Monday 30 June 2014

13 Killed, 34 Injured In Bauchi Hotel Attack

Thirteen people have been killed in a hotel in Bauchi State following an attack by unknown gunmen on Friday night, the Police public relations officer in the state, Haruna Mohammed, a deputy superintendent of Police, said on Saturday.
Mohammed said that the attack occurred at the Peoples Hotel, Bayan Gari area of Bauchi metropolis and that the corpses of the deceased have been deposited at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital, Bauchi, while the 34 injured persons were also receiving treatment there.
An eye-witness, Ahmed Maidoki, told newsmen that five persons in military uniform carried out the attack by detonating explosives and shooting at random.
“We were just sitting down, watching highlights of the ongoing FIFA world cup at the viewing centre located in between the two story building of the hotel when five men dressed in military uniform strolled in. We thought they were security personnel who came to relax as well,” he narrated.
However, this was not to be as the men positioned themselves at the four corners of the hall, and the next thing heard was a loud explosion and everything else became misty from the thick smoke that filled the room.
Maidoki continued, “Shivering, my friends and I sprawled on the ground. We were trying to get out when the five men started shooting sporadically at any one who tried to stand up and in the process killing many of the survivors of the blast,” he said.
Another eye-witness, Usman Hassan, said he was just about to enter the hotel when the blast occurred and he immediately ran away from the scene.
“As soon as I was a bit far from the scene, I heard gun-shots. Few minutes later, a white Toyota Hillux vehicle zoomed out of the hotel on high speed with men wearing army uniforms,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Bauchi State Police Commissioner, Lawal Shehu, said that one suspect has been arrested in connection with the attack and is being interrogated in order to get useful information that will lead to the arrest of his fleeing accomplices.
He urged members of the public to be security conscious and observe happenings within their immediate environment, particularly at motor parks, market places, schools, places of worships, shopping malls, eateries and hotels.

13 Killed, 34 Injured In Bauchi Hotel Attack

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