Friday 30 January 2015

FG Alerts Nigerians On New Bombing Methods Of Boko Haram

NOA DG Congratulates Nigerians On New Year
The Federal Government said it had uncovered plans by insurgents to use cobblers, a.k.a. shoe shiners, and livestock to bomb public places.

Mr Mike Omeri, Coordinator, National Information Centre, disclosed this at a news conference while giving update on security situation in the country in Abuja on Thursday.

“The insurgents plan to hide explosives in the tool boxes of the cobblers and detonate them at markets, political rallies, ATM points, restaurant and places of worship.

“There is also indication of a plan to use livestock such as goats, cows, donkey and camels laden with explosives to attack chosen targets.

“In view of this, the general public, including persons operating within and around the aforementioned places, is advised to be vigilant”, Omeri said.

He also urged them to be mindful of suspicious activities in their environment.

The coordinator confirmed the release of some persons taken captive by the Boko Haram sect in Yobe, adding that they were in military custody undergoing counseling.

Omeri said that they would be released to their families after the counseling.

He said government’s team, made up of NOA, NEMA and Red Cross travelled to Niger Republic on Wednesday to distribute relief materials to 100,000 displaced persons.

According to Omeri, 540 metric tonnes of foodstuff was distributed to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), adding that 1,000 of them were Nigeriens affected by insurgency in the North East. (NAN)

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