Thursday 27 November 2014

On this picture is another group of APC's agents caught today with cloned permanent voters cards in Rivers State (the last time was in Lagos State.)

On this picture is another group of APC's agents caught today with cloned permanent voters cards in Rivers State (the last time was in Lagos State.)
Oh well, folks, we are not surprise. Was it not Gov. Amaechi that said there's no morality in politics, which is why they can steal, kill, maim, tell lies, jump fences, do all sorts of hooliganism and stuff like vandalism, throw up tantrums just to grab power. The trend is kinda like scary, ain't it? This is why we at the TeamGEJ plead with you, fellow Nigerians, to do the needful by resisting any candidate running on APC's platform.
Folks, your votes are your power! Use them to say no to what APC is turning our country into.

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