Saturday 31 May 2014

Security agencies will rescue the girls –Primate Ayodele

■ Says, Shekau’ll be killed

Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele, founder and the spiritual head of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church located at Oke-Afa, Isolo Lagos, is increasingly emerging as the Nostradamus of the modern day world in the accuracy of his predictions. Recently, Saturday Sun cornered him at his office where he talked on Boko Haram and the fate of the abducted Chibok girls. He also talked on what to expect in the 2015 general elections.  He spoke to OLAJIRE ISHOLAExcerpts.
You predicted in the Sunday Sun of December 29, 2013 that, “Nigeria needs to pray against deadly attacks from Boko Haram.” But recently, Nigeria witnessed multiple bomb attacks in Abuja and some other places. Does it mean we are not praying enough?
How I wish government should be reading newspapers that used to carry predictions. There are genuine prophets of God in this country like Apostle Suleiman; I read about him in one of The Sun’s publications, we have prophets like Baba Fakeye of the Ayo Ni o, Primate Olabayo. Predictions serve as security reports which people in authority should always take seriously. Why is it that our leaders don’t take predictions seriously? The reason is that leaders prefer those men of God that will tell them what they want to hear.
Government doesn’t take the words of God seriously. I remember that even in the Bible, God used prophets at one time or the other to warn rulers of impending crisis so that they would nip it in the bud. Our security men should always look the direction of prophets so as to plan for future. It was in 2002 that I first predicted about the coming of Boko Haram, but nobody takes it seriously. So also in 2009, nobody took it seriously, which was in one of The Sun’s publications. If you remember the first prominent bomb attack we had was in October 1, 2010, during Independence Day celebration. The government should have taken serious steps about it. Nigerian government needs to overhaul the security apparatus of this country. We’ve predicted about the coming of international communities to assist in fighting Boko Haram in Ihe Guardian of April 26, 2014, it has come to pass now. This doesn’t mean that our security agencies are not competent, the international communities that waded into it now would not know our terrain more than us, but the bulk of it is that those that surround our president do not allow him to see things the way they are. Our president needs our prayers at this trying period. All hands must be on deck now; be you Muslims, Christians and even babalawos. Let us come together and beg God.

What is the fate of the 300 students of the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok in Borno State abducted by Boko Haram?
Security agencies will rescue them, but not all of them will be rescued alive. That is the painful aspect of it. Some of these girls will be killed.

You said in the publication under reference that nobody will be able to capture the leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau alive, do you still stand by this?
I want to say it once again with emphasis that nobody will capture Shekau alive; they will end up killing him.

You also predicted that kidnapping for ritual purposes will be on the increase this year, what is your comment on the recent revelation of the den of ritualists at Soka village in Ibadan and handful of some kidnappers being lynched in almost all the states of the South West of this country recently?
Yesterday (May 9, 2014), this environment was in pandemonium. Parents rushed to the schools around to pick their children from schools because of the romours going round that kidnappers wanted to kidnap some school children. There are people behind kidnapping. But they will be arrested soon. This country needs atonement. All these things are man made errors. This was exactly what I said in 2010 and last year that Jonathan should seek divine intervention. He has not sought God’s intervention for his second term bid. He needs God now in all these, because there are hidden things God wants to reveal to him, God will show him what to do, including his second term bid.
What I will suggest is that, instead of celebrating Independence Day this year, let the president declare September 29, 30 and October 1 for prayer and fasting for God to intervene in the matters of this country.

You said power tussle will bring crisis within All Progressives Congress (APC), in some states, the congresses organised by the party have brought rancours within the party, what is the solution?
All Progressives Congress (APC) should watch over the states the party is ruling now to guard against surprises in the forthcoming elections. If they are not careful, the People’s Democratic Party will take over Sokoto and Rivers states. They need to be careful in the South West also, because there would be problems in Ogun and Oyo states if care is not taken.
The coming elections in Ekiti and Osun states would be characterized by rigging, and other vices. Many would be jolted with what is going to happen. Some people will still decamp from APC to other parties.
Asiwaju Bola Tinubu needs to pray hard and be watchful and careful so as not to be ridiculed.

