Wednesday 4 February 2015


january 16 2015
tags: terrorism, elections, economy, world, Nigeria
Nigeria is in the news again because of vicious attacks by the extremist jihadi group Boko Haram ("The Book is Sinful") in the country's Northeastern state of Borno. Various reports give disputed accounts of the number of persons killed as high as 2,000. In addition, there have been suicide bombings which have killed many, with small girls as young as 10 acting as the perpetrators. Some speculate that the girls used in these bombings may come from last year's mass kidnapping in Chibok, also in Borno.
And into this mix now comes a national election, on Feb. 14.
Nigeria, with its population of 184 million, is the seventh largest country in the world. It is the 13th largest oil producer, pumping two and a half billion barrels per day, with proven reserves of 37 billion barrels and substantial produc
Nigeria is in the news again because of vicious attacks by the extremist jihadi group Boko Haram ("The Book is Sinful") in the country's Northeastern state of Borno.  Various reports give disputed accounts of the number of persons killed as high as 2,000. In addition, there have been suicide bombings which have killed many, with small girls as young as 10 acting as the perpetrators.  Some speculate that the girls used in these bombings may come from last year's mass kidnapping, in Chibok, also ...

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