Friday 29 August 2014

On the Sponsorship of Boko Haram, Wise Head wrote:

On the Sponsorship of Boko Haram,
Wise Head wrote:
I thought Gen Iherjirika was accused by the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) of being too hard and brutal towards the Boko Haram savages, leading to his unfortunate removal by Jonathan? They even threatened to drag him to the Hague for trial for Boko-Human rights abuses, so is this strange and inexplicable accusation another way by the NEF and el-Rufai to still extract their pound of flesh from Gen Iherijika after they masterminded his removal? I have said it consistently here that if Iherjirika was still the Army Chief, Boko Haram would have been history. And why has the Northern elders been making a case for BH (as for FG to swap BH prisoners with the Chibok girls and canvassing amnesty for them? when it was Ihejirika that was sponsoring them? Why is North always seeking to blame other people for Boko Haram, which many believe justifiably that is a monster created by them?

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