Monday 23 February 2015

ISIS Claims To Have Executed 21 Kurdish Fighters In Latest Video

In a new video released Saturday, ISIS claims to have executed at least 21 Kurdish fighters. The video shows the captured peshmerga fighters in cages being paraded in front of a crowd. The fighters also are interviewed in the video, which bears similarities to previous videos released by the terror organization. The video flashes images that appear to be executions, and concludes by claiming in Arabic that the men were beheaded. The video also flashes biographical information about the fighters, which seems to show that many of them are in their early 20s. The peshmerga operate in Iraq’s semiautonomous northern region and have been among the most effective forces combating ISIS’s expansion. They maintain a 650-mile front with ISIS and are a major ally of the U.S. and other coalition forces in the region. ISIS’s advance also prompted Turkish forces to cross into Syria Sunday in order to evacuate a tomb. The tomb of Suleyman Shah — grandfather of the Ottoman Empire’s founder — was located in Syria but considered sovereign Turkish territory, Reuters reported. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Sunday that a group of 39 tanks and dozens of other military vehicles evacuated the soldiers guarding the tomb. There was no fighting during the operation.

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