Monday 4 August 2014

Nigeria and no ‘ceilings’ gender empowerment, equality

Our nation, Nigeria, though today mired internationally, near-pigeonholed by the sen­sationalism of the misguided Boko Haram and their torrid assaults to our North East, nonetheless is on the financial and social upswing. Our rate of GDP growth is at a robustly healthy 6.2 per cent; with ever-liberalising mar­kets, private investment is beginning to increase in tempo, albeit measuredly. Assuredly, we foresee continued develop­ment in our role as Africa’s unabashed, wholly deserved economic steward.
One of the chief catalysts in bringing about such tangible change in Nigeria has, indeed, been our bevy of human capital. However, and just as importantly, our dynamic economic evolution can also be safely attributed to the overdue inclusion of women in the workforce. Our nation is striving to meet and one day, exceed the mantra of Secretary Clinton’s ‘No Ceilings’ Initiative.’
Yet while indeed, level access and thereby the adopting of fundamental human rights for women in the workplace and girls in the classroom happened at a critical junc­ture in our history, such was not always the going case for Nigeria. Inequality has and remains at the root of a fragmentation that continues to threaten to divide our nation in years to come.
And yes, even today, with 170 million plus citizens, uniquely arable lands, oil wealth in abundance and intrigue from our partners within and external to the BRIC echelon, though we suggest we could no longer stand idly by and let ‘tradition’ cast a looming shadow over the potential found in women, inconsistencies remain.
Despite the strides made by, admittedly, international and sometimes indigenous organisations like my SLOK Holdings, the Nigerian workforce exhibits certain degrees of gender inequality: As an ex­ample, the highest percentage of men in the workforce is among those aged 45-49 (99.2 per cent), compared to just 67 per cent of women in this same age group.
Recently, at a Summit in Lagos, Nigerian women, under the auspices of the Nigeria Women in Management organisation, re-echoed the need for West African govern­ments to provide level playing grounds to all aspiring individuals, irrespective of gender.
The women spoke against the backdrop of growing hostilities against the gender across the world, indeed beyond the shores of Nigeria; the continually tragic, deliber­ate entrapment of women from explor­ing or unleashing their full potentials for personal and, indeed, national development elsewhere in Africa.
Positively and, therefore, in contrast, a report in Online Nigeria noted that the steady advancement of women in con­tributing to the nation’s socio-economic trajectory and likewise, their progressive prominence in the national scheme of af­fairs have, to a large extent, made an indel­ible imprint on the Federal Government; from their inclusion, the FG has responded and advanced positively in many ways.
Ms. Adeola Azeez, Chairperson of Wimbiz and a Deputy Managing Director of Deutsche Bank, remarked in a recent interview the government of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan hosts the most female representation in its cabinet, as wit­nessed ever before. They are accomplishing tremendous benchmarks, elevating our country through their thought leadership. Of course, one example to be mentioned is Ms. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a former World Bank presidential candidate and a glob­ally renowned Nigerian economist. Ms. Okonjo-Iweala draws earned admiration from Nigerians across the country, regard­less of ethnicity, regional divide or chosen creed.
However and from a financial standpoint, it is disheartening that although females constitute the highest number of ‘savers’ in Nigerian banks and have developed an ingrained culture of responsibly doing so, they are often not viewed as disciplined enough to pay back a loan. This imbalance hinders entrepreneurship and it is entre­preneurship that truly drives the Nigerian economic engines.
Squandering of our blessed resources has long been a setback of Nigeria. To right this, we must continue to reform; set an ex­ample, implore and incentivise businesses to allow women to attain earned managerial statures and positions of greater profes­sional leadership and ensure our nation is not merely the economic capital of Africa, but truly an ethical compass.
• Kalu is a former two-term governor of Abia State, 2007 presidential candidate and Chairman of SLOK Holdings.

Nigeria and no ‘ceilings’ gender empowerment, equality

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