’ body to would not want to witness another industrial action. He said: “Extend a Needs assessment to our counterpart, the polytechnic students. The federal government should look into the problem with ASUP and the COASUP, at this critical time, we don’t want to embark on a fresh strike, so what is done to the ASUU, should equally be extended to the ASUP and the COASUP, because in this issue, it will cause disaffection among the students because an injury to one Nigerian student is an injury to all.” The president appealed to the federal government to resolve the issue in the next one or two weeks.
26 Feb 2015 By Ademola Babalola in Ibadan Prominent Yoruba leaders from across the six states in the South-west geo-political zone of the country will today converge on Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, to deliberate on the National Conference held last year in Abuja. Notable leaders expected at the second in the series of post-National Conference deliberations called to review the conference’s position as it affects the Yoruba race, include Chief Olu Falae, Chief Reuben Fasonranti, Chief Ayo Adebanjo, Chief Olanihun Ajayi, Chief Dapo Shonibare, and Chief Korede Duyile. Others expected at the event include Presidential Advisory Committee on the National Conference Senator Femi Okunrounmu, Dr. Kunle Olajide of Yoruba Unity Group, Chairman Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN), Dr. Fredrick Fasehun, Coordinator of Odua Peoples Congress (OPC), Chief Gani Adams, Afenifere Secretary, Yinka Odumakin, Prof. Dupe Olatubosun and Yoruba delegates to the conference. The summit, which is billed for the Premier Hotel, Mokola, Ibadan, is coming exactly a week after the first edition in Akure last Thursday, where President Goodluck Jonathan was endorsed for a second term in office for the primary reason of implementing the report of the conference. Participants at the summit were unanimous in insisting that the only genuine change the nation craves for now is that of the constitution and not of personality at the helms of the country’s affair. They therefore resolved to work assiduously to ensure that the conference’s recommendations get translated to concrete realities and thus threw their weight behind President Jonathan’s re-election. The convener of the summit and Governor of Ondo State, Dr. Olusegun MImiko, said the basis for the summit is basically to call for the implementation of the confab being the only solution to the challenges confronting the nation. Mimiko posited that the confab report when implemented, would create room for each state to have its own constitution, its own police force, its own prison service, can create its own local governments, can build its own airports, seaports and railways. Mimiko said in addition “In the economic domain, solid minerals that had been the exclusive preserve of the federal government since independence, have now been brought to the concurrent list, adding that “States can now create employment and develop at their own pace. With all that, it liberates everybody, it opens up the political space.” For these reasons, he stressed, “in a rational and reasonable society like ours, I don’t expect anything less than the enthusiasm in wanting to implement the report.” He said he believes that the president, who set up the conference, wanted a transformed Nigeria, adding that the summit is only reacting to the call of the National Conference delegates that the people of Nigeria have great roles to play in implementing the report.

Housewife, 18, Slaughters Husband in Kano

26 Feb 2015 By Ibrahim Shuaibu in Kano A newly-wedded 18-year-old girl, Rahma Hussaini, on Wednesday killed her 24-year-old husband, Basiru Tijjani after a minor dispute between the duo. Police spokesman in Kano, ASP Musa Magaji Majia, confirmed the tragic incident, revealing that “At about 10hrs, one Rahma Hussaini of Darmunawa quarters stabbed her husband, one Tijjani M. Basiru on his stomach with a knife and was rushed to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. Majia said the victim of the attack was confirmed dead at the hospital, adding that the female suspect had been taken into custody. The police spokesman said the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team have taken over the murder case and with the mandate to unravel the mystery behind the dastardly act. An eyewitness, Adamu Alhassan, said: “We heard the marriage was a product of forced marriage.” He narrated: “We were alarmed by a frightening scream of a subdued man in need of rescue and we rushed to discover that the man of the house was in his pool of his blood.” Adamu added: “Neighbours were mobilised and took the groom to the hospital before he was confirmed dead on arrival by doctors.” Kogi Central Leaders Condemn Rising Crime in Their Area Leaders of Kogi Central senatorial sone met weekend in Abuja to express serious concern about rising crime in their community. The meeting, which was convened by the Kogi Central Advancement Initiative, took place three days before the kidnapping of an American missionary on Tuesday. It was attended by a cross-section of critical stakeholders of Ebira polity, traditional rulers, political leaders, retired top military/para military personnel, academia, captains of industry, youths and women groups. “We strongly condemn the random assassinations, kidnappings and armed robberies in the area. We are concerned that there has not been effective intervention by the security agents, the Nigeria Police in particular given their constitutional responsibilities”, the meeting said in a communique signed by Mohammed Aliyu, a retired banker, yesterday. “We note, sadly, that no suspect has been prosecuted by the security agents for these crimes to serve as deterrence to others. Also, there is a clear absence of effective leadership at the traditional, spiritual and political levels in the state. The resultant vacuum is today being filled by criminals who operate with impunity”, Aliyu added. The meeting called for the formation of community Vigilante groups and Community Security Committee, comprising credible retired military and paramilitary personnel, community leaders, women and youth, in each community. The leaders also tasked traditional rulers to hold regular consultations with their subjects. The various communities are to be encouraged to be very vigilant. In this regard, intelligence gathering towards better law enforcement was stressed. The imposition of curfew in volatile communities as and when appropriate, the leaders said, should be encouraged and supported by the local and state governments. A permanent ban on motor-cycle riders at night as done in many parts of Nigeria where motorcycle riders still operate, should also be imposed immediately. Other resolutions include an urgent need for a high-powered delegation to the Kogi State Government to present the security challenges in the community; the need for the Kogi State Government to implement, in full, the Government White Paper on all the crises in Kogi Central, especially the Report on the Reconciliation Committee for Ebiraland by the Gen. Chris Ali Panel; and the need for a meeting with the political party leaders in the area to canvass for peaceful elections. The meeting called for a critical review and modernization of the activities of traditional institutions. Such a review will take cognisance of the timing, location and rules governing participation in these festivals, especially as regards masquerade custodianship. The leaders also want quality representation at all levels of elective and appointive positions in the community. The dearth of quality political leadership is a serious concern. They resolved to liaise with other influential individuals of Ebira descent to get he Federal Government to establish a Military Command in the area.

