Saturday 23 August 2014

NSCDC boss escapes assassination by police inspector

The Commandant Gen­eral of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Dr Ade Abol­urin who on inspection and assess­ment tour of disposable forfeited items along with other committee members from the Nigerian Army, EFCC, ICPC, office of the Attorney General of the Federation among others yesterday came under siege when a suspected police inspector attempted to open fire on them at Ikorodu, Lagos State.
The attack was allegedly orches­trated by the arrest of some sus­pected vandals and oil thieves on the waters in possession of petro­leum products in several jerry cans, including two big Cotonou boats. The suspected police team who came in an unmarked Danfo bus carrying AK47 riffles challenged the CG saying he has no right to visit the area because it belongs to the police.
The committee, for which the CG, NSCDC is the chairman, was constituted by the office of the At­torney General of the Federation and has for some time now been on assessment tour of the country for disposable forfeited items used for vandalism of critical infrastructure. However, attempt by members of the committee to caution the offi­cer was rebuffed by him and mem­bers of his team claiming that they were on a mission here so everyone should steer clear.
Further investigation reveals that a distress call was put across to the suspected police team by the ar­rested vandals and upon arrival, their aim was to set the suspects free from the hook of NSCDC by threatening to shoot the CG who masterminded the arrest.
A statement by the NSCDC said “It is however unclear if the sus­pected officer was working on a written script by a superior author­ity or just acting in his own capac­ity as a vandal in uniform. What is however clear is that, this is the umpteenth time that officers and men of the corps have been brazen­ly harassed, molested, assassinated or maimed by officers of the Nige­ria police in recent time in the cause of carrying out their legitimate as­signments.
“Still fresh in our memory is the killing of two men of the anti van­dal squad of the Lagos State com­mand of NSCDC namely AIC Ga­briel Adaji and IC Innocent Akegbe by the police in 2013.
“The Act establishing the NSCDC is unequivocal in its as­signment of the duty of protection of critical infrastructure of gov­ernment and national assets to the corps with tremendous record of achievement by the organization as evident in the various arrest of van­dals in different parts of the country and prosecution of same to serve as deterrent to others and to ensure that Mr. President’s effort at in ensuring that life becomes more meaningful for Nigerians through the provision of basic amenities such as unfet­tered supply of petroleum products, uninterrupted power supply among others is actualized.”
Meanwhile, the police in a swift reaction said it is already investi­gating the incident. experienced on the project.

NSCDC boss escapes assassination by police inspector

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