Tuesday 25 November 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Ferguson riots: Ruling sparks night of violence

A demonstrator in Ferguson, 25 November Police reported making 29 arrests
The US town of Ferguson has seen rioting and looting after a jury decided not to bring charges over the killing of a black teenager.
Michael Brown was shot by a white police officer, Darren Wilson, on 9 August, sparking protests.
A police chief said violence in the suburb of St Louis, Missouri, was "probably much worse" than on any night since the teenager's death.
St Louis County police chief Jon Belmar said rioters had fired 150 shots.
Many in the African-American community had called for Mr Wilson to be charged with murder, but following lengthy deliberations a grand jury - of nine white and three black members - made no recommendation of charges.
President Barack Obama joined the teenager's family on Monday in appealing for calm, urging Americans to accept the decision was "the grand jury's to make''.
The BBC's Aleem Maqbool reported seeing more vandalism and looting after Monday's ruling than on any night in August.
Demonstrators celebrate as a business burns in Ferguson, 24 November Some demonstrators celebrated as businesses burned in Ferguson
Riot police on a vehicle in Ferguson, 24 November Police say they did not use their firearms during the rioting
A woman hit by pepper spray in Ferguson, 24 November Pepper spray was fired by police
A man holds a poster outside a burning shop in Ferguson, 24 November As shops burned, protesters demanded "justice for Mike Brown"
'Out of control' Hours after the initial violence began, a large blaze at one business in Ferguson continued to burn as firefighters battled to bring it under control.
Police had made 29 arrests, Mr Belmar said, and there were reports of shops being looted.
Police chief: "Violence... probably worse than the worst night we had in August"
The fabric of the community, he said, had been "torn apart" in Ferguson, which is a predominantly black community patrolled by a mainly white police force.
"I didn't see a lot of peaceful protest out there tonight, and I'm disappointed about that," Mr Belmar said. "Unfortunately this spun out of control."
"I don't think we were underprepared," he added. "But I'll be honest with you, unless we bring 10,000 policemen in here, I don't think we can prevent folks who really are intent on destroying a community."
BBC map
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon called up the National Guard ahead of the jury's decision as a precaution but it appears they were not deployed against the rioters.
As protesters charged barricades, hurling glass bottles, police responded with smoke and tear gas.
The BBC's Aleem Maqbool abandoned an interview as tear gas landed near him
One protester, Charles Miller, told the BBC that while he did not advocate violence, he understood why people were angry.
"You can't just go shoot an 18-year-old who's unarmed on the street, despite what the story may have been," he said.
"He was unarmed and you are an armed law enforcement officer who's been trained in combat. So I think people are rightfully upset."
After the situation calmed down, he added, he hoped there would be an "opportunity to really grow and change a lot of things, and make sure [Michael Brown's] death didn't mean nothing".
Thousands of people also protested in other US cities, from Los Angeles to New York.
Michael Brown killing - Darren Wilson's testimony
  • Mr Wilson says he tried to block Mr Brown and his friend with his police vehicle in connection with a robbery
  • When he tried to open the car door, Mr Wilson says Mr Brown slammed it back shut
  • The officer says he then reopened the door and pushed Mr Brown with it, and was hit in the face by Mr Brown
  • When he drew his gun, he says, Mr Brown grabbed it and insulted him
  • A shot went through the police car window and Mr Brown stepped back, he says, but looked at him with the "most intense, aggressive face"
  • He fired two more shots in the car before Mr Brown ran off, he says
  • Mr Brown stopped, the officer says, and was told to get on the ground; instead he advanced on Mr Wilson, putting his right hand under his shirt in the waistband of his trousers
  • Mr Wilson opened fire on Mr Brown.
  •  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30190224

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