Legislators Agree to Belt-tightening, Cut N’Assembly’s Budget by 25%

26 Feb 2015 • Senate slashes recurrent vote to N2.5tn in 2015 budget, raises capital spending to N700bn, scraps service wide vote By Ndubuisi Francis and Omololu Ogunmade in Abuja Towing the same path of the federal government to cut costs owing to dwindling oil revenue occasioned by low oil prices, the National Assembly, for the first time in years, has finally agreed to a 25 per cent cut in its annual budget of N150 billion. By acquiescing to the 25 per cent cut, the National Assembly will shed N37.5 billion of its annual budget, meaning that when the 2015 budget is finally passed, its budget will stand at N112.5 billion. A source privy to the negotiations between the National Assembly and the executive arm of government told THISDAY on Wednesday that the lawmakers finally agreed to the cut as part of their sacrifice to steer the economy out of the woods following a significant loss of government revenue to falling oil prices. Prior to their acceptance to slash their budget, the National Assembly’s budget was a no-go-area for the executive, which for years had allotted N150 billion to the legislature even when other MDAs (ministries, departments and agencies) of government were forced to accept budget cuts. The decision on the cut to the National Assembly’s budget was taken by the lawmakers before the commencement of plenary. THISDAY had exclusively reported on Wednesday that, while a majority of the lawmakers supported the cut in the National Assembly’s budget, some had kicked against it because they did not want to lose their privileges. Those who had kicked against the new $52 per barrel oil benchmark as well as the reduction in the National Assembly budget were also said to have demanded that the N50 billion allocated to constituency projects be paid instantly. In addition to the cut in the National Assembly’s budget, the executive had proposed a 25 per cent cut to the State House budget, and had made cuts to overseas travel and training programmes for public sector workers this year. Also, the Senate yesterday unanimously reduced the N2.616 trillion proposed for recurrent expenditure in the 2015 budget to N2.5 trillion and simultaneously raised the capital vote from the proposed N633 billion to N700 billion. The decision followed the presentation and adoption of the report of the joint National Assembly Committee on Finance and Appropriation on the Medium Term and Expenditure Framework presented by its Chairman, Senator Ahmed Makarfi. The Senate also drastically slashed the subsidy for petrol from the proposed N200 billion to N100 billion and reduced kerosene subsidy from N91 billion to N45.5 billion. It also slashed the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) allocation from N102 billion to N21 billion. In the same vein, the parliament cut the N411.8 billion statutory transfers proposed by the executive to N363.2 and increased non-oil revenue expectations from N3.539 trillion to N4.02 trillion. The report questioned further the rationale behind voting a whopping N360.9 billion as service wide votes in the budget. It also queried the allocation of N63 billion for the amnesty programme when the project is actually being financed by the Niger Delta Ministry. Makarfi also queried the classification of N22 billion as allocation for internal operations of the military under the service wide vote, noting that it should ordinarily be part of the Ministry of Defence budget. The former Kaduna governor also demanded the proper reclassification of pensions and gratuities under the service wide vote and suggested that the entire service wide vote be completely scrapped, as it was considered an avenue for leakages. The service wide vote is a major component of the annual budget belonging to ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) allegedly earmarked for contingencies. Senators, who spoke on the service wide vote, described the allocation as fake and nothing but an avenue to siphon funds. This allegation, for instance, came against the background that the budget for funding of the amnesty programme is domiciled in the Niger Delta Ministry. They also argued that the service wide vote window, said to have been created by the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo, has been used to perpetrate illegality and fraud. The Senate therefore resolved that henceforth, the votes should be cancelled and allocations under it appropriately directed. The Senate also formally ratified the $52 billion oil benchmark and exchange rate of N190 to $1 for the 2015 budget which it approved at its closed-door session on Tuesday. In his remarks, Senate President, David Mark, said budgetary allocations should cut across the three arms of government, noting that there is always talk of diversification of the economy at the beginning of every fiscal year without taking any steps thereafter. “What this clearly shows is that we all have to tighten our belts across the entire sectors of this government. We have for the last several years relied on oil as the main source of our revenue and I know that budget after budget, we say we will diversify the economy. “Every time this budget comes we will still be repeating the same thing. The impression I get from this is that those who are responsible for producing the draft merely go there and reproduce what they have been bringing up. “But I think they need to do a little more; they may not be able to forecast accurately. There are a few things I think we must get right. “The first thing is let there be a cut across board, the executive, the judiciary and the legislature and we are prepared to lead in this. The areas of leakages we must emphasise on them. The revenue generation and collection, we must make sure that we tighten. “What has impressed me with the entire discussion and debate is the fact that this has been non-partisan. Everybody has been very fair,” he said.

