Sunday 30 November 2014


#‎Jack‬ Mcgunn: wrote >
I can't imagine an outsider going to Saudi Arabia, and then having the guts to question why their lifestyle is the way it is.
In Saudi Arabia, women must cover the heads; cannot drive; must not be seen outside unless they are accompanied by their husbands, or other male relatives. No one dare question why!
Now, if you are a Christian medical professional, who is seeking employment opportunities in Saudi Arabia, you must accept the fact that you are going to an orthodox Islamic country, and the laws of the land apply.
You shouldn't expect Saudi's to change for you; you must adapt to them.
In addition, you must learn to sing your hymnals and praise worship, within the confines of your house, as there are NO CHURCHES in Saudi Arabia.
So, when Muslims migrate to foreign lands, seeking greener pastures, they must endeavor to be more like their generous hosts, and adapt to the western ways of life.
Any agitations for more accommodation of their faiths and beliefs, is inviting resentment, hate, and asking for trouble!
— .

The truth will always prevail. President Jonathan successful outing during the Yoruba Unity Summit at OAU, Ife.

The truth will always prevail. President Jonathan successful outing during the Yoruba Unity Summit at OAU, Ife.
These are at the pictures. Notice the students hailing him and leaders of the SUG in a meeting with him.

Christians pray to live while Muslims pray to die why?

Today over 100 innocent Nigerians were blown up in a Kano mosque by Boko Haram whilst over 140 Arabs were killed in the battlefields of Syria and Iraq by the jihadists of ISIL.

Today over 100 innocent Nigerians were blown up in a Kano mosque by Boko Haram whilst over 140 Arabs were killed in the battlefields of Syria and Iraq by the jihadists of ISIL.
Supporting terror groups like Boko Haram and ISIL is the manifestation and expression of evil in its purest and most perverse form.
It is the glorification of carnage, barbarity and wickedness and the celebration of ethnic cleansing and genocide. May God curse those who do so.


I AM VERY HAPPY FOR NIGERIA TO disintegrate so that everyone may go their separate ways because........ Nigeria is not a NATION. It is a mere geographical expression. There are NO Nigerians in the sense as there are ENGLISH-WELSH or FRANCE'. The word Nigeria is merely a distinctive appellation to distinguish those who live within the boundaries of Nigeria and those who do NOT. I AM A BIAFRAN AND WE BIAFRANS HAVE NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING IN COMMON WITH YOU ODUDUWA AND HAUSA/FULANI NOMADS...... Separation from this forced marriage called amalgamation is the way forward because
do not ever hope these murderers will stop...... THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR THEIR "IDEOLOGY"................They say truth hurts,,,,,, isn't it?????

Saturday 29 November 2014

'Sponge' Battery Can Charge Your Phone In 30 Sec

Sponge Charger

An Israeli company says it has developed technology that can charge a mobile phone in a few seconds and an electric car in minutes.

Using nano-technology to synthesize artificial molecules, Tel Aviv-based StoreDot says it has developed a battery that can store a much higher charge more quickly, in effect acting like a super-dense sponge to soak up power and retain it.

While the prototype is currently far too bulky for a mobile phone, the company believes it will be ready by 2016 to market a slim battery that can absorb and deliver a day's power for a smartphone in just 30 seconds.

'These are new materials, they have never been developed before,' said Doron Myersdorf, the founder and chief executive of StoreDot, whose investors include Russian billionaire and Chelsea soccer club owner Roman Abramovich.

The innovation is based around the creation of 'nanodots', which StoreDot describes as bio-organic peptide molecules.

Nanodots alter the way a battery behaves to allow the rapid absorption and, critically, the retention of power.

The company has raised $48 million from two rounds of funding, including backing from a leading mobile phone maker. Myersdorf declined to name the company, but said it was Asian.

With the number of smartphone users forecast to reach 1.75 billion this year, StoreDot sees a big market, and some experts think that -- with more work -- it could be on to a winner.

'We live in a power hungry world ... people are constantly chasing a power outlet. StoreDot has the potential to solve this real big problem,' said Zack Weisfeld, who has worked with and evaluated ventures in the mobile phone sector globally.

'They still have some way to go, to deal with size of battery and power cycle rounds, but if solvable, it's a very big breakthrough,' he told Reuters.

'A power cycle round refers to the number of times a battery can be re-charged in its lifetime.

Myersdorf said a fast-charge phone would cost $100-$150 more than current models and would ultimately be able to handle 1,500 recharge/discharge cycles, giving it about three years of life.

He hopes to use the same technology to create a car battery that recharges in two or three minutes, rather than current models which commonly need to be charged overnight

Last two week report: Rosetta Space Mission: After 10 Years Of Waiting, The European Space Agency Just Landed On A Comet

Rosetta Space Mission Success

It was audacious, it was bold, but it was a success. For the first time, humanity has a physical presence on the icy surface of a passing comet – cosmic objects that have both fascinated and terrified human beings since the dawn of history.

The presence comes in the shape of a fridge-sized robotic probe named Philae which separated yesterday as planned and on cue from its mother ship, the Rosetta spacecraft launched more than 10 years ago.

A few minutes after 4pm British time, the European Space Agency (ESA) confirmed after an anxious wait of seven hours following its separation from Rosetta that Philae had landed on Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko, orbiting the Sun more than 510 million miles away in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius.

Travelling through space at a speed relative to the Sun of more than 41,000mph, the Philae lander is now riding piggy-back on a 4km-wide lump of rock, ice and dust that some have likened to a rubber duck due to its odd, double-lobed shape.

Nine minutes after 4pm, Rosetta’s flight manager Andrea Accomazzo announced to the world that the Philae probe had landed safely. “We see the lander sitting on the rock,” Dr Accomazzo said.

