Sunday 1 February 2015

2015 Elections: Catholic Church To Deploy 4,889 Observers In 23 States

The Catholic Church has said it would be deploying 4,889 observers in 23 states of the country, who will observe the forthcoming general elections till the results are announced.
The executive secretary of Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria, Rev Fr. Evaristus Bassey, said this during a press briefing on Friday in Abuja, where he expressed fears of possible outbreak of violence.
According to him, there is also the mother of all humanitarian crises caused by the Boko Haram insurgency which has led to the greatest displacements and miseries seen since the civil war, adding that on top of all these are the potential dangers and humanitarian emergencies that may ensue after the already charged presidential elections.
Rev. Fr. Bassey said, “From our discussions with our partners in some parts of the country, certain towns and cities are already so charged that potentially, lives and properties are not safe, depending on the outcome of the elections. It does appear that a predetermined outcome of the elections is demanded by some groups, that no matter how free and fair it is, if it does not suit them, they would resort to violence that could lead to loss of lives.
“Consequently at a contingency planning meeting for possible elections violence attended by JDPC representatives from volatile states, we resolved the preventive measures are that church and mosque leaders should intensify sensitisation of their members to avoid violence whatever the outcome of the elections; clergymen themselves must avoid being inciting and partisan during their sermons.
“Clergymen should admonish their members against inciting and abusive language on social media; traditional leaders should hold meetings with youth leaders on the need for peaceful conduct during and after the elections; parents and elderly relatives should call their wards and warn them not to be used as instruments of violence by politicians.”
The Catholic Church also urged citizens to pray against violence, that in the case of a possible outbreak of violence, citizens in volatile places should stock essential commodities in case shops are not open for days, adding that citizens should by now make arrangements for safe havens in case they have to leave their homes; and those who can, should move their families from volatile areas, as the right to live is stronger than the right to vote.
“After voting, although they could stay back to observe the counting, we advise ordinary citizens in volatile places to go home, and allow politicians to sort themselves out. The Catholic Church is deploying 4889 observers in 23 states; they will stay back to observe to the end.
“We advise churches and mosques to set aside some funds to deal with possible humanitarian crises that may arise, to complement government’s efforts which often times is inadequate and therefore unreliable; especially with the experience of the current IDPs situation,” said Rev. Fr. Bassey.

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