Monday 30 June 2014

Ramadan: Pray for the survival of Nigeria, Mark charges Muslims

Senate Presi­dent, David Mark yester­day enjoined Muslims to make the continued survival of Nigeria a focal point of their prayers to the Al­mighty Allah as they begin fasting which heralds the holy month of Ramadan.
In a goodwill message to the Muslim faithful in Nigeria, the Senate President urged them to pray for the nation and her people in order to overcome the trying times.
“More than any time else, the nation requires your support and prayer to triumph over forces of evil facing the na­tion. Our security op­eratives have been over-stretched. Our people are daily being killed needlessly. Our only hope is in the divine intervention of the Al­mighty creator to sal­vage the situation.
“It has, therefore, be­come imperative that you commit yourselves to praying for the peace, unity and survival of Nigeria in this holy month of Ramadan.”
He also called for support and cooperation of all to the security op­eratives to combat the menace of insurgents ravaging the country.
Senator Mark called for religious tolerance between and among re­ligious groups, pointing out that in spite of the challenges, especially insecurity, the unity of Nigeria should not be compromised.

Ramadan: Pray for the survival of Nigeria, Mark charges Muslims

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