Jean Jacques Dordain, the director general of ESA, quickly followed up with a comment on just how momentous was the achievement: “We are the first to do this – and that [achievement] will stay forever.”

Even Captain Kirk, otherwise known as the Star Trek actor William Shatner, tweeted his congratulations when the Philae lander finally came to rest on the surface of the comet: “Cometlanding# Hooray!!!!”

David Parker, chief executive of the UK Space Agency, performed a very British reality check when he told the waiting audience gathered at the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany: “Hollywood is good, but Rosetta is better.”

ESA engineers said that the landing was softer than expected judging from the 4cm depression of Philae’s legs, but there was some concern over the failure of the probe’s anchors to fire into the surface, suggesting that the lander may not be fixed as tightly to the comet as ESA would have liked.

“Apparently the anchors didn’t deploy, so there’s a concern about the stability of the lander,” warned an ESA engineer.

Nevertheless, the mission’s main goal of landing a probe softly on the surface of a distant comet appeared to have been a resounding success.

“This is the most difficult landing in space history, like landing a balloon in a city centre on a windy day with your eyes closed,” said Matthew Genge, lecturer in earth and planetary sciences at Imperial College London.

The day of the landing started with high drama as Philae failed to switch on properly during the preparations for its separation from Rosetta. ESA engineers solved it by the old trick of turning it off and on again – and it worked.

The separation went as planned and both mother ship and lander managed to take parting shots of one another as they slowly drifted away. Philae finally landed just after 3.30pm British time but it took another half hour for the probe to confirm its presence on the comet’s surface.

Martin Barstow, professor of astrophysics and space science at the University of Leicester, said: “The Rosetta mission has been a tremendous adventure for ESA and the scientists involved. It has already proved to be a scientific success and promises to deliver much more over the next months and years. The riskiest part, landing the Philae spacecraft on the surface of the comet, has never been done before.”

The Philae lander will now travel with the comet as it continues its journey around the Sun. It should witness the plumes of vapourised gases emitted from the icy surface as the comet feels the rising heat of its orbital summer.

At the same time, it will drill into the comet’s surface to analyse samples of ancient dust and rock left after the creation of the Solar System.

Meanwhile, the Rosetta space craft will continue to orbit around the comet, taking measurements from on high, as the trio continue to orbit the Sun. One question Rosetta hopes to answer is whether comets contain the organic building blocks of life, Dr Genge said.

“Did comets deliver the building blocks of living things and start life on Earth? We may soon know with the help of Rosetta,” he said.
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Researchers Warn Against Facebook, Twitter Data


As researchers are mining Facebook and Twitter data to learn about online and offline human behaviour, a new study warns them to be wary of serious pitfalls that arise when working with huge social media data sets.

Such erroneous results can have huge implications as thousands of research papers each year are now based on data gleaned from social media.

"Publicly available data feeds used in social media research do not always provide an accurate representation of the platform's overall data — and researchers are generally in the dark about when and how social media providers filter their data streams," explained Derek Ruths, assistant professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

"A large number of spammers and bots, which masquerade as normal users on social media, get mistakenly incorporated into many measurements and predictions of human behaviour," Ruths said.

The design of social media platforms can dictate how users behave and, therefore, what behaviour can be measured.

"For instance, on Facebook the absence of a 'dislike' button makes negative responses to content harder to detect than positive 'likes,' added study co-author Jurgen Pfeffer of Carnegie Mellon University's Institute for Software Research.

Researchers often report results for groups of easy-to-classify users, topics and events — making new methods seem more accurate than they actually are.

For instance, efforts to infer political orientation of Twitter users achieve barely 65% accuracy for typical users — even though studies (focusing on politically active users) have claimed 90% accuracy, the authors contended.

"The common thread in all these issues is the need for researchers to be more acutely aware of what they are actually analysing when working with social media data," Ruths concluded.

The article appeared in the journal Science.

Sanusi Visits Mosque After Deadly Attack

Emir Of kano

The Emir of Kano, Muhammed Sanusi II, on Saturday visited the city’s bloodstained central mosque, 24 hours after coordinated bomb and gun attacks there that left at least 120 people dead.

During the 20-minute-visit to the mosque, which adjoins his palace in the city, the emir directed the place be washed and cleaned, an AFP correspondent at the scene reported.

Sanusi was out of Nigeria on Friday, when the deadly assault on the mosque occurred. Last week, the emir — who is the country’s second most senior Muslim cleric — made a call at the same mosque urging civilians to take up arms against the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram.

“From all indications, they (attackers) have been planning this for at least two months,” Sanusi said as he arrived at the mosque straight from the airport. He did not give details on what information supported that assertion.

“I have directed that the mosque be washed and cleaned and prayers should continue here,” he said.

“We will never be intimidated into abandoning our religion, which is the intention of the attackers.”

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan vowed Saturday to hunt down those behind the “heinous” attack.

A senior rescue official late Friday gave AFP the preliminary death toll of 120. The official also said that at least 270 people were wounded in the attack, which saw two suicide bombers blow themselves up and gunmen opened fire during weekly prayers at the Grand Mosque in Kano, the biggest city in the mainly Muslim north of the country.

Venezuela Jail Drug Overdose Kills 35 Inmates In Uribana

Drug Overdose in Venezuela Prison

Thirty-five prisoners in north-west Venezuela have died after overdosing on the contents of a jail infirmary they stormed, a congressman says.

More than 100 others were being treated, 20 of whom were very ill, said lawmaker William Ojeda from the governing Socialist Party.

After breaking into the facility, the prisoners are reported to have consumed a variety of medicines.

They had been protesting about conditions in the jail.