Minimah Visits Baga, Rewards Triumphant Soldiers with Promotion

26 Feb 2015 Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant-General Kenneth Minimah • Encourages displaced residents to return to vote By Michael Olugbode in Maiduguri Barely one week after the Nigerian military recaptured Baga in Borno State, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant-General Kenneth Minimah, on Wednesday said victory could still be achieved over the Boko Haram insurgents before the elections scheduled to start March 28. Minimah, who was in Baga town in Kukawa Local Government Area to boost the morale of the troops, said the Nigerian military would not rest until Boko Haram is completely flushed out of the North-east, promising that all officers and soldiers who participated in the recapture of Baga would be promoted. Baga was attacked for three successive days by the terrorists early last month, leading to its capture and death of hundreds of residents. Satellite imagery released by Amnesty International (AI) last month showed the level of destruction in Baga after the onslaught by the Islamist group. The COAS, who said he was impressed with what the troops had achieved, assured journalists in Maiduguri after his visit to Baga that the displaced residents of reclaimed communities could go back to vote during the general election. Minimah said: “It is achievable to end Boko Haram activities very soon because we are still within the six-week timeframe. But we should not see the six weeks as a final date for the end to hostilities. “This is a war and we will try and do whatever possible to liberate more areas so that displaced citizens can go and resettle and possibly vote during the elections.” In Baga, the COAS had told the troops that President Goodluck Jonathan and all Nigerians were proud of them. “My visit here is a confidence-building trip and is meant to inform you that all Nigerians are singing your praises for your courage and urge you to you keep up the tempo. You have made Nigerians proud. “From today, it will never be possible for the insurgents to take hold of any of our territories. Today it is going to be victory all the way because the war is almost ended. “From here we move to retake Gwoza, Marte and Madagali. With this, there is going to be no more Boko Haram; the slogan is ‘never again’ and even the president shares in this slogan,” he informed the troops. The COAS also announced that every soldier who had participated in the liberation of Baga would get instant promotion to the next rank. “As a way of commending your courage and patriotism, every soldier who participated in the Baga operation, whether dead or alive has been promoted to the next rank,” said Minimah. Expectedly, the officers and soldiers were jubilant as they conducted the COAS and his team to parts of the town where he inspected some of the weapons and vehicles seized from the dislodged terrorists.

Boko Haram: President Jonathan Sneaks into Yola, Visits Mubi

26 Feb 2015 President Goodluck Jonathan Daji Sani in Yola As part of efforts to fulfill his promise to Nigerians that his administration will flush out the Boko Haram insurgents before the coming general elections, President Goodluck Jonathan sneaked into Yola unannounced on Thursday and proceeded to Mubi to encourage soldiers of 155 Special Task Force battalion in Mubi town of Adamawa state. The president also paid a courtesy call on the Emir of Mubi, Alhaji Abubakar Isa, to sympathize with and strengthen the morale of the people of Mubi over the loss of their love ones and properties destroyed by the insurgents. The president who landed in Yola International Airport around 11 am amidst tight security boarded a helicopter to Mubi along with Service Chiefs and the Inspector General of Police. The president’s chopper landed at the Mubi army barracks from where the president took a ride to the emir's palace where he met the Emir and members of Mubi Emirate traditional council. A resident of Mubi, Idris Buba, said there was heavy security in Mubi during the president’s brief visit. "When the President and his entourage left the emir's palace, they headed to Vimtim village, the home town of Chief of Defence Staff, Chief Air Marshall Alex Badeh, who is also in the president entourage", Buba said. According to him, the president also held a closed door meeting with the three Service Chiefs who were already in Vimtim Village ahead of the president. Mubi is the second largest town in Adamawa and among those recently recaptured from Boko Haram by the military

Nigeria’s 2015 Polls Present Possibility of Violence - US

26 Feb 2015 US Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. James Entwistle *issues travel advisory to citizens Damilola Oyedele in Abuja The United States has said Nigeria’s upcoming elections, which are closely contested between the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressives Congress (APC), present a possibility of violence It therefore issued a travel advisory urging its citizens to remain cautions while travelling within Nigeria during the presidential and gubernatorial elections on March 28 and April 11, 2015. In the advisory placed on its website, the US Embassy in Abuja recalled that the 2011 polls, although they were largely peaceful,recorded violence in many northern states following the announcement of results in the presidential race. The presidential elections then were contested by the same primary actors in the 2015 polls - President Goodluck Jonathan, and General Muhammad Buhari (rtd). “The elections, originally scheduled for February 14 and February 28, were postponed for six weeks due to security concerns related to Boko Haram. This Travel Alert expires on May 25, 2015,” the advisory read. The advisory added that there is no reason to believe that US citizens would be specifically targeted in the event of election-related violence and called on the citizens to be careful during the election process, particularly in and around polling locations in the weeks before and after the elections. It also urged US citizens traveling to or residing in Nigeria to enrol in the Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) which provides latest security updates and makes it easier for them to be contacted by the nearest US Mission in event of an emergency.

