Monday 30 June 2014

$5.9million Ajudua Trial Stalled Over Absence of Lawyer

The case of Fred Ajudua who is standing trial for allegedly defrauding a former Chief of Army Staff, Ishaya Bamaiyi of $5.9 million dollars (about N1 billion) was on Monday postponed due to the absence of his legal counsel, Olalekan Ojo.
At the resumption of proceedings before Justice Oluwatoyin Ipaye of an Ikeja High Court, Ajudua, who is being prosecuted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, told the court that he had some unresolved issues with his counsel which might have led to his absence.
In his submission, The EFCC counsel, Seidu Atteh, informed the court that the initial charges against Ajudua had been amended and that the complainant (Bamaiyi) and other prosecution witnesses were in court to testify against Ajudua.
However, the amended charge could not be read to Ajudua since he had no legal representation.
The judge consequently adjourned the matter to July 4 for his re-arraignment.
In the initial charge, the EFCC alleged that Ajudua conspired with others now at large to perpetrate the fraud between November 2004 and June 2005.
According to the EFCC, the defendant defrauded Bamaiyi of the monies while they were both on remand at Kirikiri Prison in Lagos over separate alleged criminal charges.
The anti-graft agency said Ajudua obtained the money from Bamaiyi by false pretence claiming that it was the professional fees charged by his lawyer, Afe Babalola to handle his case.
He is also alleged to have claimed that the money collected from the complainant would help to facilitate his (Bamaiyi’s)

$5.9million Ajudua Trial Stalled Over Absence of Lawyer


.As APC state secretary dumps APC for APGA


The leader of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Anambra State and the senator representing Anambra Central senatorial district in the upper chamber of the National Assembly, Senator Chris Ngige, has lost his political associate and major backer in the party, Ben Oranusi, to the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA).

Oranusi had yesterday at an elaborate ceremony in Umunze, Orumba South Council Area of the state declared for the APGA along with the state secretary of APC, Hon. Nestor Okoro and over 3,000 supporters of the party, saying that he found after the recent APC convention in Abuja that the Igbos had no future in the party.

He said he arrived at the decision from the way they were sidelined and that the Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano, had proved after 100 days in office that he remains the only moon shining in the state today.

Oranusi, who was the Chairman of the multi–party coalition that persuaded Ngige at a ceremony in Awka some time in March, 2013 to come and vie for the state governorship, three months before the APC was officially registered as a political party on May 4, of the same year, told the mammoth crowd of APGA supporters that the APC had collapsed in all the 21 council areas of the state and would not be able to field candidates in the state in the 2015 general election.

“After witnessing the recent APC national convention in Abuja and seeing how the Igbos were relegated to the background, I realised that we have no future in the party. Again, I have seen what Governor Obiano has done in 100 days and what he plans to do in the years ahead and needed no soothsayer to tell me that he is the messiah we are looking for. He called for our co–operation in a stakeholders’ meeting he convened at Awka and we have to support him.

“I believe all the Igbos in other political parties should come and join APGA as our own political platform from where we go into the national politics. The chairman of the party, Chief Victor Umeh has proved that he is one leader who can galvanize the Igbos and APGA into a formidable force in Nigerian politics and should be supported”, he said.

Fear Not Nigeria, Prophet AY is with the Super eagles. IF you believe Super Eagles will win, Let me hear you say "Ohon Ohon"

Fear Not Nigeria, Prophet AY is with the Super eagles. IF you believe Super Eagles will win, Let me hear you say "
Ohon Ohon"

NAMA Apologizes to Oshiomhole for Grounding Plane during Ekiti Polls

The Nigerian Airspace Management Agency, NAMA has apologized for grounding the chartered plane of Governor Adams Oshimhole of Edo state during the recent polls in Ekiti state.
The apology was offered when the management of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency, NAMA, Benin Airport Branch paid him a courtesy visit. The team led by the Airport manager, Ibekwe Ikechi visited the governor in order to apologise for preventing the governor from attending the last governorship rally of the All Progressive Congress, APC in Ekiti state.
However, Oshiomhole threatened to take legal action against any governemntal body that again infringes on his fundamental human right of movement.
The governor who said he was in constant contact with President Goodluck Jonathan expressed doubt that the instruction to ground his plane emanated from the President. He also expressed worry that his government had been curtailed twice for inexplicable reasons.
“The next time I am so interrupted, I will not fail to go to court and challenge the infringement on my fundamental rights to movement. We need to strengthen our democracy. We need to breathe air into our multi-party democracy,” he noted.
He advised the airport authorities to shun partisan politics and rather insist on professionalism in its operations. ‘It will be a sad day if the management of a sensitive institution that has to do with air safety joins the club of politicians and political actors,” He said.
The manager, Ikechi in his response apologized for the anomaly noting that such would not happen again. “If (such) things have happened before, let it be in the past, please,” he appealed to the governor.
He also noted that his organization would continue to seek ways at improving the relationship between it and the Edo state government.

NAMA Apologizes to Oshiomhole for Grounding Plane during Ekiti Polls

Boko Haram Is Armed Wing Of Opposition Party – Fani-Kayode

Femi Fani-KayodeThe Former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode, on Monday alleged that the Boko Haram sect is the armed wing of the opposition party, All Progressives Congress, further accusing the Party’s leaders of being supportive of the sect’s actions, as it suits their purpose of discrediting the PDP led government.

“If you compare what’s happening in Nigeria to what happened in Ireland some years ago, you had Sinn Fein on the one hand and then you had the IRA on the other. The IRA was the armed wing of Sinn Fein and as far as I’m concerned, Boko Haram could well be described as the armed wing of the opposition, today.”