Mr Ojeda said the inmates at Uribana prison near the north-western city of Barquisimeto had ingested a combination of anti-seizure drugs, insulin, antibiotics and hypertension treatments.

Riot police have been deployed at the perimeter of the jail

Relatives outside the jail have accused prison wardens of poisoning the inmates.

The chief prosecutor's office said it wanted to question the prison director over the deaths.

The incident was first reported on Thursday, when the authorities said that 13 inmates had died.

Venezuela has one of the highest crime and homicide rates in Latin America, and the judicial system is struggling to cope with the caseload.

The prison population has been increasing with many of those incarcerated waiting for trial.

Most prisons in Venezuela are run by armed inmates, with the security forces having little or no control, says pressure group Venezuelan Prison Observatory.
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CAN Condemns Attack On Kano Mosque


The Christian Association of Nigeria has condemned the attack on the Central Mosque in Kano by alleged members of the Boko Haram Islamic sect describing it as “an attack on all Nigerians.”

The association said the condemnation became necessary because “this particular attack is the greatest evil both to a fellow human being and to God almighty, it is an act that must be denounced by all Christians and Moslems for no God commissions the killing of a fellow being.”

The President of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, in a statement issued on Saturday in Abuja said it was unfortunate that “while some Nigerians were making efforts towards entrenching peace, others were indulging in drawing the road map to further destruction in our country.”

He recalled that during a recent interfaith meeting that had representations from the hierarchy of both faith in attendance, participants stressed the need for dialogue, mutual relations, cooperation and unity in the renewed fight against insurgency in the country.

The cleric said, “The meeting made far reaching decisions that could be important in finding lasting peace to our country and that in itself was supposed to be a step towards the much anticipated peace and security in the country.

“The entire Christian community in Nigeria received the news of the latest in the series of bomb explosions, this time around at the mosque near the Emir’s palace in Kano, with shock and disbelief. This is most unfortunate given the number of people that lost their lives in their bid to offer prayers to their Almighty in the usual Friday worship at the mosque.

“On behalf of the entire Christians community under the auspices of CAN, I wish to commiserate with the families of the victims especially those who lost their lives in the attack. This attack on the people of Kano is an attack on all Nigerians and must be addressed as such; this is the time for all to rise up and act, may God help us all as we make this strong efforts at curbing terrorism from our land.”

According to him, news of the death of one soul by any means, whether bomb blast, accident, illness of any form of attack was enough to sadden any human being adding, “but to learn almost on a daily basis about the death of hundreds of the lives of fellow compatriot is tormenting.”

Oritsejafor appealed to all Nigerians especially residents of the areas mostly prone to the attacks not to give in or succumb to the antics of the insurgents, because “this is the time to remain fearless in the face of terror.”

The CAN President said, “We cannot continue to allow the terrorists to continue to intimidate us in our land because we have no other place to call our own, we must cooperate with relevant authorities in addition to being extra vigilant, to defeat this terror; they are human beings and can be defeated, but we have to be united. Nigerians must be united both in prayers and in other practical steps, to defeat terror.

“I want to use this medium to reemphasise the need for all faithfuls, especially during their hours of worship to be watchful to forestall any further attack on their places of worship, this is a clarion call. I urge security agencies not to relent in their efforts but to work harder and to understand that our prayers remain with them day and night.”

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid!


When your parents were young, no one was concerned about foods that cause cancer. The research was very young at the time, but there were also far less processed foods on the market. People ate healthier and more pure foods, because that was what was available to them.

Today, it seems like doctors link everything to causing cancer – it’s hard to determine what to really stay away from. While you think you may be doing the right thing for your health by drinking diet sodas or low-calorie popcorn, you’re actually eating some of the worst cancer-causing foods out there!

Below are 16 of the biggest carcinogen culprits that you probably eat every day. While you may be thinking “Everything causes cancer, so why bother changing my diet,” these 16 common food items have been scientifically shown to significantly increase the risk of cancers.

 #1 Microwave Popcorn

Sure it’s easy to pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave when you want a quick and tasty snack, but is it really worth risking yourself for liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer? The microwave popcorn bags you have in your cabinet are lined with carcinogenic chemicals AND so is a chemical in the popcorn itself, which creates the artificial butter flavor. If you can’t give up your favorite movie-time snack, it’s time to switch to the old-fashioned stove top or a kernel popping machine like you see at movie theaters.

#2 Non Organic Produce

You’re not alone in thinking ALL fruits and vegetables are good for you, but there are actually many dangerous pesticides sprayed on non-organic fruits that are linked to cancer. One example is Altrazine, a weed-killer used at many U.S. farms, but banned in Europe for causing severe problems in humans, such as infertility. Another problem with non-organic farmed produce is the use of toxic fertilizers and hormones used to make fruits and veggies bigger. In case you were wondering, the worst offenders are apples, followed by oranges, strawberries and grapes. ALWAYS wash fruits and veggies to be safe, but know that this doesn’t remove all pesticides.

#3 Canned Tomatoes

I know what you’re thinking… You’ve likely heard how the nutrient Lycopene in tomatoes lowers cancer risks, but that benefit is completely cancelled out when the lining of canned tomatoes contain chemicals that disrupt hormonal activity in the body. Since tomatoes are so acidic, the chemical BPA actually leeches from the lining into the tomatoes. This toxic chemical has been linked to different cancers, heart disease and reproductive problems. Next time you feel like making a nice red sauce, go with a glass jar or stew the tomatoes yourself.

#4 Processed Meat

If you’re a carnivore, it may be hard to give up tasty deli sandwiches or cured meats to go with your wine and cheese, but the benefits definitely outweigh the cancerous risk. Processed meats are created with excessive salt and chemicals that damage our health. A study over 13 years showed that 1 out of 17 people died who ate 160 grams of processed meats. That’s 44 percent risk of cancer, as opposed to people who ate 20 grams or less. These meats are so packed with preservatives to look fresh, but they are well-known carcinogens, including the same things found in cigarette smoke.