Isis an Islamic sect killing Christains like cows in Iraq, what type of Religion is Islam? Islam is really demonic

Isis an Islamic sect killing Christains like cows in Iraq, what type of Religion is Islam? Islam is really demonic

Going toe-to-toe with Putin: British and US military put on show of strength 300 yards from Russian border Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Nato soldiers and armour took part in a military parade in Estonia It took place in the city of Narva, a few hundred yards away from Russia 100 British, Dutch, Spanish, Latvian and Lithuanian troops were present Two US armoured personnel carriers and Dutch tanks were also there Holding display in Narva was seen as a statement of intent by Nato Experts said it showed Nato is committed to defending Baltic States By Will Stewart and Ted Thornhill for MailOnline and Afp Published: 12:46 GMT, 25 February 2015 Nato forces put on a show of strength in Estonia, just yards from the Russian border, with troops, armoured personnel carriers and tanks forming a military parade. Around 100 British, Dutch, Spanish, Latvian and Lithuanian troops yesterday marched in the snow in the city of Narva, alongside some 1,300 Estonian soldiers, to mark the independence of the formerly Soviet-ruled republic, now a member of the European Union and Nato. Today Moscow responded by deploying thousands of soldiers on exercise just across Russia's borders with Estonia and Latvia. Russian President Vladimir Putin also lashed Ukraine's decision to cut off gas to its eastern regions, saying the move 'smacks of genocide'. Scroll down for video Nato forces put on a show of strength in Estonia, just yards from the Russian border, with troops, armoured personnel carriers and tanks forming a military parade. Pictured are US soldiers in M1126 Stryker armoured fighting vehicles +11 Nato forces put on a show of strength in Estonia, just yards from the Russian border, with troops, armoured personnel carriers and tanks forming a military parade. Pictured are US soldiers in M1126 Stryker armoured fighting vehicles A US armoured vehicle just yards away from the Russian border in Narva +11 A US armoured vehicle just yards away from the Russian border in Narva The display was held amid heightened tensions between Nato and Russia over Ukraine. Pictured are soldiers from the Netherlands in light tanks +11 The display was held amid heightened tensions between Nato and Russia over Ukraine. Pictured are soldiers from the Netherlands in light tanks The worsening tension across eastern Europe came as the U.S. bluntly accused Russia of 'lies' and Cold War-style propaganda over its involvement in the bloody conflict in east Ukraine which has claimed thousands of lives. Rhetoric was also hawkish in Estonia yesterday. 'History has taught us that if we do not defend ourselves, nobody else will,' General Riho Teras, Estonia's chief of staff, said at the parade. 'The events in Ukraine that have kept the entire world awake, demonstrate very clearly that we ourselves must maintain security,' he added. Putin this week began supplying gas direct to areas of eastern Ukraine which are now controlled by pro-Moscow rebels who are, the West allege, propped up by the Russian army. He lambasted Kiev for switching off gas to the region, notwithstanding Russian gas monopoly Gazprom's threat to cut Ukraine off entirely - a block which would affect Europe's pipeline supply. He lambasted Kiev for switching off gas to the region, even though Gazprom has threatened to block supplies to Ukraine, which could then hit Europe's pipeline deliveries. 'It's not enough that there's famine there and the OSCE has reported a humanitarian catastrophe, but then to switch off gas supplies too,' said Putin. 'What do you call that? That already smacks of genocide.' Estonian soldiers march in formation during a military parade on the occasion of Estonia's Independence Day, in Narva, Estonia - just 300 yards from the border with Russia +11 Estonian soldiers march in formation during a military parade on the occasion of Estonia's Independence Day, in Narva, Estonia - just 300 yards from the border with Russia Soldiers of the Royal Dutch Armed Forces march in formation during the annual parade SHARE PICTURE +11 Soldiers of the Royal Dutch Armed Forces march in formation during the annual parade Around 100 British, Dutch, Spanish, Latvian and Lithuanian troops marched in the snow in the city of Narva, alongside some 1,300 Estonian soldiers SHARE PICTURE +11 Around 100 British, Dutch, Spanish, Latvian and Lithuanian troops marched in the snow in the city of Narva, alongside some 1,300 Estonian soldiers The show of strength took place right on Putin's doorstep +11 The show of strength took place right on Putin's doorstep Hot on the heels of Nato's part in Estonia's Independence Day parade in Narva, 2,000 Russian soldiers swooped on Pskov, the Russian region bordering the tiny Baltic state. Some 500 units of equipment took part in the drills, which continue until Saturday with 1,500 paratroopers parachuting en masse to capture and destroy a fictional enemy's airfield. Read more:

