Saturday 30 August 2014

NFF Crisis: FIFA Gives Giwa Faction 3-day Ultimatum To Vacate Office



NFF Crisis: FIFA Gives Giwa Faction 3-day Ultimatum To Vacate Office

World football-governing body, FIFA has handed the Chris Giwa-led executive committee of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) till Monday midnight, September 1, 2014 to vacate the NFF secretariat.
FIFA in a letter sent to the NFF general secretary, Musa Amadu yesterday, insisted that it will not recognise the outcome of the sham elections that brought Giwa and his executive committee into office. The body in its letter signed by its secretary general, Jerome Valcke, made it clear that it will not hesitate to sanction the NFF by suspending it from every international football event and activities, should Chris Giwa and his committee fail to comply with their directive and quit the NFF secretariat before midnight on Monday.
“We understand from the sequence of events that the general assembly duly convened by the NFF Executive Committee could not start as planned because some NFF members, including the president, were being held by security forces for questioning.
“Finally, we have learnt that the persons who claim to have been duly elected during the so-called ‘elective general assembly’ have come to the NFF offices claiming to be the legitimate president and members of the NFF. It also appears the Ministry of Sports has recognised them.
“As a consequence, we will not recognise the outcome of the abovementioned elections and should there still be persons claiming to have been elected and occupying the NFF offices at midnight Monday 1 September 2014, we will bring the case to the appropriate FIFA body for sanctions, which may include suspension of the NFF,” FIFA letter read.
FIFA also reaffirmed its support for the September 4 date set aside by the congress faction of the NFF since “the timing seems very short.”
The world governing body had accepted NFF’s new roadmap for elections into the football federation but that agreement was breached after two factions emerged with Giwa being elected as the federation’s president and 40 of the 44 delegates disapproving his election.
…Our position will convince FIFA - Giwa
Meanwhile, newly elected president of Nigeria Football Federation, Ambassador Chris Giwa has allayed the fears of Nigerians over yesterday’s letter from world football –governing body, FIFA , saying that the NFF will relay a detailed and convincing response to the world body on Monday morning.
“We have seen the letter from FIFA and digested the full content of it. Nothing has changed, as far as we are concerned. We will present our position to FIFA by Monday morning and they will be convinced beyond any reasonable doubt.
“We call on Nigerians not to panic. The NFF is not intimidated and we do not expect any sanction because we have done the appropriate thing. For us, it is not about noise -making. FIFA has admitted in its letter that the General Assembly is the highest decision –making body of any association/federation. That is perfect,” Giwa noted.
Giwa in a statement issued by NFF’s assistant director on media, Ademola Olajire, recalled that the General Assembly of Nigeria Football Federation had at it’s 69th meeting on Thursday, 28th November, 2013 decided that elective Congress would take place on 26th August, 2014
“If FIFA admits that the General Assembly is the highest decision –making body, and the highest decision –making resolved at their meeting in 2013 that elections would take place on 26th August, 2013, no other body can change that decision. Certainly, the NFF Executive Committee is not qualified to change that decision.
“FIFA talked about some persons walking away from the Congress as a result of the fact that some persons were arrested. We were not aware of that. The Congress went ahead and moved a motion to hold elections same day, in deference to the decision of General Assembly of November 28, 2013, and the motion was seconded and there was no counter motion.
“There is absolutely nothing to fear. Our response is ready. FIFA will receive position of the Federation and will be convinced that elections have, indeed, taken place,” Giwa concluded.

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