#5 Farm Raised Salmon

Sure fish, especially salmon, is known as one of the healthiest foods out there, but unfortunately more than 60% of salmon in the U.S. is farm-raised… and could be deadly. Farm-raised fish are fed unnatural diets and contaminated with chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides and other known carcinogens found in materials like asbestos. Farmed salmon is also fattier than fresh salmon, which means it soaks up more toxins. Next time you want a healthy omega-3 packed, treat yourself to fresh Alaskan salmon instead.

#6 Potato Chips

They may be cheap, easy and delicious, but these crispy, addicting snacks can also be deadly. These fatty foods don’t only cause weight gain because of their high trans-fat content, they also have excessive sodium levels, which cause high blood pressure and artificial flavors, preservatives and colors. Another risk is the presence of acrymalide, a known carcinogen found in cigarettes. Try not to feed these quick snacks to yourself or your kids and choose pretzels, air-popped popcorn or baked apple chips instead.

 #7 Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils, which cannot be naturally extracted like olive oil, soy or canola oil, they must be chemically removed. They are commonly used in many foods in your pantry to preserve and keep their shelf life, yet they are also linked to cancer, birth defects, heart disease and many other fatalities. NEVER cook with hydrogenated oils and check your labels for healthy oils like olive, soy and canola instead.

#8 Salty, Pickled And Smoked Foods

They may be delicious, but many salty, pickled and smoked foods are processed with the preservative nitrate, which changes in our bodies to N-nitroso composites, which are associate with high cancer-developing risks. Smoked foods like meat or nuts absorb the smoke, which contains the same tar found in cigarettes. Colorectal and stomach cancer are linked to salty, pickled and smoked foods. Do you have a taste for these cravable foods now?!

#9 Processed White Flour

Oprah famously lost a lot of weight by cutting out anything white, especially the big culprit – white flour. You may have heard it’s bad for you, but you probably don’t realize that chemically-bleaching flour with chlorine gas kills all of its healthy nutrients. Chlorine gas can be deadly when inhaled, so why would we want it in our dinner? White flour also contains a high glycemic rate, which raises blood sugar and insulin levels and can directly cause diabetes. Cancerous tumors feed on sugar in the bloodstream, so by avoiding refined grains like processed white flour, you can avoid or starve deadly tumors.

#10 - GMO's

You may have heard the term GMO, but you’re not alone in not fully understanding the dangers of genetically modified organisms. Why would anyone want to eat something that sounds like that, right?! WRONG! After GMO’s were introduced in 1996, Americans with 3 or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7 to 13% in just 9 years. Allergies skyrocketed and so did Autism in children, reproductive and digestion problems. GM vegetables fed to rats caused development of horrifying tumors. One of the biggest culprits was GM bovine growth hormone found in milk. Stay away from these silent killers and choose certified organic, non-GMO verified and locally-grown foods that are produced without biotechnology. You’ll be thankful you did later on in life.

#11 - Refined sugars

Cancer cells LOVE refined sugars, which spike insulin levels and and promote cancer growth. High-fructose corn syrup is considered the worst offender and it’s found in any sweet you can think of. It’s been known for a long time that cancer cells feed off of sugar, so with so many people addicted to sugary treats, it’s no wonder why cancer rates have skyrocketed.

#12 - Artificial sweeteners

While many people choose artificial sweeteners to lose weight, they are actually doing way worse damage to the body. People who consume artificial sweeteners in soda, coffee or diet-candy actually end up gaining weight and it does nothing to help those with diabetes. Aspartame found in artificial sweeteners has been known to cause convulsions, cataracts and gastro paresis. Also, artificial sweeteners do nothing to inhibit the body’s ability to monitor its daily calorie consumption, making us crave sweets even more. Another deadly toxin called DKP forms in the body from these fake sweets that produces cancer-causing chemicals, especially brain tumors. To sum it up, there is pretty much NEVER a good reason to ingest artificial sweeteners.


You may be thinking you’re doing the right thing when choosing a food with a “diet” or “low-fat” label, but you’re actually doing way more harm than good. Chemical artificial sweetener aspartame, again, is the big culprit, causing cancer, birth defects and heart problems. Think about it – anything “diet” is chemically processed and not REAL food. These foods also contain additives like ones found in cocaine to make you feel good, but also be addicting. Be smart and eat nature’s delicious, natural foods – organic only, of course!

#14 - Alcohol

Alcohol use is the second leading cause of cancer, right behind tobacco use. While a moderate or low consumption of alcohol can be healthy and lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, excessive drinking is known to cause heart failure, stroke, and sudden death. Excessive alcohol use is the biggest cause of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, mouth, rectum and breast cancers. Don’t worry! You don’t need to give up your glass of wine with dinner, but, for your health’s sake, stick to one.

#15 - Red meat

If you love a delicious steak now and then, don’t worry! Red meat is actually a good thing in your diet in small doses, but only if it’s grass-fed beef, which can actually help fight certain cancers. However, people who eat meat like hamburgers every day have a greater risk in developing deadly cancers, upping their risk to 22% in men and 20% in women. Red meat is particularly good at causing colon cancer. So, enjoy your steak dinner now and then, but don’t do it every night of the week and when you do crave red meat, stick to grass-fed, organic beef.