Multinational Task Force, 28 Nations Unite To Fight Boko Haram

us-special-forces-training This week, military chiefs from Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, and Benin are reportedly meeting in Chad to put the finishing touches on their ground and air assault against Boko Haram, which is slated to start in earnest next month, according to various reports. RELATED: Nigerian Military Reclaim Massacred Town of Baga, Nearly 200 Return Home For the Multinational Joint Task Force, 3,500 soldiers will come from Nigeria and Chad, while 750 will come from Cameroon and Niger, and Benin will come in with the smallest contribution at 250. Already, the force has made major gains in recent weeks, with their recapturing of a number of key towns and villages in northeastern Nigeria. Military officials hope that the nearly 9,000-strong force will be enough to permanently stamp out Boko Haram. special forces training in chad Special forces training in Chad. The United States, Europe Chip In As unsuspecting cities and nations have been targeted by militants worldwide, both the United States and Europe have become increasingly committed to joining in on the fight against terrorism. The BBC’s Tomi Oladipo reports: [The joint task force] will also have the behind the scenes support of France, the former colonial power of all those helping Nigeria. The US has also promised to provide communication equipment and intelligence. This is much needed across the vast and arid Sahel where surveillance is difficult along porous borders. In addition, CNN reports that special forces units from 28 nations, including Belgium and Britain, are currently training the respective special forces units of the task force in Chad to give them an upper hand in fighting the insurgents. For example, soldiers are learning how to respond to vehicle ambushes and pick up wounded soldiers. Watch CNN’s video report on the nations working together here:


Arike Bello-Banky This certificate scandal of Maj-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari has really opened the eyes of many. Initially, some of us in the north thought that Goodluck Jonathan in his desperate move to remain in power beyond 2015 wants to use this certificate issue to shut out our champion, Buhari. But from every indication, the opposite is the case. It’s an understatement to say that I’m ashamed of being a Muslim and be supporting Buhari. Islam is not about lies and evil. Islam is a true religion based on peace and unity. For over a month, Buhari is yet to provide his certificate and remove the shame he has painted on us, his diehard supporters. I mean, how difficult is it for Buhari to instruct WAEC to send a copy of his certificate to INEC, not to Premium Times? Is this so difficult? He doesn’t need to travel to do this. The time he used in Press Conference is the same opportunity he would tell WAEC to kindly send his certificate to INEC. By so doing, the whole world would know that he is truly a man of integrity and incorruptible. Organizing a Press Conference with the aim to release a shabbily prepared Statement of Result is not ideal, especially when the CERTIFICATE is there with WAEC. Or is the Statement of Result more valuable than the CERTIFICATE? For 2 days now, I have thought about everything I held Buhari at high esteemed thinking that he was being victimized by the lucifers in PDP, but I was wrong. I have come to a solid conclusion that he has been lying to us, his ardent supporters. I am ashamed to say this, but I must say it. I must describe Buhari in 6 words: 1. FRAUD – he entered the army without any certificate but rose to the rank of Maj-General taking salaries and pensions which he didn’t merit. 2. COUPIST – he was the arrowhead in ousting Gowon in 1976 as well as Shagari in 1983. 3. LOOTER – I now believe the $2 billion in midland bank Fela sang about. 4. BIGOT – He jailed politicians that are not from his ethnic group or how could one explain why Shagari wasn’t jailed but Ekwueme was. He feels so proud that he executed 76% of PTF projects in the north, neglecting even our Muslim brothers and sisters in the Southwest. 5. LIAR – He maintains that Abacha didn’t steal just because he followed Abacha and looted Nigeria dry. He claims to have N1m in his bank account, yet his children are in the UK schooling where millions of naira are paid as Tuition fees. 6. FORGER – this one is causing me depression. I can’t believe that Buhari has no single certificate, instead of him to open up, he went and forged one. We have no option than to stick with Jonathan till 2019. Buhari has messed us up walahi!

"Even Ya'adua refused to sign the F.O.I bill because he knew how people can take advantage of it to throw all kinds of attack on the president or those in power. But Jonathan came and felt he has nothing to hide and signed it into law.

#‎Boris‬ M Madaki: Wrote.... GEJ I salute ur courage. No shaking!! APC has nothing but propaganda, blackmail and desperation. But they re trying so badly to portray GEJ as the demon while they re the angels. YET, Jonathan has still performed above average despite d APC created insecurity meant 4 distractions through military sabotage.


