Thursday 8 January 2015

BREAKING: 12 Killed In French ISLAMIC Terror Attack. The REAL Story…

Posted on January 7, 2015
I’m sure that many of you have already read about this morning’s terrorist attack in Paris, killing eleven people. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and the people of France today.
It was carried out by Muslim terrorists against a satirical newspaper. That’s important to know. This wasn’t a senseless act of violence, but a pre-meditated one in the name of Allah. Yet again, this was an attack designed as a form of censorship through violence, carried out to scare all non-Muslims into silence.
No other religion does this.
It also disproves a common myth. As Americans, we’re often blamed for attacks on our own soil.
If American’s didn’t try to police the world, they wouldn’t hate us!
If we just tried to be more tolerant, Muslims wouldn’t have a reason to be mad at the U.S.!

Right. Well, what about France? The EU in general has been a beacon for multi-cultural tolerance across the globe. Sharia law has even slowly crept into many of their legal systems. I mean, how else can you slap your broad around? Granted, while France hasn’t exactly been as open-armed as England, they can hardly be seen as Team America: World Police. They’re certainly not the evil red, white and blue rednecks invading foreign countries, blowing up every brown person in sight. Because you know, that’s our thing.
Yet still, today in France, they die.
To humanity, there’s no possible justification for this.  To Islamists, it already is.
The ideology of Islam is the enemy of humanity. Once you wade through the media circus today, that’s what it comes down to. France is not America. France is a tolerant, multicultural nation with an increasing demographic tilt toward Islam.  Yet still, they are hated.
Evading the real issue at hand in the name of political correctness does a great disservice to not only those deceased, but to humanity.
Anytime we see a terrorist attack carried out in the name of Allah and we immediately ask their true motives… Muhammad did it first.


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