#16 - Soft drinks

Soft drinks, soda, pop… no matter what you call it, it’s still detrimental to your health! Soda is packed full of calories, sugar and artificial ingredients, and has ZERO nutritional benefit. One can of soda contains about ten packets of sugar and most popular diet and sugared sodas are nearly as corrosive to dental enamel as battery acid. Think the occasional soda won’t hurt? Studies have shown that only drinking two sodas per week nearly doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. There are plenty of alternatives out there, so next time you’re craving something sweet, think about what you’re putting into your body. Your health is an investment, never forget that!


I Regret Not Having Yoruba As Speaker – Jonathan


President Goodluck Jonathan on Friday publicly lamented that he was unable to make a Yoruba politician the Speaker of the House of Representatives after 2011 general elections because of the selfish agenda of some Yoruba leaders.

He spoke at the Yoruba Unity Summit with the theme: “National Development: Wither the Yoruba,” which held at the Oduduwa Hall of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

Jonathan who was the special guest of honour at the event organised by the Yoruba Unity Forum, said he recognised the Southwest as a key player in the country and was still haunted by that unfortunate incident in 2011 when his desire to repay the Yoruba for their support for him was lost.

Mulikat Akande had then vied to be Speaker of the House of Representatives but lost to Aminu Tambuwal of the Northwest because of inadequate support from her Southwestern colleagues.

Recalling the events, the President said: “I thank you all for the support in the past elections. One of the problems I faced in the National Assembly is that I felt the right thing should be done because our party, the PDP, has a formula.

“We have six geo-political zones in the country and when the President emerges from one of the geo-political zones, the Vice-President emerges from another geo-political zone, the rest core offices, the Senate President, the Speaker, Secretary to Federal Government, the chairman of the party must come from different geo-political zones.

“The idea is that, whenever we are distributing board positions and some of these appointments, whenever we are appointing ministers, all these people sit to take decisions. In that case we want all the geo-political zones to be in the inner caucus that take critical decisions.

“The last time, it was difficult for me because I insisted that the Southwest must get the Speaker. Of course, I couldn’t go through with it because some of us within the Southwest didn’t want it, based on some personal reasons. I am still suffering from that till today.

“That is one of the reasons the leaders said, this time around, we must work collectively so that whatever position is zoned to the Southwest, we should get that position. People should not rob it from us.”

He expressed his belief in one Nigeria and challenged the Yoruba to be united even as he declared that the contributions of the Southwest to national unity would always be cherished.

Jonathan also noted the significance of the Southwest in the nation’s economy as he recalled that the region, particularly Lagos and Ogun states, control 55 per cent of the economy, a reason he remains committed to providing the people with infrastructure, electricity and other resources to further boost the economy.

“With unity, we can go to the moon. The Yoruba will not be left behind,” he added.

The President noted that the Yoruba had joined the national political fray with vigour and enterprise and were never afraid of internal debate among themselves, a reason for their being in the vanguard of demand for a national conference, as had just been concluded by his administration.

He again promised to implement the recommendations of the conference although he pointed out that there were some things he could not say or do immediately, as desperate politicians who “are even ready to kill” could deliberately give them partisan consideration

Also, Akande noted that the Southwest had been relegated in the political arrangement of the nation not due to any deliberate action of Jonathan but because of Yoruba disunity.

“We should support his re-election bid, and we believe that he will reward us by reinstating us to our rightful place,” she stated.

In his fiery remarks, Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, urged President Jonathan not to be bothered or intimidated by former President Obasanjo’s criticisms because they are only made out of spite, which cannot be appeased.

He advised the President to stop currying Obasanjo’s favour and replying his several jabs because the former President would never support Jonathan’s re-election bid.

He said: “You know it more than you know me. He will never want a man with an independent mind. Mr. President, you have refused to tread the path of unconstitutionality. You have refused to level Borno and other states like he levelled Odi. You have taken your time to respect human lives by not committing crimes against humanity. He won’t like that.

“And, Your Excellency, the more you try to curry (favour of) Obasanjo, the more he will continue to despise you.

“If you continue to curry him, we are not going to curry him. He doesn’t like people that give him respect. I plead with Your Excellency. Your second term has been concluded in heaven. Fear not.

“When Obasanjo accuses people and government of the day of corruption, what happened to the N50 million shared during the third term agenda?

“I earned less than N300, 000 as governor of Ekiti State during my first coming. Your Excellency, the donation of N10 million to Obasanjo Library, what do you call that? That is corruption.

“Go and look for the Code of Conduct, the forms filled by President Obasanjo and his wealth today. We knew when he came back from prison. We knew the situation, we knew his wealth when he came out.

“If you don’t speak each time Obasanjo speaks in the papers, we must reply him. When people talk and we are addressing you here, that is not the issue. If he talks again, we will give him an answer.

“You are not supposed to reply him. You are complete gentlemen. Decorum is part of business. We are telling you again, the moment he says the next one, we will engage him. This is not a country where after serving your own tenure, what you cannot take, you are giving it to others.”

Chairman of the National Conference Planning Committee, and Yoruba elder statesman, Femi Okurounmi, spoke in the same vein, as he tasked Jonathan not to betray millions of Nigerians by succumbing to blackmail and intimidation ahead of the 2015 presidential election.

He said the religious intolerance in some parts of the country is quite odious and it was no happenstance that as elections draw nearer the incidences of terror become fiercer.

“They just want to deter you. I don’t think you should succumb to blackmail and intimidation. It will be a let down to millions of Nigerians who believe that any tribe or group in Nigeria can become leader of this country. Victory will be yours in 2015,” he told the President.

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade, led some other traditional rulers to the event.

OAU Students Deny Booing And Stoning Jonathan


The President, Students Union Government of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Mr. Isaac Ibikunle, has described as falsehood the report in some quarters that students of the university hurled stones and other missiles at President Goodluck Jonathan during his visit to the campus on Friday.

