Friday, 12 December 2014


The verse you are about to read below is the verse that muslims terrorist all over the world give as reason of killing innocent people. Infact, that's the verse shekau and his boko haram boys recite before attacking and bombing people.
Let's read the verse and understand it first!
Quran 9:29
Yusuf Ali
Fight those who believe
not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor
hold that forbidden which hath
been forbidden by Allah and His
Messenger, nor acknowledge the
religion of Truth, (even if they are)
of the People of the Book, until
they pay the Jizya with willing
submission, and feel themselves
The islamic Allah is clearly telling muslims here that they should fight and kill those who don't believe in him and also who don't accept his prophet (muhammad) even if they are the people of the book (christians). they should keep fighting and killing untill islam becomes the only religion in the world.
That is the reason why you see muslims shouting everytime that ISLAM WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD! The above quran verse is what is motivating them.
I understand that not all muslims are terrorist. But all muslims are terrorist if they can all obey the above quran verse! In islam we have those who call themselfs muslims but don't follow the quran strickly! We also have those muslims who love quran above everything, those are the muslims who hate DEMOCRACY and love SHARIA! they are the type of muslims who can easily follow the above quran verse and become terrorist killers.
If a muslim becomes a terrorist and discover that some muslims don't agree with him he can easily kill them for the sake of Allah and jihad. That is why you see muslims terrorist killing fellow muslims who don't agree with them!
I'm an ex-muslim! I know what am saying!!
Islam is evil!!!

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