Monday 26 January 2015


Pastor Kehinde Osinowo
Articles Jan 19 2015 | 04:25am.
Some might be aware that the Holy Spirit chose to foretell to us the divine plans for the political future of our nation, especially at the federal level, many times, years ahead of the actual historical events. This has enabled us to contribute our quota to ensuring that the church prays aright.
Last year, as developments in the different political parties began to take shape, I began to feel anxious for the well-being of our country in view of my perception that the focus of many of our vocal Christian brethren were basically carnal; some of them being prominent leaders in the church circles.
I believe that all of us who made such observation must have been praying for the gracious intervention of our God.
So, on Sunday December7, 2014, I saw a revelation where a man appeared to me and said, inter-alia, that he is the Apostle of the students and that we must cooperate to achieve our goals. Therefore, I ought now to begin to talk to students about the elections.
Although, I would always prefer to concentrate only on preaching and teaching of the gospel, I prayerfully concluded not to be disobedient to that heavenly vision.
This has therefore given me further strength to implement an earlier idea of galvanizing a Christian intercessory movement for the purpose of ensuring that our National Constitution and its supporting legislation are amended to effect true fiscal federalism in the governance of our national political, economic and religious affairs.
As all our brethren need to understand, the greatest potential danger against the spread of the gospel in and through our nation today is the Islamic hegemony, maybe unwittingly, allowed in our national constitution. It is a potential platform for a fanatical muslim-political leadership to spread Sharia throughout the nation or declare Nigeria as an Islamic republic; God will surely forbid that In Jesus Name. Amen
Also, the philosophical and legal foundations for the management of our natural political and economic affairs must be restructured to liberate all the marginalized communities within our national boundaries, thereby enabling all of us to appropriate our God-given resources and to maximally realize our potentials for overall prosperity and fulfillment of our nation. Without this, we may not be able to come out of the political and economic bondage of official corruption, etc. These are some of the reasons why we must continue to petition God until our national constitution is amended for true federalism!
Is simply to bring this Holy Spirit inspired concerns to your attention and to solicit for your understanding, involvement, support and participation.
II. We are a group of sincerely patriotic Nigerians:
1. Who believe in the Biblical concept of the only true God as the Creator and Ultimate Governor of our country,
2. Desire that the governance of our nation should be with the truth and fear of this only true God;
3. In a way that will permit individuals and communities making up our country to operate as moral agents free to exercise their human rights within the agreed mutually edifying laws of our federation;
4. Thereby maximally and excellently realizing our God-given human capital and natural resources' potentials;
5. In an equitably, justly and progressively organized egalitarian market society.
III. So help us God!
IV. Our means of achieving this goal is basically by:
1. Organized and spontaneous intercessory prayers;
2. Teaching, expounding and disseminating the knowledge of the principles and insights involved;
3. Seeking by all legitimate means of communication to persuade opinion leaders, political leaders and the general public.
I hope to hear from you.
Nigeria shall be blessed (Pslm 33:12) and the souls of Nigerians shall be saved from eternal damnation (Pslm 19:7). In Jesus Name
May you and I, also be accounted faithful and profitable by the Lord, at the end. (Judges 5:23; Matt.25:14-30) In Jesus Name.
Yours for the healing of our land,
Pastor Kehinde A. Osinowo

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