The SUG president spoke in an interview with our correspondent in Osogbo on Saturday.

He said that students of the university insisted on discussing with Jonathan on the increment of the fees charged by the school and the President obliged.

He said, “We read some reports that the President was stoned, booed and harassed when he came to our campus. This is not correct.

“Security personnel initially prevented us from seeing the president but we insisted that we wanted to discuss with him and we were allowed to see him.

“We told him that the increment was too high, and gave him a petition concerning the exorbitant fees and he assured us that he would act on it fast.

“I asked Mr. President to come down from the car and address us and he came down. He is our president, we did not harass him.”

Ibikunle added that the President was even hailed by the students and those present when his helicopter was taking off at the university’s sports Centre.

He also said that no traditional ruler was embarrassed contrary to the reports in some online media.

Some Yoruba leaders held a summit at the Oduduwa Hall of the OAU and Jonathan was invited as a special guest of honour at the event, which had the Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade and other prominent obas and Yourua leaders in attendance.
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Fashola’s Permanent Voter’s Card Goes Missing From INEC Register


Lagos state Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola and his wife, Mrs. Abimbola Fashola on Friday could not collect their permanent voter's car, as officials of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), could not fine their  names in the voter’s register.

Likewise, no fewer than 500 hundred eligible voters, who registered at Surulere Ward G3, Fashola’s polling unit located at State Junior Secondary School suffered the same fate as the INEC continued the distribution of PVCs.

A notice was pasted at the polling unit to notify voters who had registered in the two wards on Itolo Street that they had no voters’ card. The commission asked them to register afresh at a later date.

The notice read in part: “We regret to inform you that those who registered in this polling unit do not have permanent voters’ cards. Please come back between 3rd and 8th December 2014 for fresh registration”.

But the Lagos State Resident Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Adekunle Ogunmola attributed the development to loss of data, which he said, arose from the crash of the commission’s computing system.

According to the resident commissioner, some of the data captured during the registration in 2010 crashed. This was the reason they lost about 1.4 million data for voters, he said, adding: “We are embarking on fresh registration for them and others who were unable to register in the 2010 registration.”

Apparently disappointed by the development, the governor, who had been sceptical of INEC’s preparedness for the 2015 elections, arrived his polling unit at about 2:05pm to see the notice pasted on the gate.

He described the situation as “collusion or inefficiency” on the path of INEC ahead of the polls, pointing out that with the development, the commission “has decided to thread the path of destruction.

“It is a shameful path. This is my polling unit. This is where I voted year after year. This is where I was registered. When INEC said they were ready to do distribution of voter’s cards, they said it was 7th to 9th of November, later they said they were not going to do all and that the balance will happen between 28th and 30th.

"So, Surulere was in the balance that was supposed to happen. So we are here today being November 28 and this is the notice they surreptitiously came to put here at night. We cannot collect our PVC”.

However, the governor urged those who faced similar fate to keep their temporary voters card as it was proof that they were captured in the INEC database.

“We would wait for INEC because they registered 6.4million of us in 2010, so whatever has happened, at least we have those cards, they can't run away from us. Whether they like it or not, we would have elections and we would vote in spite of what Jega and his team may be planning.”

Asked whether he would participate in the fresh voters registration, the governor wondered what the essence of the first registration was since the commission could not produce their PVCs.

“This is an attempt to decimate our voting population in Lagos, it is clear now, so everyone who has the temporary voter’s card must hold it. Those who do not have who only turned 18, we would provide a means for them to participate in this election".

He said he would observe how the Commission managed the situation before addressing residents further. Some residents who had gathered at the ward hoping to get their PVC were left to rue the situation as some wondered if INEC with the continuous hiccups is ready for the polls.

Hosni Mubarak Cleared Of Conspiring To Kill Protesters In Egypt’s 2011 Uprising

by the guardian UK

Hosni Mubarak

The former Egyptian dictator, Hosni Mubarak, whose overthrow came to symbolise the promise of the Arab Spring, has been cleared of the murder of hundreds of protesters who called for his removal in 2011.

A Cairo court ruled on Saturday that it did not have jurisdiction over what it judged to be politically motivated charges, and dismissed the case. Mubarak, 86, was also acquitted of several other corruption charges. Several senior Mubarak-era police officials were acquitted at the same time, as were Mubarak’s two sons, Gamal and Alaa, and an exiled Mubarak-era businessman, Hussein Salem.

“It was not suitable to try him of crimes according to the penal code,” the presiding judge, Mahmoud Rashidi, said as he threw out the murder case.

The judgement overturns the life sentence Mubarak received in June 2012, and means he will face no punishment for allegedly sanctioning the murder of 846 protesters during the uprising or for allegedly profiting from the export of gas at below-market rates.

For Egypt’s revolutionaries, the decision is the apogee of a counter-revolution overseen by the country’s new president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, who was head of military intelligence under Mubarak.

“It’s very depressing,” said Ahmad Abd Allah, a leader in the 6 April youth movement that helped lead protests in 2011 and has since been banned. “I saw the blood of the people who died in January 2011, and I carried some of them myself. What a shame for the judicial system, what a shame for Egypt as a state.

“But this wasn’t unexpected. The Mubarak era still hasn’t fallen. It hasn’t stopped killing – so why would they say Mubarak is guilty when they’re doing the same thing.”

For others in Egypt, Mubarak’s fate has become less significant, with millions either exhausted by the four years of political turmoil that his removal unleashed, or far angrier at his one-time successor, the ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, whom Sisi unseated in July 2013.

The ruling leaves Mubarak convicted of just one crime during his three decades in power. He was found guilty in May on separate charges of misusing public funds, though his sentence ends soon.

