Tuesday 27 January 2015

Pakistani Muslim Dumps Acid On Step-Daughters For Refusing Arranged Marria

Posted on 1/8/2014 by Jews news

One step forward, 14 centuries back…

When this becomes an acceptable part of your culture, then you know your culture is a demented disgrace!

A Pakistani step-father has attacked his step-daughters with acid for reportedly refusing to acquiesce to his decision for pre-arraigned marriages for both girls, as reported by India.com on Jan. 5, 2014.
Arranged marriages are quite the norm in Pakistan, as they are throughout the Muslim-world, however, saying no isn’t.
Muhammad Aslam, a stone mason from the north of the overwhelmingly Muslim nation, reportedly dumped acid in his step-daughters Malaika, 19, and Javeria, 23, as they slept.
According to local police official Bashir Ahmed, Aslam money from a local man for the hand of either of his step-daughters in Holy Matrimony.
Unfortunately for Aslam and his bride buying acquaintance, Malaika and Javeria didn’t quiet see things that way.
“When both girls refused the proposal, Aslam threw acid on them to teach them a lesson,” Officer Ahmed said.
Both girls are reportedly in critical condition in a local hospital.
Pictured above, best known to many Westerners was the case of Pakistani woman Fakhra Younus who was the victim of an acid attack at the hands of her “dishonored” ex-husband.
Younus committed suicide in Rome, Italy, late last year at the age of 33.

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