Thursday 5 February 2015


"Why ”they” Want Jonathan to Leave By Any Means Necessary..and Why the Opposition Leaders Are Crying Out Loud
by Chidi Cali, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Notes and addenda by Henry Omoregie
Some of the decisions of President Goodluck Jonathan have not gone down well with some of the leaders and Moneybags of APC, as he closed lots of their sources of defrauding Nigeria.
1] Majority of the Oil Blocks licenses in Nigeria will be expiring in few months and many of them are scared that President Jonathan might not renew their licenses. They want to vote him out by all means to retain the Oil blocks licenses.
NOTE: Some others also want a piece of the giant Nigerian pie.. and they believe the only way to ensure this is to bring back the same set of Nigerians known to be champions of nepotism and favouritism -the STAR attributes of CORRUPTION (Please look up the dictionary meaning of corruption)
Others in mostly the south who benefited largely from stolen crude are not happy with the 158% reduction in crude oil theft as announced by the CNS not long ago, and will prefer CHANGE back to the looting of the single largest source of dough for the Nigerian National Cake
Not many Nigerians are aware that the Northern Region paid custom duties to the Western Region until 1976, when Murtala Mohammed took over the reins of Government. Or that as at 1975 when Murtala Mohammed overthrew the Yakubu Gowon administration, the Niger Delta enjoyed 45% rents and royalties? Murtala Mohammed slashed it to 20% (Decree No. 6 of 1975) to assuage the Northern States, before Olusegun Obasanjo, through the Aboyade Technical Commission which recommended the removal of the remaining 20% of the rents and royalties, finally nailed the coffin of the Southern States without any protest from the people of the Niger Delta or other parts of the South.
“Many Hausa-Fulani told me that the North’s escalating poverty has resulted from its declining access to oil because of its loss of the presidency to Olusegun Obasanjo, a Southern Christian Yoruba, following the death of the Northern Muslim Kanuri, Sani Abacha. Their solution to Northern poverty was to recapture the federal government. This they did in the rigged elections of 2007 and the presidency of Umaru Yar’Adua. But, they lost it again when Yar’Adua died in May 2010 and the vice president, Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian Ijaw from Southern Nigeria, became president.” – John Campbell, Former US Ambassador to Nigeria.­nigeria/­nigeria-dancing-brink­/p22833…
2] They were hurt when President Jonathan ended their subsidy fraud. Govt reduced the payment from N1.4 Trillion in 2011 to less than N400 Billion in 2013 and yet there has been no scarcity of fuel in the last 3 years.
3] Jonathan sold off NEPA/PHCN and ended their fraudulent NEPA/PHCN contracts. Now local and International companies are building their power plants to stabilize Power. They will not use any NEPA staff to put SALT on our Power plants again to put everyone in darkness…
NOTE: Generator sellers/dealers will need CHANGE. Only committed and loyal power industry workers will obviously be re-employed by new power services owners. Just as we blame one mobile network provider for poor services and port to another, so we can pick holes in the service delivery of power companies and port to another. Millions of Ignorant Nigerians are unaware of this fact. The FG involvement in power services is now about 20%.
See Fashola boasting of Lagos being almost self-sufficient in power generation…/­lagos-almost-self-suf­ficien…/
4] Jonathan removed 73,000 ghost workers and 43,756 Ghost Pensioners from the civil service and reduced their corrupt wealth by over 2 billion US Dollars in just months. These rogues are using their ill-gotten wealth to pay newspapers, online media blogs to propagate LIES and FALSEHOOD, sharing negative propaganda against the President. The Ignorants joined them to shout CHANGE. Are they changing to re-employ the removed Ghost workers or re-include Ghost Pensioners in monthly benefits records? Be warned about the CHANGE they want you to Vote For.
5] The President handed NPA verification to a third party and eliminated port frauds. They do not benefit anymore, by dubiously seizing people’s goods and turning around to buy them in auctions. It is now 24 hours operation and surveillance, giving no room for their agents to be fraudulent or frustrate Importers. They want their evil reign to return. That is their CHANGE.
6] The cabals were hurt when Jonathan blocked their monopoly of fertilizer distribution and now supply straight to real farmers at discounted prices. Farmers do not go through Ward chairmen, Party Excos, Politicians or any ‘Timber and Caliber’ to get Fertilizers any longer.
NOTE: There are thousands of people who benefited directly.indirectly from the scams. But Jonathan busted a 40-year old fertilizer scam in 90 days ‪#‎Fact‬
7] They want Jonathan out by all means – he blocked their hoarding of petroleum products and stopped Nigerians from sleeping at filling stations … and many roasted alive in any event of fire outbreak in filling stations. Their black market business have been destroyed by Jonathan’s proper management of the supply of these products and because of this, they ruled that he has failed.
Jonathan did not fail honest Nigerians, but he failed the Oil Profiteers and thieves.
8] Jonathan’s re-introduction of One-man-one-vote did not go down well with them. With Soldiers, Police, Secret Police, Civil Defense at Polling Units, Ballot box snatching and stuffing is now a thing of the past. They made you to believe that Jonathan has failed because Polling units are no more in people’s seating room. You forget that the President’s Party won only in 1 of the 4 governorship elections conducted when he started his tenure in 2011.
