The trial of al­leged murderers of Cynthia Osok­ogwu witnessed a new twist yesterday before the Lagos State High Court sitting in Igbosere, as the first de­fendant in the case gave account of his own story.
The deceased was mur­dered at Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Festac Town, in Lagos by her al­leged Facebook friends.
Lagos State had charged Okwumo Nwabufo 34; Olisaeloka Ezike, 24; Orji Osita, 33 and Ezike Non­so, 25, to court two years ago for conspiracy and murder of Cynthia.
At the resumed hearing of the matter on Friday, the first defendant Okwu­mo Nwabufo opened his defence, he told the court that the deceased was his long time lover.
And they were already planning their wedding before the ugly incident happen.
Nwabufo who was led in evidence by his coun­sel, Chris Opara, revealed that contrary to the report that spread round that he met the deceased on Face­book, he said their affair started in 2011, when they met at Shoprite in Lekki.
According to him, he went for shopping at the venue mentioned, while the deceased was also do­ing the same thing when they met.
He said after introduc­ing each other, they ex­changed contact address.
The defendant who claimed to be a car dealer and also a part time under­graduate of University of Lagos, studying account­ing, said he paid the de­ceased a visit at her base in Abuja and the deceased also visited him where he lodged at Satellite Suit Hotel located at Bwari area council of Abuja.
Nwabufo, said from that moment they became very close and he started assist­ing her as a close friend.
“The late Cynthia was my girl friend, we were very close and we are al­ready planning to get mar­ried as lovers. She visited me often in Lagos. she has been to my house up to five times, I have been very helpful to her doing everything a boyfriend can do to his girlfriend like monetary support, moral support and advis­ing her always.
“I promised that I would marry her and she accept­ed but told me it is still early that I should wait till Christmas when I will visit her parents in Delta State, everything about us was going well till the day I heard about her death, I was so devastated, I was crying, asking why,why, why should it be her, say­ing who must have done this, but the police didn’t give me chance to express my feelings when I was arrested and they made me look like a murderer”, he narrated.
Under cross examina­tion by the Attorney Gen­eral of Lagos state, Ade Ipaye, the defendant told the court that he did not meet the late Cynthia on facebook as he does not have a facebook account.
He said:” I can’t recall anything in the statement obtained by the police be­cause the police told me to act the script”.

Cynthia: Deceased was my long time lover –Alleged killer