Thursday 29 May 2014

Senate to Nigerians: Let’s unite against terrorism


Senate to Nigerians: Let’s unite against terrorism

• Congratulates Jonathan, others on Democracy Day
…Tambuwal tasks leaders on expectations
Senate yesterday urged Nigeri­ans to unite in the prosecution of the war against terrorism and agents of instability. The Upper Chamber congratulated Presi­dent Goodluck Jonathan, all former presidents and heads of state, the legislature and judiciary on the 15th Democracy Day anniversary which holds today.
Senators also paid “tributes to all those patriots who are pillars of our collec­tive democratic journey, and the Armed Forces who have steadfastly subordinated themselves to civil authority in the past 15 years”.
In a motion titled, “Felicitation on Nigeria’s 15th Democracy Anniversary,” sponsored by Senate Leader Victor Ndoma-Egba (SAN) and 107 senators, the chamber further urged Nigerians to unite in the prosecution of the war against terrorism and agents of instability and be more resolved in one united indivisible Nigeria under one God.
The Senate said Nigeria’s democracy is gradually maturing, noting that the National Assembly has contributed greatly to its stability and growth.
The Upper Chamber also expressed confidence that development in transport and agriculture sectors, promises in the power sector as well as the imminent passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) will transform the country into an economic power.
Chairman of the Committee on Works, Senator Ayogu Eze, praised Jonathan’s ef­forts at sustaining the nascent democracy despite challenges.
“Let us be careful how we put a cog in the wheel of our progress…We should have pride in what we are doing and have faith in what our leaders are doing to mov­ing Nigeria forward. We must encourage ourselves and have faith in our military. We should use this occasion to rekindle faith in ourselves…,” he said.
Chairman of the Committee on Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Smart Adeyemi, noted that in spite of its chal­lenges, Nigerians have cause to celebrate sustenance of democracy. He also com­mended the National Assembly under the leadership of Senator David Mark for stabilizing legislature which is the founda­tion of democracy.
Senate President Mark stressed the need for credible elections in 2015, adding that credible, free and fair elections are prereq­uisites for the sustenance of democracy.
His words: “My personal advice would be that we must ensure that there is cred­ible election so that any government that is elected has the mandate of the people. We must work hard to ensure that we have credible elections and whoever is elected has the mandate and he can work with the people and for the people”.
Mark said though the nation is yet to get to the desirable destination in terms of infrastructural development, the country has gained tremendously within the 15 years of uninterrupted democracy.
He said that the fact that people can freely criticize government without fear or favour, is one of the greatest achievements of democracy.
“What we have gained most in the cur­rent dispensation in the last 15 years is the freedom for us to speak freely. Today, we can discuss our problems and if we can identify and discuss the problems, half of the problems is solved.
“Sixteen, seventeen years ago, there was no way anybody here, no matter who you are, would have got up to criticize the government. One or two persons who did it, had to run away for their dear lives.
“But today, all of us here can get up and criticise the government; say what our problems are. So, that to me is the greatest gain of the current democratic dispensa­tion”.
The Senate President also harped on inclusive government, one in which everybody will be a participant and that which will places priority on the welfare of the people.
“What we want is a government for the people and by the people. We want a government where everybody would be a participant, a government that would look after the welfare of the people,” he said.
Meanwhile, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, said despite various challenges confronting the nation, democracy remains the only option available to Nigerians to weather the storm and build a prosperous country.
In a message to commemorate Democ­racy Day released by his Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Malam Imam Imam, the Speaker identified sincer­ity of purpose, peaceful co-existence and rapid socio-economic development of all sectors as critical elements in deepening democracy and the rule of law.
He said democracy does not thrive on an empty stomach, hence, all leaders must collectively work hard to reduce poverty and promote the quality of life of all Nigerians.
According to him, Nigerians have shown great faith in democracy and its institutions, hence no challenge should be allowed to dampen their enthusiasm and desire for the progress of the people.
While congratulating Nigerians for witnessing 15 years of uninterrupted democracy, the Speaker noted that the House and indeed the National Assembly, will live up to its billings by enacting laws for the peace, unity and good governance of the nation.

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