Let us move to Anambra State, where you once predicted that Governor Obiano should pray then against court cases, what do you think will be the outcome of the case in court?
All he needs to do is to be prayerful, he will win the case, but some other cases are still coming up against his election. With prayer, he will scale through.

Sir, you once predicted that Jonathan government will not be able to manage corruption in Nigeria. What will you say about the external auditors to probe the case of missing 20 billion Dollars from the NNPC?
I will still repeat it; this government would not be able to fight corruption. He will only try his best, but his best will not be able to deliver, because the people around him are corruption personified. If he will succeed in fighting corruption, most of the big men in this country will be in jail, past presidents, past heads of states, almost all the past and present governors and almost all those that have occupied one elective post or the others will end up in jail.

There was fire outbreak in Lagos office of the Central Bank of Nigeria recently, which you once predicted and you warned Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to pray so that he will not face crisis, do you think Sanusi will win the case he instituted against the government?
From day one I have warned Sanusi, but he did not heed my warning. He will not win the case. Erastus Akingbola is in court to reclaim and revive Intercontinental Bank, but he will fail. The issue of CBN is not yet over as many hidden things will be revealed. Some new banks are coming. The incoming CBN governor too needs to pray so that people will not sabotage many of his reforms.

What do you think will be the outcome of the feud between Jonathan and Obasanjo?
You know I have said it before. Jonathan will still want to mend fence with Obasanjo, but Obasanjo will not take it easy with him and it is going to be the political suicide for Obasanjo.

On a lighter mood, what is the takes of the Super Eagles in the forthcoming World Cup in Brazil?
All I know is that Keshi should be prayerful and Nigerians should pray along with him. Super Eagles will surpass previous records

In brief, what should we expect in 2015?
Well by July 4, this year, another book of prediction will be launched, but before then, let us pray against the activities of militant groups that may resurface. Though Boko Haram war would soon be won, but there are still going to be some attacks and bomb explosions. Let us pray so that we don’t lose a very prominent politician. Some governors are going to be indicted. Jonathan should put end to emergency rules in the three North Eastern states.
Malawian government should pray against gang up. Election in South Africa will be characterized with crisis, but if ANC pray well they will carry the day.
Our First Lady should pray for good health. Jonathan should pray so that he will not cry in 2015. Later, only two parties will be recognized in Nigeria. APC should hold their various states very well. Unknown man will rule Lagos in 2015. APC should look the side of Ikorodu for its governorship candidate. If they take it out of Ikorodu, anything can happen.

You know I have said it before. Jonathan will still want to mend fences with Obasanjo, but Obasanjo will not take it easy with him and it is going to be the political suicide for Obasanjo.

On a lighter mood, what are the chances of Super Eagles in the forthcoming World Cup in Brazil?
All I know is that Keshi should be prayerful and Nigerians should pray along with him. Super Eagles will surpass previous records

In brief, what should we expect in 2015?
Well by July 4, this year, another book of predictions will be launched, but before then, let us pray against the activities of militant groups that may resurface. Though Boko Haram war would soon be won, there are still going to be some attacks and bomb explosions. Let us pray so that we don’t lose a very prominent politician. Some governors are going to be indicted. Jonathan should put an end to the emergency rule in the three North Eastern states.
Malawian government should pray against gang-up. Election in South Africa will be characterized by crisis, but if ANC prays well, it will carry the day.
Our First Lady should pray for good health. Jonathan should pray so that he will not cry in 2015. Later, only two parties will be recognised in Nigeria. APC should hold its various states very well. An unknown man will rule Lagos in 2015. APC should look the side of Ikorodu for its governorship candidate. If they take it out of Ikorodu, anything can happen.

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