Tuesday 27 May 2014

Group protests in support of Nigerian military

A strange protest took place yesterday in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), which may introduce a new twist to ongoing war against terrorism.
It was staged by members of an amorphous Citizens’ Initiative for Security Awareness (CISA).  The group marched on the streets of the FCT in support of the military for the counter-insurgency operations in the Northeast.
The protesters wore branded T-shirts and displayed placards bearing solidarity messages with Nigerian soldiers.
They urged the public to rally behind the Armed Forces in these trying times.
Some of the inscriptions on their placards included: “Nigerian military, thank you for your sacrifice”; “Gallant Nigerian military, thank you” and “#We trust NigerianMilitary” reminiscent of the #Bring BackOurGirls campaign.
The Nigerian military has come under severe attacks, following escalating insecurity in the land, with Boko Haram scaling up its attacks in parts of the country.
Public criticisms of the war against terrorism seemed to have grown louder since the global outrage that greeted the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls from a government secondary school in Chibok, Borno State, on April 15 by Boko Haram insurgents. Up till now, the girls have not been freed, despite the involvement of foreign military allies, such as the United States, the United Kingdom (UK), France and Israel, among others, in the efforts to locate and free the girls.
In the past few weeks, senior military and civilian authorities from the U.S and U.K have condemned Nigerian soldiers for allegedly lacking in training and tools to confront the insurgents. The global media have no kind words for President Goodluck Jonathan either. His administration has been getting the knocks for the flip-flop approach to national security matters.
While top government officials were giving the impression that the Jonathan administration would negotiate with the deadly group to secure the girls’ release, Mr. President is heard ruling out any deal.
Two days ago, The New York Times reported that “Nigeria’s army hampers hunt for abducted schoolgirls”. The report detailed what it called “the failings of the Nigerian military” as impediment to efforts to free the Chibokschoolgirls.
It said: “There is a view among diplomats here and with their governments at home that the military is so poorly trained and armed, and so riddled with corruption, that not only is it incapable of finding the girls, it is also losing the broader fight against Boko Haram. The group has effective control of much of the Northeast of the country, as troops withdraw from vulnerable targets to avoid a fight and stay out of the group’s way, even as the militants slaughter civilians.”
Last week, Sarah Sewall, U.S Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, told the American Congress that the “behaviour of certain Nigerian military actors have made it impossible for the United States to work directly with them”.
Among other things, she fingered corruption as one of the problems dragging back the anti-terrorism war.
She said: “In addition, pervasive corruption undermines the (Nigerian) government’s fight against Boko Haram. The Nigerian government has one of sub-Saharan Africa’s largest security budgets, with $5.8 billion dedicated to security in its proposed 2014 budget. Yet, corruption prevents supplies as basic as bullets and transport vehicles from reaching the front lines of the struggle against Boko Haram.”

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