Monday 19 January 2015

British media suddenly discovers Sharia law: Thrown to death… for being gay

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These left wingers. What a sad lot they are. Sad because they borderline illiteracy. They will argue with you and behave as if you are the problem while refuting Islam. But when they hear of Sharia they pretend to be shocked and attribute it to ‘extremism’.
Throwing gays off buildings has nothing to do with extremism or the Islamic state (Daash). It’s just standard Sharia law taught at every single mosque worldwide, include every mosque in Britain – where many are funded by the local councils (government). If you tell these crazy liberals that mosques must be closed down and Islam banned you are quickly branded a racist and very extreme. The liberal left loves human atrocities. Through history the liberals are the ones in closest affiliation to dictators and fascists, enabling their rise to power. It is the pretentious left who terrorized the West before the introduction of Islam into our societies. Just read counter-terror reports and learn the history of these charlatan humanitarians and you will see a long habitual history of violence.
The left wingers want honor murders, sodomy and incest of infants and children, abuse and legalized rape of women, murder of gays by throwing them off buildings, or gluing their anus while filling them with water until they explode or filling them with petrol and lit them on fire while alive (a practice used in Iran) – all endorsed and protected by the liberal left who feed and encourage these practices to continue with their aggressive assault on anyone who wants to put a permanent end to them. Gays rarely survive in Palestine which the left-wingers love to protect and support.
Over 86 Sharia courts operate in England where a parallel legal system is being administered over Muslim ruling. Women and young girls are being shipped abroad on “vacation” to be honor killed from the rulings of these courts; young children are sent to their countries of origin to be genitally mutilated (a service offered even by French hospitals for free on the socialist system!); gays disappear back to their home countries to never be heard from again.  The most revolting aspect of all this is that the British government utilizes tax monies from the public to pay and fund for these courts and mosques all over the country for ‘religious and cultural’ activities.

Thrown to death… for being gay: Expert argues ISIS’s latest abomination betrays radical Muslims’ new thirst for killing in the name of justice 

  • Horrific punishment for ‘homosexual activities’ shown in grisly new IS clip
  • Masked IS fighter seen bundling two blindfolded men off the top of a roof
  • The victims, presumably killed, land 100ft below in front of all-male mob
  • Events took place in Mosul, third largest city in Iraq, now under IS control

