Friday 29 August 2014

Hamas Negotiator Gets Legs Broken by Hamas

Hamas Negotiator Gets Legs Broken by Hamas

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

Emad al-Alami was deported by Israel to Lebanon in the nineties but the Jewish State was forced to accept the terrorist’s return under pressure from the international community. Al-Alami was the last Hamas leader out of Syria to abandon Bashar Assad. He’s also Hamas’ conduit to Iran.
The most adamant proponent of this view is Imad al-Alami, the group’s former permanent envoy in Tehran and head of the “Intifada Committee,” now returned from Damascus to Gaza.
He was now a negotiator in Cairo. So the question is… who decided to break his legs?
Amad Al-Almi, a senior Hamas official who represented Gaza in Cairo during the negotiations with Israel, returned to Gaza, to what seems to be some unsatisfied friends and coworkers.
Al-Almi’s fellow Hamas terrorists and other attacked him and broke both his legs, according to Channel 2′s Ehud Ya’ari.
The reason why Al-Almi was attacked is still not known, but we can guess. Yesterday Hamas kingpin Khaled Mashaal told the Hamas leadership that the ceasefire agreement is a loss for Hamas.
Obama, with Qatar and Turkey, did manage to get Hamas some of what it wanted, but Israel held out long enough and did enough damage that there isn’t much to show for it. And specifically, Hamas’ battle with Egypt, with Qatar in the wings, fell apart, since the Egyptians got their way. And all this appears to have exposed plenty of internal tensions within Hamas.

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