Monday, 3 November 2014

Latest Boko Haram Video Impostor Confirms Shekau II Killed At Konduga – Analysts

fake shekau

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Thorough analysis of the latest Boko Haram video released by the group has validated that the second Shekau of Boko Haram, known as Shekau II was killed at the Konduga battle in September this year by the Nigerian army and members of the Civilian-JTF.
The latest video experts claim had the new Shekau impostor hiding far from the camera making it impossible     his identity to be made out for the entire duration of the video.
Additionally experts determined that the name, “Abubakar Shekau” written at the bottom of the video through out it was in attempt to prove the unprovable. The group does not typically write the name of its leader at the bottom of their videos. Experts agreed that this unusual stint was done because the terrorists recognized that with the impostor being hidden so far from the camera, it would be impossible for viewers to believe it is him; hence the name subtitle.
For the video released before this last one, experts agreed that the precise date it was made could not be concluded and it was possibly one of many  saved videos made by Shekau II to be used with voice-over in the event of his death.

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