Saturday 17 January 2015

All hail our confident PRESIDENT for moving into the boko territory ,,WHO SAID THAT GEJ IS CLUELESS???

All hail our confident PRESIDENT for moving into the boko territory ,,WHO SAID THAT GEJ IS CLUELESS??? "Trust in Nigeria's Future" #GOODLUCKNIGERIA2015
Nnamdi Ukasanya wrote...
Na wa o! so President Goodluck Jonathan later entered the dreaded Bornu State after the whole Threat and Noise by the Opposition and her Terror group [Boko Haram] eh kwa????
Jonathan is surely a man of peace for refusing to copy the Totalitarian steps of Olusegun Obasanjo and his Odi and Zak Ibiam massacre. A Democrat is a Democrat, no matter the circumstance, and Jonathan has shown that timing is of essence , and nobody can pressure nor cajole him to making a hasty decision as to please some disgruntled elements.
GEJ is the man anytime, any-day. He is gradually turning Nigeria to be among the democratized world, where freedom of Speech and Association is excised without fear nor favor. The only Nigerian who has the capacity to systematically turn OBJ to a Letter-Writer should be accorded a little respect.
‪#‎VoteJonathan‬ for your freedom to be guaranteed!

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