Imo – APGA, Anambra – APGA, Edo – APC, Osun – APC, Ekiti – PDP. This would NEVER have happened during OBJ’s government.
9] They want Jonathan out of office because they are aware that the 2016 Census will correct the Population lies imposed on Nigerians over 60 years ago. They are MAD that Jonathan will conduct electronic/­scientific census, where only Human beings will be counted and near- zero chance of one person counted twice.
NOTE: No Credible Census in Nigeria Since 1816
No census has been credible in Nigeria since 1816. Even the one conducted in 2006 is not credible. I have the records and evidence produced by scholars and professors of repute.
This is not my report. If the current laws are not amended, the planned 2016 census will not succeed,” Odimegwu said. He recalled how staffers of NPC protested against commissioners during the 2006 census over alleged manipulation.
“During the 2006 census, workers locked out the commissioners over creation of new areas,” he said. Odimegwu further alleged that a former Lagos State governor (names withheld) falsified a census result some years ago.
“Nigeria has run on falsehood for too long. We must stop this falsehood and put a stop to all of these. The Boko Haram problem is partly as a result of that. Because the 2006 census was not correct, the former board of NPC was unable to publish the figures. “If they try it, there will be an uproar. We must make Nigeria work. We cannot do that unless we know the statistics. We cannot build infrastructure without demographic data. As long as the figures in Nigeria are wrong, corruption will continue to thrive. We must have an organised data before we can plan for Nigeria,” he stated.
He urged that Nigeria should either conduct a credible census exercise or forget about it. “It is either we do an accurate census or we will not do anything. We are committed to giving Nigerians a credible and reliable census. Nigerians are weeping up sentiments, but we have gone beyond ethnic sentiments. Nigerian children are suffering and many youths have no jobs,” Odimegwu said.…/­no-credible-census-in­-nigeria-s…/
10] They want Jonathan out of office by all means because, in 2016, Jonathan will stop the situation where a child from Oyo state will be expected to score 129 Marks to get admitted into Federal Govt Colleges (Unity schools), while another child from Kebbi is expected to score only 2 Marks to enter the same school. A young man from Osun state is expected to score 190 In JAMB to have opportunity of University education, while his friends from Sokoto are sure of admission, even if they score zero. It is a SHAME that some of the young people that Jonathan is fighting for, and ensuring to bring a fair Nigeria for all of us, are now brainwashed, fed with lies and are attacking the man that is fighting for them and their generations to come.
11] Nigeria now mostly grows its own food, trains are back running, our Airports are of international standards, our roads are safer and more motorable, university funding doubled and more built to admit more Jambites.
Our street children in the North (Almajiri) are given opportunity to learn and live in comfortable school hostels, eating good food, and not left-overs, 13 local Motor assembling and Manufacturing company relocated to Nigeria, 9 Local and International Power companies building their power plants since last year to improve of electricity need.
Jonathan has shown Nigerians what real democracy is supposed to be. He is not killing or jailing his opponents or those that insulted him in the Media and that cannot be seen as a weakness, but his respect for the law and life. He never sent anyone to prison for a mere allegation of corruption without proof. He allowed them fair and independent hearing by those charged with this responsibility.
These show his meekness, empathy and unconditional postive regard, knowing that he cannot build a better Nigeria alone and that we need every hand on deck to achieve a bigger, better, prosperous and peaceful Nigeria.
God Bless Nigeria.
It is your Choice. ‪#‎ForwardEver‬, or ‪#‎BackNever‬. – Hope For Nigeria.
LASTWORD: Have you not wondered why one who has fallen foul of the laws of the land is still needed to ”fight corruption” when he is clearly a candidate for perjury and forgery, is still wanted by some people even if he presents a toilet paper as certificate after proving to the whole world that he is a MORON?
Don’t be surprised to know that lots of Buharists are forgers of certificates or age falsifiers like their idol
Date Published: 02/17/2010
I made $500 million from oil block – Gen. T. Y Danjuma
A former Minister of Defence, Lt.-Gen Theophilus Danjuma, shocked his audience at a consultative meeting his Foundation and some Non-Governmental Organisations had in Abuja on Wednesday when he narrated how he made $500m from an oil business, and was in a fix on how to spend it.
The chief executives of the NGOs at the meeting could not believe their ears after hearing Danjuma’s narration.
The former Chief of Army Staff said the $500m, came as his profit from the total of $1bn he had realised from selling an oil block, which was allocated to him 12 years ago.
About $500m had been used to settle some pressing personal issues, pay his staff, and tax to the government.
He recalled that the story started 12 years ago when he was allocated an oil block by the regime of late Gen. Sani Abacha.
He said that the oil block which was in Port Harcourt, River State, however, took him about 10 years before his company first struck oil. Luckily for him, by this time, the price of oil had soared in the international market.
He said this made him to sell the block because he knew that “whatever goes up must come down,” stressing that the deal fetched him $1bn.
He also said that he was left with ‘just’ $500m after he had taken care of the essentials of life.
go here:…/­­why-they-want-jonath­a­…/.
Elochukwu Matthew's photo.
Elochukwu Matthew's photo.
Elochukwu Matthew's photo.


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