Thursday 22 January 2015


History has given humanity to know that Biafrans are distinctive in life. Our past heroes had Supernatural dealings with divinity, and the encounters were vividly presented to us in historic writings because our heroes knew their onions in all the ways. They worked as luminaries and also had dealings in Supernatural; doing great with prevalent and distinctive powers in life. We have a lot of them in blessed memory including Dim C.E.O Ojukwu, Christopher Okikpo and Chinua Achebe. It was their excellent achievements that made us to give regards to them as epic personalities. They were globally honored because their works portrayed them as epoch makers both in fantasy and reality.
The records and reports of Biafrans heroes are there for mankind to read in history. They served humanity in excellence, and their activities gave us to see that greater number of us is lion in realm of the jungle. The facts were vividly presented to show that we possess excellent minds together with bravery in the spirit of adventure. It was the gods and forces that revealed all the Biafran potentials. The whole things were featured in great wisdom, and our heroes saw them in great insight. That was why we have the eagle and tigers in Biafra's coat of arm. It goes a long way to show that people of Biafra have historic marks and global colors which made us to stand tall in the universe.
As a matter of fact, humanity knows that our father's land is unique and great. It is conspicuous because one does not really need to go any far to know that we (Biafrans) posses certain qualities to make the earth a better place for mankind. Everything is made known by the forces in Supernatural because the wisdom of Biafra is undying. We know it that our father's land is great in wisdom, and it is equally obvious that wise ones are still many in the land. We have the outstanding qualities living within us in form of gems, talents, whiz and what have you. They give us to work in wisdom just like our past heroes who were known as gurus, luminaries, sages, genius and the likes. It is the dealings of the wise that have kept the ball rolling in our court these days; sustaining us in the struggle and keeping Biafran flag flying in many ways.
The past heroes of Biafra succeeded in passing the batons because the gods and forces had them as wise ones and visionary minds. They saw the future of Biafra in great insight, and what they saw told them that the Beautiful Ones are there to accomplish the dream of the people in reality. It means that liberation of Biafra is a dream in general. The gods and forces revealed it, and the wise saw it clearly that we is a people in realm of jungle. We live as one in Biafra, and the one-people has a collective dream which is popularly known to the wise as National Dream (ND).
I have to say these publicly because many people have not come to realize that religion has been working hand in glove with European dream to deceive and mislead the black in life. We were told that Jesus was Lamb of God. They gave birth to him in manger, he grew up in Bethlehem of Judah, later became a godly shepherd and finally ascended into heaven where he rules and controls the entire universe as Almighty shepherd at the top; far above the sky.
The Biblical stories are so long and incredible. They were formally written in great wisdom, and insight revealed that 95% of Biafran minds have been converted from the excellent folds of lion into senseless flocks of sheep in the realm of jungle.
The erroneous teachings of Christianity went a very long way to make the lion minds became sheepish in nature. Majority of us accepted the Bible and embraced the religion without really knowing that the European missionaries brought the holy books to brainwash us in make believe. The conversion made majority of us to become sheepish. Insight revealed it to us; showing that one is a big fool if one is sheepish in life. It means that Europe brought religion in disguise to kill our dreams (ND) in Biafra and Africa at large.
This is not my first write up in this regards. I have to repeat myself because insight and intuition revealed it repeatedly. If one has eyes, one will see that Europe & co has truly gone a long way to destroy the National Dream of Biafra and Africa at large.
Furthermore, it will be so nice if each of the sheepish Biafrans sees the need to buy the truth and sell it not. The truth here is that one can hardly succeed in reality without passing exams of life. It implies that divinity was not drunk when the forces sent Muse to use me in writing epic manuscript titled, 70 RHETORICAL QUESTIONS FOR BIAFRA'S LIBERATION. The exams are vital because sheepish minds are fools, and the 95% in Christianity (fools) can never liberate Biafra if they fail to buy the truth and give right answers to the questions to enable Biafra pass or succeed for real.
In addition, let nobody get me wrong in anyway. I am only doing my works as an erudite medium in jungle of Africa; not forcing anybody to accept my words, messages and what have you. It is obvious that every person has his or her life to live and besides, White men and English Language have been helpful to us in many ways just like some people said.
The Language helps us to communicate in general. We use it in learning, and that is very good for humanity. I agree that it is very important, but we should also remember that Igbo Language is known to the wise as Language of the Sun. I said it severally that Biafra is Jesus of Africa.
Insight revealed that our father's land possesses all the Supernatural qualities to illuminate Africa, if not the entire world. The facts are conspicuous because every wise fellow knows that Biafra has all the wealth to shine as light for good in the universe. That is why we have half of the Sun in the flag of Biafra. It goes a long way to show that European missionaries and colonial masters did not mean well for us in Africa. They brought religion to make us sheepish because they understood it that people are fools when they are sheepish in nature. It means that English Language is detriment to us in Africa. We can see it clearly that it has gone a long way to overshadow the Language of the Sun a.k.a Igbo Language.
Onyeji Dominic,

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