Saturday 21 February 2015


By ‪#‎sompsonz‬ uwakwe. "Hold Governor Okorocha Responsible If Anything Happens To Me Or Any Of My Family Members".- Ogbuagu Okorocha Is After My Life, Alleges Uche Ogbuagu The former aide of governor Rochas Okorocha on Entertainment, Uche Ogbuagu has alleged that his life and that of his family members are in danger following the interview he granted to newmen recently where he announced that his album on the state of Imo affairs will be released soon. Ogbuagu, during an interview with newsmen Tuesday, alleged that he has received series of threats from different phone numbers traced to the aides of governor Okorocha. Who told him to drop his intention to release his new album or have his entire family wiped, while others warned him never to open up. Some of the numbers used by the callers according to him were 08055501200, 08037094307, 08037006818, 08037103828. Among others, which he said have been forwarded to security agencies for further investigation, stating that governor Okorocha will be held responsible should anything happens to any of his family members. The Akabor-born public relations guru, who said that his only crime before governor Okorocha was demanding for his 19 months unpaid salaries, stated that he does not care about other arrears, owned him by the state government, maintaining that his salaries should be paid to him. “I worked for the money and it should be paid to me. A year and seven months salary is not a small money. Governor Okorocha should pay me my money. I don’t care about other arrears, all I care for is my salary. Each time there was cabinet reshuffle, my name will be enlisted, but he will still call me back to be working for him. Was I doing a Charity work? He was paying others, while I was spending my personal money” he further stated. He maintained that no amount of intimidation or harassment will make him . stop the release of his album, stating that Imolites have been kept in the dark since the inception of the present APC-led government in the state. “I know the God I am serving and He will not allow my enemies see me because I am fighting a just cause. Imo people should hold Governor Okorocha responsible if anything happens to me or any of my family members” he said. Meanwhile, stakeholders in Imo entertainment sector have described it as unfair if Uche Ogbuagu’s claim of 19months unpaid salary is a reality. They wondered why a man that contributed so much in uniting as well as building Imo entertainment sector should be treated as such, while calling on the state governor Owelle Rochas Okorocha to redress his steps on that. Speaking to newsmen recently, a veteran artiste, Chike Opara wondered why such treatment should be given to someone like Uche who he said has what it takes to mar or make any government in power, while calling on Uche Ogbuagu to remain calm, assuring him of the group’s unalloyed support. via the moment go here:…/okorocha-is-after-my-life-uche….

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