Saturday 24 May 2014

ASUP Strike:Suspending The Strike (OFFICIAL NOTICE)

On the 20th of
May, 2014, The
Polytechnic, Bida
is working
towards opting out
of the ASUP
Strike! ASUP-BD
is still considering
Proposal. I hope they ACCEPT the OFFER.
And Fast forward to 23rd May, 2014.
23rd May, 2014. Bida Polytechnic: Suspending
The Registrar of The Federal Polytechnic, Bida
has officially come out with a Memo that’s
The 3-page memo is attached herewith.
1.0 Sequel to the series of appellate meetings
held by the Management of the Polytechnic
with the Leadership of the Academic Staff
Union of Polytechnics (ASUP), Bida Chapter,
including the interactive meeting held with the
same group by the Chairman of the
Polytechnic Governing Council (His
Excellency, Col. Theophilus O. Bamigboye) on
May 7, 2014, for the Union to at least suspend
the lingering National strike (like many others
had done) to enable the Polytechnic commence
and complete the Second Semester of year
2012/2013 Academic session. Management
met on Friday May 16, 2014 to review the non-
response by the Union to all the pleas and to
critically look at the impact of the strike as it
affects all facet of life in the Federal
Polytechnic, Bida, most especially the students
and staff of the Institution.
Consequently, Management has resolved that
to avoid total collapse of this Institution, all
staff on strike should suspend their actions
immediately and resume work to enable the
Polytechnic, at least, commence and conclude
the year 2012/2013 Second Semester as it had
been confirmed that this Polytechnic is lagging
behind all the other 22 Federal Polytechnics in
the country in all spheres of Academic
2.0 The action by the management is premised
on the following:<br /> a) It has been observed that the National strike
has been lingering on for more than necessary
despite genuine intervention by well-meaning
individuals and groups such as the Committee
of Chairmen of Federal Polytechnic Governing
Councils, COHEADS, students, Emirate
Council and others. While the Management
shares the sentiments of the Unions for fighting
a just cause, the impact of the strike could no
longer be borne by the Federal Polytechnic,
Bida and God forbids, if action is not taken
now, it may lead to the total collapse of the
system here.
b) It has been confirmed that currently, some
of the Federal Polytechnics did not join or had
suspended their participation in the on-going
strike, to attend to their peculiar challenges
(similar to what is obtainable in Bida) – such
Polytechnics include Auchi, Bali, Damaturu,
Offa, Kebbi, Ede, Ilaro, Ado-Ekiti, to mention
just eight. Also about twenty of the Federal
Polytechnics had concluded their 2012/2013
Academic sessions before joining the strike,
unlike the situation in this Polytechnic.
c) Management notes that admissions of
candidates for the 2013/2014 for ND and HND
had been done and almost all the admitted
candidates had paid the Acceptance fees.
JAMB had even released the results of year
2014/2015 UTME. This is a dilemma for the
d) All the scholarship proposals made available
to the students of this institution by the
Telecommunication companies such as MTN
for 2013/2014 session would now be missed by
our brilliant students as we shall have no result
to present.
3.0 In order to ameliorate the effect of the
recently suspended allowances on our staff, the
Chairman on behalf of the Governing Council
had on May 7, 2014 graciously directed that
the allowances be reviewed and reinstated
immediately. This, the Management had done
in conjunction with the leadership of ASUP
and a copy of the reviewed allowances made
available as appropriate.
4.0 Management Directive
In arriving at its directives therefore,
Management considered the plight of the
innocent students who have suffered greatly
from the ongoing strike (in addition to the set-
back to their future career), coupled with the
fact that this Polytechnic (which has standard)
has not even commenced the second semester
of 2012/2013 Academic session.
Also Management resolved to take all actions
and steps to ensure the survival of this Great
Institution from impending collapse bearing in
mind that the corporate existence of this
institution is the responsibility of all.
Management therefore directs that ALL
POLYTECHNIC should their actions and
resume work immediately. Such staff are to
submit all relevant information required in the
Template with their Heads of Department or
School Officer between Monday May 26, and
Wednesday May 28, 2014.
On behalf of the Rector, I wish to thank all
staff for their show of concern at this trying
Chief Bisi Adeyemi

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