Tuesday 2 December 2014

ASSEMBLIES OF GOD: Yesterday, being 1st of December, AG people came out in their numbers, men, women, boys, girls and Pastors, they all came to protest the planned invasion of our National Secretariat, Evangel House by Chidi Okoroafor under the pretence of prayers. They covered the roads and boldly marched to Enugu State government house, Enugu state police headquarter, Radio Nigeria, NTA, and other places. At each place, we were well received.

By DrPaul-Nathan Udeze:
Yesterday, being 1st of December, AG people came out in their numbers, men, women, boys, girls and Pastors, they all came to protest the planned invasion of our National Secretariat, Evangel House by Chidi Okoroafor under the pretence of prayers. They covered the roads and boldly marched to Enugu State government house, Enugu state police headquarter, Radio Nigeria, NTA, and other places. At each place, we were well received.
Friends, we are not sleeping! Right now, over five hundred pastors sacrificed and slept in the National Secretariat. We are all there waiting for them. Come! Please, leave your house and join us to save AG from the hands of these satanic invaders. Be at the secretariat this morning, at least by 7am prompt.
For now, everywhere is calm. We are waiting for the worst this morning by 5am down wards. The Police are not our hope likewise, the military. We are taking our destiny into our hands because we cannot watch AG taken over by coup plotters! Remember, Chidi Okoroafor said, it is a matter of "do or die" for them. It is our human rights to defend ourselves from invaders and we shall do it with our bare hands. Men from different districts are at hand already, Anioma, Sapele, warri, Bayalsa, many from the north are on their way and would arrive as early as 5am. Please, don't sit and watch, leave your house to Evangel House if you are a lover of truth.
Lovers of truth, join us this morning and prepare to sleep over for our all night prayers! Those who are coming to kill us are also humans like us! They are called bakasi boys but they are not spirits! We are going to see them as they come and they are going to see us as we stand out and sing praises to our God! Don't forget, Cowards die twice!
For those who are deceived to think that they are coming for prayers, first, check if Charlieboy Osueke, Chidi Okoroafor, Alaje, Ejim, Amaowoh and Amirah are there before you come. Leaders take the lead! We are on ground with our kneels bent and our Bibles in our hands. They have guns and bakasi boys but we have God. As God liveth, they would kill so many of us before they would enter that Secretariat. So help me God!
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