Permit me to start by thanking Chatham House for the invitation to talk about this important topic at this crucial time. When speaking about Nigeria overseas, I normally prefer to be my country’s public relations and marketing officer, extolling her virtues and hoping to attract investments and tourists. But as we all know, Nigeria is now battling with many challenges, and if I refer to them, I do so only to impress on our friends in the United Kingdom that we are quite aware of our shortcomings and are doing our best to address them. The 2015 general election in Nigeria is generating a lot of interests within and outside the country. This is understandable. Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and largest economy, is at a defining moment, a moment that has great implications beyond the democratic project and beyond the borders of my dear country. So let me say upfront that the global interest in Nigeria’s landmark election is not misplaced at all and indeed should be commended; for this is an election that has serious import for the world. I urge the international community to continue to focus on Nigeria at this very critical moment. Given increasing global linkages, it is in our collective interests that the postponed elections should hold on the rescheduled dates; that they should be free and fair; that their outcomes should be respected by all parties; and that any form of extension, under whichever guise, is unconstitutional and will not be tolerated. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War, democracy became the dominant and most preferred system of government across the globe. That global transition has been aptly captured as the triumph of democracy and the ‘most pre-eminent political idea of our time.’ On a personal note, the phased end of the USSR was a turning point for me. It convinced me that change can be brought about without firing a single shot. As you all know, I had been a military head of state in Nigeria for twenty months. We intervened because we were unhappy with the state of affairs in our country. We wanted to arrest the drift. Driven by patriotism, influenced by the prevalence and popularity of such drastic measures all over Africa and elsewhere, we fought our way to power. But the global triumph of democracy has shown that another and a preferable path to change is possible. It is an important lesson I have carried with me since, and a lesson that is not lost on the African continent. In the last two decades, democracy has grown strong roots in Africa. Elections, once so rare, are now so commonplace. As at the time I was a military head of state between 1983 and 1985, only four African countries held regular multi-party elections. But the number of electoral democracies in Africa, according to Freedom House, jumped to 10 in 1992/1993 then to 18 in 1994/1995 and to 24 in 2005/2006. According to the New York Times, 42 of the 48 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa conducted multi-party elections between 1990 and 2002. The newspaper also reported that between 2000 and 2002, ruling parties in four African countries (Senegal, Mauritius, Ghana and Mali) peacefully handed over power to victorious opposition parties. In addition, the proportion of African countries categorized as not free by Freedom House declined from 59% in 1983 to 35% in 2003. Without doubt, Africa has been part of the current global wave of democratisation. But the growth of democracy on the continent has been uneven. According to Freedom House, the number of electoral democracies in Africa slipped from 24 in 2007/2008 to 19 in 2011/2012; while the percentage of countries categorised as ‘not free’ assuming for the sake of argument that we accept their definition of “free” increased from 35% in 2003 to 41% in 2013. Also, there have been some reversals at different times in Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritania and Togo. We can choose to look at the glass of democracy in Africa as either half full or half empty. While you can’t have representative democracy without elections, it is equally important to look at the quality of the elections and to remember that mere elections do not democracy make. It is globally agreed that democracy is not an event, but a journey. And that the destination of that journey is democratic consolidation – that state where democracy has become so rooted and so routine and widely accepted by all actors. With this important destination in mind, it is clear that though many African countries now hold regular elections, very few of them have consolidated the practice of democracy. It is important to also state at this point that just as with elections, a consolidated democracy cannot be an end by itself. I will argue that it is not enough to hold a series of elections or even to peacefully alternate power among parties. It is much more important that the promise of democracy goes beyond just allowing people to freely choose their leaders. It is much more important that democracy should deliver on the promise of choice, of freedoms, of security of lives and property, of transparency and accountability, of rule of law, of good governance and of shared prosperity. It is very important that the promise embedded in the concept of democracy, the promise of a better life for the generality of the people, is not delivered in the breach. Now, let me quickly turn to Nigeria. As you all know, Nigeria’s fourth republic is in its 16th year and this general election will be the fifth in a row. This is a major sign of progress for us, given that our first republic lasted five years and three months, the second republic ended after four years and two months and the third republic was a still-birth. However, longevity is not the only reason why everyone is so interested in this election. The major difference this time around is that for the very first time since transition to civil rule in 1999, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is facing its stiffest opposition so far from our party the All Progressives Congress (APC). We once had about 50 political parties, but with no real competition. Now Nigeria is transitioning from a dominant party system to a competitive electoral polity, which is a major marker on the road to democratic consolidation. As you know, peaceful alternation of power through competitive elections have happened in Ghana, Senegal, Malawi and Mauritius in recent times. The prospects of democratic consolidation in Africa will be further brightened when that eventually happens in Nigeria. But there are other reasons why Nigerians and the whole world are intensely focussed on this year’s elections, chief of which is that the elections are holding in the shadow of huge security, economic and social uncertainties in Africa’s most populous country and largest economy. On insecurity, there is a genuine cause for worry, both within and outside Nigeria. Apart from the civil war era, at no other time in our history has Nigeria been this insecure. Boko Haram has sadly put Nigeria on the terrorism map, killing more than 13,000 of our nationals, displacing millions internally and externally, and at a time holding on to portions of our territory the size of Belgium. What has been consistently lacking is the required leadership in our battle against insurgency. I, as a retired general and a former head of state, have always known about our soldiers: they are capable, well trained, patriotic, brave and always ready to do their duty in the service of our country. You all can bear witness to the gallant role of our military in Burma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Darfur and in many other peacekeeping operations in several parts of the world. But in the matter of this insurgency, our soldiers have neither received the necessary support nor the required incentives to tackle this problem. The government has also failed in any effort towards a multi-dimensional response to this problem leading to a situation in which we have now become dependent on our neighbours to come to our rescue. Let me assure you that if I am elected president, the world will have no cause to worry about Nigeria as it has had to recently; that Nigeria will return to its stabilising role in West Africa; and that no inch of Nigerian territory will ever be lost to the enemy because we will pay special attention to the welfare of our soldiers in and out of service, we will give them adequate and modern arms and ammunitions to work with, we will improve intelligence gathering and border controls to choke Boko Haram’s financial and equipment channels, we will be tough on terrorism and tough on its root causes by initiating a comprehensive economic development plan promoting infrastructural development, job creation, agriculture and industry in the affected areas. We will always act on time and not allow problems to irresponsibly fester, and I, Muhammadu Buhari, will always lead from the front and return Nigeria to its leadership role in regional and international efforts to combat terrorism. On the economy, the fall in prices of oil has brought our economic and social stress into full relief. After the rebasing exercise in April 2014, Nigeria overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest economy. Our GDP is now valued at $510 billion and our economy rated 26th in the world. Also on the bright side, inflation has been kept at single digit for a while and our economy has grown at an average of 7% for about a decade. But it is more of paper growth, a growth that, on account of mismanagement, profligacy and corruption, has not translated to human development or shared prosperity. A development economist once said three questions should be asked about a country’s development: one, what is happening to poverty? Two, what is happening to unemployment? And three, what is happening to inequality? The answers to these questions in Nigeria show that the current administration has created two economies in one country, a sorry tale of two nations: one economy for a few who have so much in their tiny island of prosperity; and the other economy for the many who have so little in their vast ocean of misery. Even by official figures, 33.1% of Nigerians live in extreme poverty. That’s at almost 60 million, almost the population of the United Kingdom. There is also the unemployment crisis simmering beneath the surface, ready to explode at the slightest stress, with officially 23.9% of our adult population and almost 60% of our youth unemployed. We also have one of the highest rates of inequalities in the world. With all these, it is not surprising that our performance on most governance and development indicators (like Mo Ibrahim Index on African Governance and UNDP’s Human Development Index.) are unflattering. With fall in the prices of oil, which accounts for more than 70% of government revenues, and lack of savings from more than a decade of oil boom, the poor will be disproportionately impacted. In the face of dwindling revenues, a good place to start the repositioning of Nigeria’s economy is to swiftly tackle two ills that have ballooned under the present administration: waste and corruption. And in doing this, I will, if elected, lead the way, with the force of personal example. On corruption, there will be no confusion as to where I stand. Corruption will have no place and the corrupt will not be appointed into my administration. First and foremost, we will plug the holes in the budgetary process. Revenue producing entities such as NNPC and Customs and Excise will have one set of books only. Their revenues will be publicly disclosed and regularly audited. The institutions of state dedicated to fighting corruption will be given independence and prosecutorial authority without political interference. But I must emphasise that any war waged on corruption should not be misconstrued as settling old scores or a witch-hunt. I’m running for President to lead Nigeria to prosperity and not adversity. In reforming the economy, we will use savings that arise from blocking these leakages and the proceeds recovered from corruption to fund our party’s social investments programmes in education, health, and safety nets such as free school meals for children, emergency public works for unemployed youth and pensions for the elderly. As a progressive party, we must reform our political economy to unleash the pent-up ingenuity and productivity of the Nigerian people thus freeing them from the curse of poverty. We will run a private sector-led economy but maintain an active role for government through strong regulatory oversight and deliberate interventions and incentives to diversify the base of our economy, strengthen productive sectors, improve the productive capacities of our people and create jobs for our teeming youths. In short, we will run a functional economy driven by a worldview that sees growth not as an end by itself, but as a tool to create a society that works for all, rich and poor alike. On March 28, Nigeria has a decision to make. To vote for the continuity of failure or to elect progressive change. I believe the people will choose wisely. In sum, I think that given its strategic importance, Nigeria can trigger a wave of democratic consolidation in Africa. But as a starting point we need to get this critical election right by ensuring that they go ahead, and depriving those who want to scuttle it the benefit of derailing our fledgling democracy. That way, we will all see democracy and democratic consolidation as tools for solving pressing problems in a sustainable way, not as ends in themselves. Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in Africa: Nigeria’s Transition Permit me to close this discussion on a personal note. I have heard and read references to me as a former dictator in many respected British newspapers including the well regarded Economist. Let me say without sounding defensive that dictatorship goes with military rule, though some might be less dictatorial than others. I take responsibility for whatever happened under my watch. I cannot change the past. But I can change the present and the future. So before you is a former military ruler and a converted democrat who is ready to operate under democratic norms and is subjecting himself to the rigours of democratic elections for the fourth time. You may ask: why is he doing this? This is a question I ask myself all the time too. And here is my humble answer: because the work of making Nigeria great is not yet done, because I still believe that change is possible, this time through the ballot, and most importantly, because I still have the capacity and the passion to dream and work for a Nigeria that will be respected again in the comity of nations and that all Nigerians will be proud of. I thank you for listening.


