Saturday 31 May 2014



(Official address on May 30, 2014 - Biafra Day)

I bring hearty greetings to great people of Biafra from office of Dsage, an erudite seer under the Sun! Homage to the throne of His Royal Majesty - Ezendigbo gburu gburu! The great forum of the people - Ohanaeze Ndigbo! The chairman and organizing committee of May 30, 2014 - Biafra Day! Honorable figures and dignitaries of the occasion! Ladies and gentlemen! All protocols observed!

Let me begin by saying that one truth in Africa is that life has not been easy for the people in many ways. Majority of the black has been going through hell due to retardation and backwardness. The untold suffering and hardship came as a result of bad governance, corruption, social negligence, massive ignorance, mental slavery, false worship, illusion and make believe.

The people of Africa have been deceived in many ways. Biblical story of Esau and Jacob was one thing that gave us to know how the white contributed in deceit of the black in jungle. I am not here to preach any sermon but it is vital for us to understand that the term "Jacob" implies that white men had gone a long way to deceive and deprive us (Africans) of our rights, freedom, privileges and what have you.

The worst victim of these great evils is our dear country, Biafra, the great land of the wise. If we reason with me here, we shall understand that nature deposited abundant wealth in Biafra. Our father's land is highly blessed but the blessings are majorly tapered and managed by strangers which include the white.

Take for instance, we have many oil companies in Biafra, the East of One-Nigeria. The companies are owned and managed by white men. Ibeto is one Biafran man that is surviving as an oil baron in Africa but his oil company still has white men in control. The company is owned by Ibeto but white men are there serving as key officials. It means that Ibeto is only a figure-head in his oil company there in jungle of Biafra.

One thing I like the public to understand is that there are great fishes in African rivers, seas, oceans and what have you. Each of them worth millions of pound but majority of the fishermen are strangers in Africa. They have been exploiting our oceans and seas for their own selfish and economic gains. We have been sitting back like fools in jungle watching them because majority of us do not have the means to fish.

Truth is that strangers keep us in ignorance and bondage. They catch fishes for us to buy, and they do not want us to know how to fish. That is why Biafra has remained a captive in Nigeria till date. Strangers kept Biafra in bondage because they do not want the black to know how to fish.

Furthermore, let me say that I was happy to hear that May 30, 2014, has been declared as Biafra Day. I do not have details of the event but something told me that the organizers and planning committee should know the importance of cooperate communication and unity for Biafra now. What I want to remind the people is that there is no difference between lord and landlord. People of Biafra should understand that their country (Biafra) is a "land" of the wise.

The lord owns the land of Biafra officially, and he (the lord) cannot do without majority support or backing of the people. It means that the lord is head while the people is body of Biafra as an entity in realm of jungle.

So, let me ask! Who is the lord in Biafra? I mean Igbo people are majority in Biafra but they do not have a king sitting on their throne. Why???

I have to ask these because I know what I see as an erudite seer from East where Sun rises. If we ask me, I will say that I see Biafra every day in realm of jungle but the Biafra I see has no head. That is why the people are generally stagnant in the struggle. Every sensible adult should know that certain things we do are not normal for liberation of our dear country, Biafra. It is time for us to arise and match upward in pilgrimage.

As a matter of fact, it is known to the wise that the people cannot arise in oneness as long as Biafra remains without head. Something has to be done to unite us as a body of Biafra in pilgrimage. We cannot really make any progress if there is no "Joshua" to lead and direct the people to the land of Promise. It means that Biafra can hardly be liberated without unity and progress in jungle. That is the way-forward for our dear country, Biafra.

God bless Africa! God liberate and bless Biafra, great land of the wise! Many thanks!

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