Sunday 23 November 2014


NURUDEEN: It just beats me how you get more racist as the days go by. You are bigoted and islamophobic. You are a hate monger. Your speeches are always hate filled. Shame on all kafirs especially you.
JOHNSON: my friend take it easy not even a good morning?
NURUDEEN: what good is the morning to a useless kafir? You are heading to hell already. In fact Allah will give you hell through our hands. You shall not know peace except you accept Islam the true religion of Allah
JOHNSON: I have no doubt that Islam is the true religion of Allah.
NURUDEEN: then how come you don't want to accept the true religion of Allah?
JOHNSON: Well, Allah behaves very much like the devil in my Bible. You don't expect me to accept him or his prophet or his religion
NURUDEEN: You are so full of hate. You racist bastard. You are nothing but a religious bigot. Christianity is religion of fools and blind people.
JOHNSON: if that is your description of Christianity how would you describe Islam.
NURUDEEN: Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion.
JOHNSON: its obvious to all that Islam is all that. Peaceful, tolerant, civilized....
NURUDEEN: shut up you stupid fool. I know where you are going with this. You are just a liar.
JOHNSON: ok let's start. Boko haram?
NURUDEEN: they are a creation of the Christian association of nigeria(CAN). They are only created to discredit Islam. We can All see how the CAN President has been linked with arms for boko haram.
JOHNSON: Ok the government has invited Israel to help destroy boko haram
NURUDEEN: if anybody touches them they will have to answer with their blood.
JOHNSON: Gen. Buhari, a top politician in Nigeria once said that boko haram are freedom fighters
NURUDEEN: is that not obvious that they are fighting oppression of the Nigerian government? We will resist to the death any attempt to destroy the islamic ummah.
JOHNSON: you say they are freedom fighters fighting oppression? Who is being oppressed?
NURUDEEN: Moslems are getting oppressed everywhere in the world. Right here in Nigeria moslems are being oppressed
JOHNSON: meaning they are defending Moslems?
NURUDEEN: yes and we will defend the honor of the prophet and Islam everywhere in the world.
JOHNSON: You just admitted that this murdering, raping, armed robbers called boko haram is actually Moslem groups fighting for Islam and Allah
NURUDEEN: you are nothing but a racist, bigoted islamophobe. You should be charged for racism and hate crime
JOHNSON: Racism??? Please what race is Islam? Since when did Islam become a race?
NURUDEEN: you cannot talk down other people's religion and think you will go free. You have to pay with your blood. Islam will never tolerate anyone insulting her and the holy prophet
JOHNSON. Please make up your mind. Is Islam a race or a religion? And didn't you say earlier that Islam is a peaceful tolerant religion or should I say race?
NURUDEEN: fuck you Christians. Fuck America. Fuck Israel. Fuck England. Fuck Germany. Fuck that your useless cry baby Jesus that could not save himself from the cross.
On the last day Allah will ask Jesus. Oh Jesus, did you tell your followers to worship you and your mother and Jesus will deny all you christian fools. Blind bats that have lost their way. Return to the true religion of Allah and do good deeds.
JOHNSON: so you want me to change my race? That is like asking me to change from being black to Chinese
NURUDEEN: no I mean just accept Islam
JOHNSON: Excuse me? Accept the islamic Race or islamic religion. Which
NURUDEEN: you are a fool. Fuck you.

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