The Speaker of the House of Re p r e s e nt a ­tives, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal and his new political plat­form, All Progressives Congress [APC], yes­terday dragged the Federal Government and six others before the Abuja division of Federal High Court over attempt to declare his seat vacant and the withdrawal of his secu­rity aides.
In another development, a renowned constitutional lawyer, Dr. Tunji Abayo­mi, has filed a separate suit on behalf of Tambuwal for an order of court directing the Inspector General of Police to restore the secu­rity aides of the Speaker.
In the suit filed by his counsel, Jubrin Okutepa [SAN], Tambuwal is seek­ing the declaration of the court that the attempt to declare his seat vacant as a member and honourable Speaker is unlawful and unconstitutional.
The suit has the Peoples Democratic Party, its Na­tional Chairman, Adamu Mu’azu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Repre­sentatives, Inspector Gen­eral of Police, Independent National Electoral Com­mission [INEC] and the Attorney General of the Federation [AGF] as 1st to 7th defendants respec­tively.
He also asked the court to declare that he remains a member and the speaker of the House of Represen­tatives until the expiration of his current term of of­fice on June 5, 2015.
Tambuwal also wants the court to declare that withdrawal of his security details when he has not been removed from office as Speaker and member of the House of Representa­tives is illegal and uncon­stitutional.
Besides, the Speaker prayed for an order of perpetual injunction re­straining the defendants from taking any steps to interfere or infringe on his rights and privileges as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and as a member of the House before the expiration of his term. He also wants the court to give an order of perpetual injunction re­straining INEC from ac­cepting any nomination of candidates or organising a bye – election for the pur­pose of replacing him.
Also, Tambuwal wants an order of mandatory in­junction compelling the IGP and the AGF to restore his security details and all other rights, benefits and privileges appurtenant to members of and the office of the Honorable Speaker.
In a 40-paragraph affi­davit deposed to by Tam­buwal, he averred that on October 28, 2014, the PDP and its national chairman threatened to forcibly re­move me from office as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, adding that the threat was made public as reported by some national dailies of October 29”.
He further averred that House of Representatives and the Deputy speaker on October 30 began to strat­egise on how to unlawfully remove me from office as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
“That I know that on the 30th day of October, 2014, the IG at the behest of defendants withdrew my security details hereby exposing me to danger of bodily harm all in their bid to forcibly remove from office”, Tambuwal stated.
The plaintiff also averred that he has become appre­hensive that the defendants will use unlawful means to make good their threats if the court does not inter­vene to stop them.
In a separate suit filed by Dr. Tunji Abayomi on be­half of Tambuwal, Abayo­mi prays for a temporary order of court directing the return of the security aides of the Speaker pending the determination of the suit.
Abayomi also prays the court for an order restrain­ing the defendants from interfering with the rights and privileges whatsoever attached to the office of the Speaker pending the deter­mination of the suit.
The two cases are yet to be assigned to a judge.

Tambuwal, APC drag FG to court