Sunday 30 November 2014


#‎Jack‬ Mcgunn: wrote >
I can't imagine an outsider going to Saudi Arabia, and then having the guts to question why their lifestyle is the way it is.
In Saudi Arabia, women must cover the heads; cannot drive; must not be seen outside unless they are accompanied by their husbands, or other male relatives. No one dare question why!
Now, if you are a Christian medical professional, who is seeking employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia, you must accept the fact that you are going to an orthodox Islamic country, and the laws of the land apply.
You shouldn't expect Saudi's to change for you; you must adapt to them.
In addition, you must learn to sing your hymnals and praise worship, within the confines of your house, as there are NO CHURCHES in Saudi Arabia.
So, when Muslims migrate to foreign lands, seeking greener pastures, they must endeavor to be more like their generous hosts, and adapt to the western ways of life.
Any agitations for more accommodation of their faiths and beliefs, is inviting resentment, hate, and asking for trouble!
— .

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