by ‪#‎igbeke‬ (m): 4:23pm On Dec 26, 2014. "A Northerner Must Emerge President In 2015 Or Nigeria Will Divide. – Alhaji Lawal Kaita. – Alhaji Lawal Kaita, the close ally of former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, who famously promised in October 2010 that the North would make Nigeria ungovernable for President Jonathan if he won the 2011 election is again spitting fire. This time around he is insisting that a Northerner must emerge by 2015 or there would be no Nigeria. Kaita said “We hear rumours all over that Jonathan is planning to contest in 2015. Well, the north is going to be prepared if the country remains one. That is, if the country remains one, we are going to fight for it. If not, everybody can go his way,” he said in an interview in Katsina. Alhaji Lawal Kaita said the recent stand of the party on consensus was a total negation of the motive behind forming the party. It may be recalled that Alhaji Kaita had said in October 2010 that “The North is determined, if that happens, to make the country ungovernable for President Jonathan or any other Southerner who finds his way to the seat of power on the platform of the PDP against the principle of the party’s zoning policy”. Kaita, founding member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and close ally of former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar, had at that time warned that the North should not be blamed for the calamity that will befall the country, if Jonathan emerges President. Now, if Nigerians had thought that Kaita was joking, his own principal, former vice president, Atiku Abubakar, had come out openly on the 14th of December 2010 to say ” Let me again send another message to the leadership of our great country, especially the political leadership that those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.” I am one of the G18 members who founded the PDP and we formed the party because of our firm belief in election. I have contested election five or six times. We believed in election, but now the whole thing has collapsed”. “They are running away from election. This entire consensus thing doesn’t make sense. For us who formed the PDP, we regret what is happening now. Ten candidates, overnight, all stepping down for one person! All the candidates were renowned and each of them is capable of running the party, but they all withdrew…” Kaita, who was a governor of the old Kaduna State, insisted that the just concluded national convention of the PDP was devoid of excitement, noting: “Tukur is a highly qualified person but the fact that he allowed himself to be used as Jonathan’s candidate is what has lowered his status.” – Hope For Nigeria.…/

