Tuesday 25 November 2014

Drpaul-Nathan Udeze wrote: THE MADNESS CONTINUES! In every churches of AG Nigeria, something is happening because of the strange fire set off by Rev Dr. Charlieboy Osueke.

In every churches of AG Nigeria, something is happening because of the strange fire set off by Rev Dr. Charlieboy Osueke. Don't mind the"boy" added to his name, it is my way of recognising his youthful exuberance as he has refused to go on retirement.
The story started from 2011, when he would always secretly hold meetings with the EC members in his house each time they were at Enugu for EC meetings. Sometimes they would start for 11pm to 2am or 3am and each time after such meetings, all the agreement they reached before at the EC would be scattered. That was the situation until 2013, when they brought in the so called Ambassadors, rightly, Ambassadors of Osueke Kingdom. They were to write false accusations against the GS, Rev Prof Paul Emeka while the EC members are to support them. The matter was to escalate and cause rowdiness in the churches then a General Committee would be called headed by the grand Master where the GS would be found guilty and removed.
These plans were put in place and perfectly hashed on the 6th of March 2014. It was victory for the grand Master, he is back from retirement and he now calls the shots.
The initial reasons for their actions were that the GS, Rev Prof Paul Emeka bought a house in Germany with Assemblies of God Nigeria money in his name. Later, it was that he bought it singlehandedly and misappropriation of funds to the tune of ‪#‎450millions‬. On the 6th of March, the accusation changed to that he sued the church to court. After a while, it changed again, they said that their problem with the GS, was that he was not carrying them along. At Peniel, it changed again, Rev Dr Charlieboy Osueke announced to the whole audience, that they did not have any financial or legal problem with the GS, rather their problem with him is for the sin of insubordination. My God, what kind of sin is that?
All these were manufactured and showcased to see which would sale to AG people but AG people are no fools. They knew the high level of hatred which Rev Dr. Charlieboy Osueke had against Rev Prof. Paul Emeka since his first outstanding promotion to Pastor the biggest church in Enugu District in 1994. He threw him away and brought in his puppet. Little did he knew that the hand of the Lord was upon him, so to his shame and disguise, this same man thrown away from being the senior pastor of Assemblies of God Uwani grew to become the General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria.
Now, Charlieboy Osueke is still angry and full of bitterness, at all cost, he wants to destroy our dearly beloved GS, Rev Prof Paul Emeka. Again, at their fake council meeting, the accusation changed, this time around, it was that he was using security operatives to harass them as a result, he is excommunicated.
Hahahaha, I hope you are not tempted to laugh because I just couldn't hold myself. Each time, it was Charlieboy Osueke that announced his new offence. They were shocked to their marrow when this last one did not sale because AG people mopped at them in silence and wave their heads in great disappointment and displeasure.
Consequently, they have realised that their style and strategy have to change. You can now understand why they wrote a petition to the IG of police, accusing the GS of possessing fake professorship certificate. Before they could succeed with that, they began to announce that the reason for his excommunication is that he possessed a fake professorship certificate. Shamefully, this has failed and someone suggested that soon their reason would be that he did not pay the required bride price before he married his wife. Especially, now that Abuka, who is spearheading this war is supposed to be an in-law. Please, pray that they do not come out with this serious accusation.
Anyway, the professorship angle is not selling and Charlieboy is very angry now. Last week, he called a meeting of both new and old illegal EC and began to bemourn their calamity. Reliably, he shocked them when he accused them of being unnecessarily gentle and accommodative with Rev Prof Paul Emeka, the Holy Anointed General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria. He said, "stop treating him and his boys as fellow believers, treat them as heathens and enemies. Stop at nothing including violence". Initially, I did not believe these until I verified them from two other persons. You can see why I added boy to his name because that is the language of boys. He has lost all fatherly grace and he is thirsty for blood.
True to their threat, yesterday, being sun. 23rd November, his boys came to where the GS, Rev Prof Paul Emeka was preaching at Abuja and threw tear gas into the church and there was a serious stampede. Thank God no lives were lost but so many were wounded. Is that the kind of people that would take over the leadership of Assemblies of God Nigeria? God forbid! They are so frustrated and desperate, they make all forms of strange calls to us, forming with threats and abuses yet they claimed they are in majority and they are winning.
Unfortunately, they hold meetings upon meetings at Charlieboy's house every night from 10pm-3am yet the results are the same. Each time, Jehovah-over-do, will leak their plans to us. Charlieboy should have so many things worrying him but one wonders why he does not care about them. For instance, two of his sons are deeply involved in hard drugs. They both use and sale hard drugs. Last month, the police cut one of his sons with hard drugs and before it could be charged to court, Charlieboy quickly intervened with the sum of #1.5million. We have all the evidence. My father of the blessed memory would have spend the rest of the year in fasting and prayer for the salvation of that his child. For the grand Master, no, they can go to hell fire, so long, he is able to destroy the Holy Anointed General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Rev Prof Paul Emeka.
Honestly, I am not writing all these things to stir up hate against Charlieboy but to stir up your minds to daily remember him in your prayers especially, his two drug addictive sons. As he does not want to be a responsible father, let's help him by doing his job for him. Pray that God will deliver Charles Osueke from Charlieboy Osueke. The man we all loved and reverence was Charles Osueke but the man tearing up the churches and causing us these great havoc is Charlieboy Osueke. You can imagine that they have carried this hate to our Bible Schools, Ogoja bible college suspended all the indigenes of Enugu from taken their final exams last week, likewise, NAST and AGDSN are threatening to follow suit. The plan is to extinct all the lovers of our beloved GS,Rev Prof Paul Emeka and anyone connected to him in any way.This will be very difficult, as 80% of AG people love him so dearly. If you doubt it, let's have a free and fare election today.
Anyway, God is daily exposing them and enriching them with disappointments. You can imagine that in one of their recent meetings, they concluded that nothing seems to be working successfully against the GS as the police has refered the matters concerning AG to CAN. Of course, Osueke has warned the illegal EC not to honour any invitation by CAN and peradventure they do, they must insist on their old position. They have decided that the only option before them is to find a way to rope him into a major crime, which has nothing to do with AG crisis. Like, killing somebody and dropping his corpse in front of his official residence, like planting guns in his office or around his house. These are their options but the one being seriously considered is taking hard substance maybe from his .....and plant it through an insider in GS car, office or residence.
Don't worry friends, we are at alert. They would not succeed, just keep praying for our beloved GS. This madness must stop someday. Rev Dr Charlieboy Osueke was not there when God called Rev Prof Paul Emeka our beloved GS and he will not succeed to destroy him. Remember, our strength is not in violence but in continuous prayers and fasting. Please, please, please! Don't give up praying, victory must surely come.
N.B, I just got a text from one of our Bible Schools in the west, "Gud sir, they hv sent away all d students frm d Dists dt are with Prof yesterday."

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