Tuesday 27 January 2015

Middle-belt, Nigeria and friends of Nigerians:.

‪#‎Amah‬ Jones: wrote to Middle-belt, Nigeria and friends of Nigerians:....>>
"Sorry, FAILBUHARI will happen on the 14th of next month. "promote a healthy democracy" under Buhari? That shall never happen. Obasanjo is not the electorate and Nigeria's first REAL election shall not be won or lost on your timelines.
There are huge populations of people who know Buhari very well and they will vote based on his unjust, bloodletting past. Have you ever heard about the MIDDLE BELT? Yes, they will decide this year's election just like they did in 2011. Do you know why Buhari and his Boko Haram outfit have been busy exterminating people from towns and villages in the northern Christian provinces? It's because he and fellow Jihadist Northern Elites know who the real majority are up north. No, it's not the Hausa or the Fulani, contrary to what you've been told repeatedly. The conglomeration of the Middle Belt, taken as a bloc of ethnically related peoples, constitute the northern majority. And that's a majority bitterly at odds with the Buhari camp. Yes, Gowon's people will never vote for Buhari. David Mark's people will never vote for Buhari and certainly not the folks who are neither Muslim nor Christian.
Guess what? They'll all vote for Goodluck Jonathan just like they did four years ago. That's the Jihadist North's greatest worry in the coming election in case you didn't know.
— with Toochukwu Wel Sight Asika and 98 others.

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