Monday 26 May 2014

Bombing or not, 2015 elections must hold – Jonathan


Bombing or not, 2015 elections must hold – Jonathan

• Says abduction of schoolgirls, major dent on Nigeria’s security
President Goodluck Jonathan has as­sured Nigerians that despite the se­curity challenges in parts of the country, elections would hold next year as scheduled.
This was just as he de­scribed the abduction of schoolgirls in Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State as a major dent on the nation’s security.
He said however, that these indeed were signs that Nigeria was facing challeng­es of evil forces but nothing was impossible for God to do.
Speaking during the 2014 Democracy Day Interde­nominational Church Ser­vice with the theme, “Love The Lord…and your Neigh­bour” held at the National Christian Centre, Abuja, the President said: “We have been witnessing terror at­tacks for two years plus, but the Chibok incident has added a major dent to the se­curity of the country. There is nothing God cannot do. With your prayers, our girls will be seen by our security personnel.”
He said the objective of those unleashing violence on the nation was to bring down his government but assured that despite their evil machi­nations, the country would continue to move forward.
The President said one of the beauties of democracy, which the nation has been practising for the past 15 years, is that every public office holder knows the ter­minal date of his administra­tion, adding that despite the problems associated with de­mocracy, it remains the best form of government.
He stressed that four or even 10 years were not enough to develop a nation, adding that nation building was a continuous exercise.
Jonathan said the revamp­ing of the rail sector, the privatisation of the power sector, the housing sector, in­dustrial development, the re­modeling of the nation’s air­ports and the reforms in the agricultural sector among others were clear signs that his transformation promises to Nigerians were not mere political promises.
While pointing to the suc­cessful hosting of the World Economic Forum for Africa, Jonathan said Nigeria, under his watch would have gone farther but for the distrac­tions being targeted at his government.
He reiterated that but for the prayers of Nigerians, the security challenges in the country would have been worse.
“After today, the next De­mocracy Day will witness a new government.

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