Monday 19 January 2015

Sweden to reward returning ISIS Jihadists

Jihadists returning to Örebro Municipality will get psychological help.

And not only that: Tvärsnytt now reveals that the municipality council are discussing giving them jobs.

- It gives a very inverted signal, Peter Santesson, opinion Director at Demoskop, says to the Swedish newspaper Expressen.

ISIS Jihadists returning to Örebro will be offered help by a psychologist, the municipal leaders have decided. Jihadists are likely to have traumatic experiences and this is where the municipality wants to help.

- We have discussed how we should work for these guys who have come back, and to prevent them from returning to the fighting, and that they should be helped to process the traumatic experiences they have been through, Councilor Rasmus Persson (C), said to SVT "Tvärsnytt".

They also wants to offer the jihadists jobs in the municipality. The initiative is to prevent alienation, which the Örebro Politicians believe is the reason to take part in the fighting in Iraq and Syria. (!)

Terror expert Magnus Ranstorp, a researcher at the National Defence University and head of EU's work on the subject, thinks that Örebro is doing the right thing.

- Critics are completely way off, he says to Expressen and continues:

- They do not know how prevention works. This is about giving these people a structure. Get them back into normality, instead of them recruiting and radicalizing other young people. Preventive work so that they do not relapse into their violent activities. If you do not have preventive work, that's when it could be disastrous consequences.

Others are critical.

"Tvärsnytt" reports that several people have chosen to move from the district Vivalla after it became known that two individuals from it was fighting in northern Iraq. Residents are simply afraid to have a neighbor who sympathize with IS.

Peter Santesson, Survey Manager at Demoskop, is critical of Örebro Municipality ways of using the municipal money.

- The thoughts goes to the old "monster trips" and similar municipal programs. The problem is that it creates reverse incentives. The question that the municipality should ask is: If you can afford to create this kind of jobs, why do people who goes to Syria get them? And who possibly comes back with serious war crimes in the luggage? Instead of investing in young people who didn't take this step, who didn't go to fight, he says.

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