Monday 18 August 2014

Ribadu cracks PDP

Party chieftains renew threat
The defection of former chairman of the Eco­nomic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mallam Nuhu Riba­du to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the weekend may have rekindled intrigues and rivalry among chieftains of the party in the state.
Ribadu formally registered for the party in Bako, Yola South Local Government Area of Adamawa on Saturday.
Checks by Daily Sun re­vealed that ahead of the party’s primary slated for next month, the former EFCC chair’s defection to PDP and likely declaration for the gov­ernorship race had altered the political configuration in the state with some of his rivals for the PDP ticket,  taking him as the common enemy and warn­ing that the party risked losing the election if it chose Ribadu.
Those who have picked the party’s nomination and expression of interest forms and ganging up against Nuhu Ribadu’s candidature are Acting Governor of the state,  Umaru Fintiri; former Special Adviser to the president on Po­litical Matters, Alhaji Ahmed Gulak and former Lagos State military Administrator, Buba Marwa.
A Daily Sun source ex­pressed consternation over the sudden fraternity between the National Chairman of the party, Adamu Muazu and Nuhu Ribadu, giving cred­ibility to insinuations that the former EFCC chairman was the anointed candidate of the presidency and the national secretariat of the party for its Adamawa ticket.
The source further fingered a native of Adamawa State, who is a top aide of President Goodluck Jonathan, as the ar­rowhead of the Ribadu project in the Presidency. Further checks by Daily Sun revealed that at a meeting in Yola at the weekend, some of the party chieftains took a position to convey their reservations to the presidency on the grave implications of giving the par­ty ticket to the former EFCC chairman.

Ribadu cracks PDP

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