Israeli-Developed Instant Video Surveillance Helps To Quickly Catch Terrorists, Criminals

Israeli innovation One of the most innovative technologies in the field of catching criminals and terrorists was developed by Israeli company BriefCam. Using tracking algorithms, BriefCam enables users to track events caught on tape much more quickly, thus maximizing the potential of video surveillance: Founded in 2007, BriefCam is an Israeli startup that developed video analysis software called Video Synopsis. It condenses hours of footage into minutes, making it easier and faster to analyze data. The software helps in identifying suspects, criminal incidents, stolen items and more. “Essentially, it’s a video search engine,” Dror Irani, BriefCam’s CEO and president, tells NoCamels. This searching capability is achieved through new, complex video tracking algorithms. Video Synopsis takes long videos and visually indexes them automatically; in fact, it converges many films that contain multiple objects in order to create a simultaneous presentation of events that happened at different times. BriefCam’s technology adds advanced analysis capabilities in order to manage multiple video files that are extremely large. The advantage of BriefCam’s solution is that it can create a digest of many hours of filming, which shortens the video to a few seconds or minutes, depending on the original length of the video. With BriefCam’s product, a gate supervisor at an airport, for example, can quickly scan a daylong video by watching only the important segments. A mapping algorithm also enables users to refine the video search: They can look for a specific object using parameters such as color and size. So, if you’re looking for a green truck, you don’t need to watch all the white trucks or smaller cars going through the frame. Right after the Boston Marathon bombings of 2013, BriefCam helped the FBI in identifying the Tsarnaev brothers in the surveillance videos. After Hurricane Sandy had struck Liberty Island, BriefCam and its partners installed a new, advanced security system (which combines software and hardware) on top of the Statue of Liberty. The US Park Police, National Park Service and the US Department of Interior are also clients of BriefCam, as well as law enforcement agencies in North America, Europe, Asia and Israel. BriefCam is one player in the multi-billion-dollar Israeli defense industry, which includes dozens of companies in the fields of video surveillance, homeland security, defense equipment and components, raw materials and fire protection. Watch the video below to see an example of how BriefCam works:

Wednesday 25 February 2015

GOD is with Jonathan: Boko Haram: Troops reclaim Baga, survive land mines- DHQ

February 21, 2015 Written by Yusuf Alli After surviving 1,500 spots with land mines, troops on Saturday reclaimed Baga town from Boko Haram insurgents. Many insurgents died in the encounters and sizable number got drown in Lake Chad while trying to flee from heavy air strikes by the troops. Besides the destruction of five anti-aircraft guns, 34 motorcycles and five vehicles were recovered from the terrorists. These disclosures were contained in a statement by the Director of Defence Information, Maj-Gen. Chris Olukolade on the reclaiming of Baga which was seized by Boko Haram in January. The statement said: “A large number of terrorists have drowned in the Lake Chad as they fled the heavy bombardment by Nigerian Air force heralding the advance of Nigerian troops on mission to flush them out of Baga. “Not even the strategy of mining over 1500 spots with land mines on the routes leading to the town could save the terrorists from the aggressive move of advancing troops. “All the land mines were skillfully cleared one after the other. Eventually, the resistance of the terrorists collapsed and the land forces finally stormed the town in the early hours of Friday. “Many of the terrorists died while an unknown but substantial number of them fled with various degrees of injury, in the series of encounter along the routes of advance as troops headed for Baga.” The DHQ gave a breakdown of equipment recovered from the insurgents, including five anti-aircraft guns. The statement added: “Apart from the five (5) anti-aircraft guns and the rifles captured from the terrorists, over 34 motorcycles and five (5) vehicles including trucks being used for operations by the terrorists were destroyed in the course of the fighting as troops headed for Baga. ” The troops finally began clearing the terrorists from Baga on arrival in the town early Saturday morning. :