Deaths Reported In China 'Terrorist Attack'


Up to 15 people have been killed in an attack in China's western Xinjiang region, according to the state news agency.

Xinhua said besides the dead, 14 people were injured in what it said was a terrorist attack on Friday in Shache county.

The Tianshan news portal said on Saturday that the attackers used vehicles, knives and explosives in the assault. The dead included 11 of the attackers, it said.

The district of Shache, or Yarkand in the Uighur language, was the scene of violent clashes in July, shortly before the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Xinjiang is frequently hit by unrest prompted by fierce tensions between China's ethnic Han majority and the Turkic-speaking Muslim Uighurs, with authorities regularly blaming Uighur fighters for the violence.

Some Uighurs in the region region are hostile to the Communist Part's leadership.

They say they are victims of discrimination and left out of the benefits of development in Xinjiang, which has seen an influx of Han Chinese moving in from elsewhere in the country.

Experts and human rights activists say that policies regarding religion and culture adopted by China stoke tensions in the region.

Russia Against Ukraine's Joining NATO


Russian feels extremely negative about Ukraine’s plans to join NATO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

“Our attitude is extremely negative,” Lavrov told a news conference after meeting Council of Europe General Secretary Thorbjorn Jagland.

“Everybody understands the malignity of NATO’s further expansion, which only moves the demarcation lines on the (European - TASS) continent,” Lavrov said.

“NATO was not the subject of my meeting with the Council of Europe general secretary. We did not discuss it: neither in the context of the Ukraine crisis nor NATO’s attempts to repurchase the Mistral helicopter carriers from France,” Lavrov said.

“We discussed the Council of Europe agenda, including those linked to the Ukraine crisis,” Lavrov stressed.

Lavrov said the Council of Europe could take part in monitoring the observance of law and order in all territory of Ukraine.

“We noted the importance to conduct an open and impartial investigation in violations of human rights in Ukraine, including the tragic events on Maidan, in Odessa, Mariupol and other settlements. We’re convinced that the Council of Europe is designed to play an important role,” he said after a meeting with Council of Europe Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland.

“The Council of Europe has created a consultative group for investigating the events on Maidan and the tragedy in Odessa,” Lavrov said.

“I believe that the Council of Europe’s experience and impartial attitude towards such high profile incidents would be used and in demand,” he said.

“We believe that in compliance with its regulations and its conventions the Council of Europe could be involved in the efforts for monitoring the observance of law and order in all territory of Ukraine. We regularly observe incidents in the southeast and other regions,” Lavrov said.

The decree of Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko on the economic blockade of the country's southeast does contribute to settling the crisis, says the Russian foreign minister.

“Poroshenko’s decree, which in fact envisages economic blockade of these regions, does not offer help in easing tensions,” Lavrov said after talks with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland.

“We want Donetsk, Luhansk and the Kiev authorities to start restoring ties as soon as possible,” Lavrov said, adding that the leaders of the eastern regions who were elected during the November 2 vote have called for re-establishing a joint economic, cultural and political space.

Lavrov said there is a common understanding that the inter-Ukrainian crisis can be resolved only by political means "through launching an inclusive dialogue with the goal of searching for the ways to reach national unity."

On November 15, Poroshenko instructed the government to stop the activities of government agencies, banks and enterprises in the zone of military operation and withdraw personnel.


The President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, on Monday urged the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar, to write a letter to Boko Haram to stop their attacks just as he did to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Oritsejafor made the call in Abuja at a 2-day roundtable with Senior Special Assistants on Religious Affairs from the 36 states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

“His Eminence said he wrote a letter to ISIS, I have to truly congratulate you for that because that was a very good move.

‘‘I didn’t know about it until today and I am so glad it happened. But I want to appeal that you also write to Boko Haram because Boko Haram is worst than ISIS.

‘‘They have killed more people than ISIS, they have caused more atrocities than ISIS; they need to be written to as well, it is very important it will help.

“I have made an appeal several times that there are some of our leaders who must come together, religious, political and traditional. They must come and discuss.’’

He also enjoined religious clerics, particularly those in the ‘good book’ of the militant sect to reach out to the leadership of the sect so that the real Islam could be presented to them instead of allowing them to continue to be misrepresenting Islam.

According to him, the militant sect will not listen to him, he will have joined the clerics in preaching peace to members of the terror group and the need to practice real Islam.

Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has been acquitted of murder charges in his retrial Saturday.

Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has been acquitted of murder charges in his retrial Saturday. In 2012, Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison, but last year an appeals court overturned that sentence on technical grounds and ordered a retrial. He was also cleared of a corruption charge involving gas exports to Israel. However he is still serving a three-year sentence for embezzling public funds.