The depraved, sadistic horror of the latest videos and photographs posted on the internet by Islamic State (IS) is almost impossible to contemplate. They show two men bound and blindfolded as they are manhandled to the edge of a rooftop parapet. Their only ‘crime’? To be gay.
A masked IS fighter announces into a microphone that the two prisoners have ‘engaged in homosexual activities’ and must be punished in accordance with Islamic, Sharia law. In the square about 100 feet below, a large, all-male mob has gathered.
Then the grisly carnival proceeds as, one by one, the men are thrown from the roof. A still shows one victim in a sitting position, mid-flight. In another, both lie on the ground motionless, presumably dead.
Baying: A large all-male mob waits in the square 100 feet below the rooftop parapet where two prisoners are paraded by IS fighters
The events took place in Mosul, the third largest city in Iraq, which IS now controls. The same ‘release’ from IS on Friday shows two more victims, supposedly ‘bandits’, hanging by their wrists from rough, iron crucifixes while masked gunmen, dressed in military fatigues, brandish pistols. The next photo reveals the puffs of gunsmoke as both men are shot through the head.
Then there is a video sequence which, if possible, is more shocking. A woman shrouded in a black burka is dragged across a sandy area, pulled by a white cord tied round her waist. Her voice, punctuated by terrified, breathless gasps, can be heard pleading with her captors.
Then, in a grove of dusty trees, the fighters hurl large rocks at her. The final image shows her body covered by a tarpaulin. Her supposed ‘crime’ is said to have been adultery.
Execution: A masked IS fighter manhandles a bound and blindfolded prisoner towards the edge of the rooftop
IS, which controls sizeable portions of Syria and Iraq, is by no means alone in its resort to execution, although few countries exact capital punishment with the same stomach-churning brutality.
Yet my new book reveals that across the world, the use of capital punishment is in retreat, with the spread of human rights standards even to countries such as China.
Since 1988, the number of countries which have abolished capital punishment has tripled from 35 to 100. Only 39 of the world’s 198 nations have executed anyone in the past ten years.
There has also been a steep decline in the use of the death penalty in most countries that retain it. The 35 executions in the US last year were the fewest for 20 years.
There have been steep falls in Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia, while China has introduced much stricter legal safeguards and rights of appeal. It is still the world’s most frequent user, but although the total of prisoners executed remains a state secret, local experts believe it has halved in less than a decade.
The worrying exception, however, is the Muslim world, where many countries continue to impose the death penalty for ‘offences’ which in most jurisdictions would never be considered as crimes – such as homosexuality and adultery.
Sickening: The prisoner stays in the sitting position as he plummets to what can only be his death
Here there has been a surge in the number of executions and the continuing application of the death penalty for ‘crimes’ far less serious than murder or terrorism.
In fact, some Islamic scholars believe use of capital punishment in countries like Saudi Arabia goes far beyond the requirements of Koranic teaching.
In Saudi, and some other states where Sharia law is embedded in the legal system, the fundamentalists are in control. The Koran says the death penalty should be reserved for the most heinous offences.
Executions in Iran have roughly quintupled to just under 1,000 a year since 2005, and show no sign of diminishing, despite the election of the so-called ‘liberal’ Hassan Rouhani as president.
Here the death penalty is imposed for crimes including embezzlement, burglary and robbery, as well as religious ‘crimes’ such as adultery.
Grisly: Two Islamic State fighters lead the second prisoner to the rooftop edge
Homosexuality is a capital crime in Islamic countries including Iran, Northern Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. Capital punishment can be applied for adultery in Afghanistan, Iran, Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and the UAE.
As an abolitionist, I find it depressing that while British soldiers died in part to defend human rights in Iraq and Afghanistan, both countries have seen big increases in the use of the death penalty.
In Iraq, capital punishment was abolished in 2003, but reintroduced two years later. It now covers not only murder but crimes such as the theft of electricity. Iraq executes about 150 people a year. By the end of 2013, there were 300 prisoners on death row in Afghanistan, many convicted only on the evidence of confessions obtained under torture. There have been executions for ‘immoral behaviours’ such as infidelity, and of children.

Even Muslim countries where executions had wholly or largely ceased are now seeing a new surge. Following the terrorist attack on the school in Peshawar last year, Pakistan has carried out its first for eight years. And last week, Indonesia announced it intended to execute the 64 people on its death row for drug crimes as soon as possible, and issued six immediate death warrants.
The theatrical IS atrocities are monstrous, yet of course there is a context – and that is the handful of regimes where the brutal application of capital punishment is the norm, not the exception.
It is all too easy for western governments to condemn IS while still maintaining relationships with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and increasingly Iran.
It is not consistent – and if we are serious about human rights it must be addressed.
  • The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective, by Roger Hood and Carolyn Hoyle, is published by Oxford University Press.

Laws Against Homosexuality

-Qur’an 4:16 (
-Qur’an 7:80-84 (
-Qur’an 26:165-173 (
-Qur’an 27:54-58 (
-Qur’an 29:28-31 (
-Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 72, Hadith 774 (
-Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 82, Hadith 820 (
-Sahih Muslim Book 3, Hadith 667 (
-Sunan Abu Dawud Book 39, Hadith 4447 (
-Sunan Abu Dawud Book 39, Hadith 4448 (
-Sunan Abu Dawud Book 32, Hadith 4007 (
-Sunan Abu Dawud Book 33, Hadith 4087 (
-Sunan Abu Dawud Book 33, Hadith 4088 (
-Sunan Ibn Majah Volume 3, Book 20, Hadith 2561 (
-Sunan Ibn Majah Book 20, Hadith 2658 (
-Jami’ at-Tirmidhi Book 17, Hadith 40 (
-Muwatta Imam Malik Book 41, Hadith 11 (

The Hadith

Ibn ‘Abbas (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done, and if you find anyone having sexual intercourse with animal, kill him and kill the animal.” Related by Ahmad and the four Imams with a trustworthy chain of narrators.

Hadith kill gays and sex with animals

It was narrated from Ibn`Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lut, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.”

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