Source: ‪#‎NewsRescue‬ News.
Defense sources have accused the Nigerian Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba for being directly responsible for Friday’s deadly Boko Haram attack of the Kano Emir’s palace – Central mosque.
On Wednesday last week, the Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba was all over Nigerian news busy embroiled in politics. On that day he stated that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal, no longer occupied the seat for defecting from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, to All Progressives Congress, APC.
It was troubling to Nigerians to see that the Nigerian police department had become chartered political thugs of the ruling party and presidency. Rather than ensure the adequate protection of the citizenry, the Nigerian police force had become hired by the Presidency as his political agents with the IG now interpreting the constitution. This followed the IGP ordering the closure of the National Assembly which led to law makers jumping the fence.
Meanwhile following the Emir of Kano’s announcement for Nigerians to arm and defend themselves against Boko Haram by all means necessary, there was intelligence chatter that Boko Haram would attack the Emir and the Central mosque. Our intelligence sources notified us that the Nigerian Security department and police force were notably alerted on the impending attack on Kano following this globally broadcast posture by Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II. In their terms, Kano should have been on “Red Alert.”
It was more than expected that Boko Haram would attack the innocent people of Kano for the declaration of war on them by the second highest Muslim leader of Nigeria and the declaration and gathering for war by Nigerians from all over the country as part of the Ibn Fadlallah civilian Boko Haram hunter forces that have been sacking Boko Haram from all occupied territories.
Security at Mosque Missing
Kwankwaso sweeps off Jonathan’s feet ‘curse’ from Kano
But rather than act to protect the Emirate, the Palace Kano Central Mosque and other targets in Kano, the police Inspector General, Suleiman Abba directed the police to harass, detain and intimidate civilian vigilante’s defending the nation against Boko Haram and to harass Nigerian law makers and so-called opposition politicians across the country, while leaving lax security measures at potential terror target grounds.
Following the bombing of the Kano central mosque Friday, there were angry protests as security officers who should have been already on ground protecting the mosque at the time of prayer failed to arrive the scene for long after the attack which involved Boko Haram gunmen loading and reloading magazines after they pumped all the contained shots on the crowds, causing up to 400 causalities according to latest reports from Rescue operatives.
The Goodluck Jonathan government has been displeased with the Kano government and has not tried to hide this. Kano, one of Nigeria’s largest states, like the Boko Haram ravaged northeast, is an opposition hotbed. The President was last literally swept out of Kano. The Kano government has most recently promised to sue the Presidency for claiming a Kano developmental building as their own achievement.
go here:…/….

2015: I want to save Nigeria from disintegration – Okorocha


2015: I want to save Nigeria from disintegration – Okorocha

Imo State Governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, declared in Kano Wednesday that his aspiration to rule Nigeria was borne out of his desire to rescue the country from disintegration.

Okorocha, who addressed the All Progressive Congress delegates from North-West at his education foundation premises in Kano, said APC will win the 2015 general election if he emerges the party’s presidential candidate.

The governor said his contacts and connections across the country give him edge over other aspirants, adding that he has what it takes to fix the problems of insecurity, education, agriculture, poverty, as well as ensuring the unity of Nigeria.

He argued that it is high time Nigerian leaders discard religious and ethnic sentiments, saying that can never be pre-requisite for power.

Okorocha, who once aspired to rule Nigeria under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), described the ruling party as a symbol of deceit and failed leadership.


Some Yoruba elders in the south west zone of the country have expressed their unflinching support for President Goodluck Jonathan in his re-election bid urging him to help them recover their political and social values.
This resolve was reached on Friday, 28th November, 2014 at the Yoruba Unity Summit organised by the Committee on Yoruba Progress, South west held at the Oduduwa Hall, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
The summit which was attended by President Jonathan; the National Chairman of the People Democratic Party (PDP) Alhaji Adamu Muazu; as well as foremost traditional rulers and leaders of the Yoruba race unanimously bestowed its mandate on President Jonathan in the 2015 general election.
Speaking at the event, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuade; who led other traditional rulers in the southwest noted that the Yorubas were in the forefront of the country’s polity until the spirit of greed crept into the tribe thus causing her political “misfortunes.”
“How did we come to this? The Yoruba were in the forefront. We must remind ourselves that some of these woes are self inflicted and we have never even believed that we could always talk to ourselves on these lapses and how rectification could be achieved in a situation where our sons and daughters would see themselves as coming from one big family and conquer the spirit of greed.”
The traditional ruler who said that various projects have been abandoned by the Jonathan administration in the southwest beckoned on him to see to their completion.
Oba Sijuade however reiterated the Yoruba’s commitment to seeing that President Jonathan wins next year’s election in order to help in re-shaping the geo-political zone.
Speaking, President Jonathan expressed appreciation at the endorsement saying that “the Yoruba continue to be at the edge and has contributed to the building blocks that form the Nigeria edifice.”
President Jonathan promised to implement the recommendations of the concluded National Conference saying there was no way the southwest would be left behind.
Among dignitaries that graced the event were: the Governor of Ekiti State, Mr. Ayodele Fayose; the PDP governorship candidate in the last governorship election in Osun State, Senator Iyiola Omisore; members of the National Assembly among other notable leaders that are of Yoruba race.
Dignitaries at the forum included the convener, Chief Olabode George; Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade; Chief Francis Adenigba Fadahunsi, former transport minister, Chief Ebenezer Babatope; the chairman, board of the African Newspaper of Nigeria (ANN), Chief (Mrs) H.I.D Awolowo, who was represented by Reverend (Mrs) Tola Oyediran; Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State, Senator Iyiola Omisore, Minister for Police Affairs, Alhaji Jelili Adesiyan, Chief Jimoh Ibrahim and Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, Honourable Mulikat Adeola Akande.
Others were former Minister for Youth Development, Senator Olasunkanmi Akinlabi; Alhaji Shuaib Oyedokun, Chief Abiola Ogundokun, ex-minister for education, Professor Tunde Adeniran; Chief Oluwole Aina, chairman of the PDP in Osun State, Alhaji Gani Olaoluwa, national chairman of the PDP, Alhaji Adamu Muazu; chairman of Federal Roads Maintenance Agency (FERMA), Mr. Jide Adeniji; Ewi of Ado Ekiti, Oba Rufus Adeyemo Adejuyigbe, the Orangun of Oke Ila Orangun, Oba Adedokun Abolarin; former governor of Ogun State, Chief Gbenga Daniel, among others.
Earlier, President Jonathan had been to the palace of Oba Sijuwade, on a courtesy call.
He was met by the Ooni, some other monarchs, palace chiefs, the first daughter of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Reverend (Mrs) Tola Oyediran; stalwarts of People’s Democratic Party (PDP)-Senators Ayo Arise, Iyiola Omisore, among others.