The former minister made this statement while addressing issues concerning the State of the Nation, on Channels Television’s breakfast programme, Sunrise Daily.

“It’s very clear to me when you look at all these things that Nigeria is a nation that is at war and we need to be able to do something about this and recognize that when we are at war, you don’t start fighting the government of the day.”

Fani-Kayode, who had been known to critise the Goodluck Jonathan administration until a recent reconciliation, called on citizens to support the government. “What you do is you try to join forces with all the relevant individuals to fight the insurgency, fight the militants and move the country forward”, he said.

He said that the failure of citizens to understand the situation may lead to a take-over of government by the militants, noting the bold advances of militants in Iraq, who are attempting to take over the nation’s capital, Baghdad. He maintained that “sooner or later, you will have such advances being made on Abuja by the Islamic fundamentalists and by Boko Haram”, if care was not taken.

He argued that the Boko Haram was simply after establishing an Islamic fundamentalist state and so it was clear that there could be no basis for negotiation.

“This war is not between Christians and Muslims”, he argued, adding that “It’s between those that believe in Islamic fundamentalist state or the creation of it and Islamic fundamentalists on one hand against the rest of us – that is, Christians and Muslims together and everybody else.”

The former Minister of Culture and Tourism went further to describe members of the sect and their supporters as beasts, who would sacrifice fellow Muslims as a result of their depravity.

“They will kill their own Muslim brothers and sisters, they will kill Christians, they will kill anybody to achieve their objectives and to have their way.”

Asked about the identity of Boko Haram supporters, Fani-Kayode said that there were “some people in this country that believe that it suits their purpose for Boko Haram to kill people in order to discredit the government, destabilize the country and bring the government down.”

He went further to point fingers at the opposition party; maintaining that some members have sympathies for Boko Haram. In defending his claims, he referred to statements credited to members of the opposition, concerning the possible outbreak of violence if the Presidency did not return to the North in 2015.

“That was in 2011, 3 years later, we’ve seen evidence of that. We’ve seen that unfolding in this country”, he said, alleging that threats of making Nigeria ungovernable by some APC elements make them obvious sympathisers.

“Look at the comments of somebody like General Buhari, who was once Head of State in this country.

“Just last year, he said that Boko Haram should be granted amnesty, that Boko Haram should be treated with kid gloves, that Boko Haram should be treated in the same way as the Niger Delta militants (that is to say they should be sent abroad, paid a monthly salary and so forth and that they should not be killed.”

Fani-Kayode noted that the opinion was out of place considering the fact that “they killed almost 15,000 of our citizens, at that point in time… This is not the sort of thing anybody of that stature ought to be saying.”

The former minister further noted that the former Head of State had openly attempted to spread Sharia to all States of the Federation before, and that his objective back then now “tallies with the objective of Boko Haram.”

Boko Haram Is Armed Wing Of Opposition Party – Fani-Kayode

Ijaw youth kidnap my mother, threaten to cut off her head – Bayelsa Commissioner

“They allowed me speak with her twice. I asked her if the kidnappers are Ijaws, she confirmed that they are.
The Bayelsa State Commissioner for Lands and Survey, Furuebi Akene, has described as “frustrating” the fruitless search for his 78-year-old mother, Patimi Akene, who was abducted last week by armed gunmen at the Fonibiri Community, Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa.
The kidnappers, who he confirmed were Ijaw youth, and had demanded the resignation of the commissioner as ‘ransom,’ made a volte face within the week and demanded for monetary ransom.
According to Mr. Akene, though the abductors have reduced the ransom demand from N30 million to N10 million in the last few days, they have also threatened to cut off her head over his refusal to pay the ransom.
The Commissioner, who said the threat was made over the telephone, maintained that he was not going to be intimidated and be apprehensive over the threat.
“One of the kidnappers, who claimed to be the leader of the gang, threatened to kill my mother,” the official said. “He said he will cut off her head and deliver it to my house at INEC road and the body at the village because of the difficulty at getting me to agree with their demand.”
“They have stopped calling me to discuss ransom,” he said.
Mr. Akene noted that the kidnappers have since been calling his younger sister with the ransom demand.
He said his sister offered to pay N1 million, and pleaded with the kidnappers to collect the ransom. But the kidnappers declined, claiming that such sum is too paltry and not enough for fuel and feeding of the kidnapped victim.
The commissioner said when the news of the abduction got to him; he cancelled his attendance of the World Surveyors Conference in Malaysia.
“When they demanded that I resign from the present administration as condition for my mother’s release, I told them that I am not a man out to sacrifice his mother for position,” he said.
He also confirmed speaking with his mother as a proof that the victim was alive.
“They allowed me speak with her twice. The first time, she told me she was okay and I asked her if the kidnappers are Ijaws, she confirmed that they are.
“On the second occasion, they made my mother cry as a means to convince me of their seriousness. She was crying and begged me to secure her release and give them the money.
“They asked me to pay them their money. I told them I will not pay as I am not owing them,” he said.
Mr. Akene said the last text message he received from the kidnappers was “You have lost your mother”.
The abducted mother of the Commissioner was whisked away by armed men numbering about six at her home close to the Fonibiri waterside at about 12 noon on June 21.
Mr. Akene said the gunmen abducted his mother without firing a shot.
The kidnap of the Mrs. Akene comes a fortnight after the abduction of the 90 years old mother-in-law of the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Kombowei Benson.
The speaker’s mother in-law was freed last week in unclear circumstances as the speaker had vowed not to part with any ransom. However, community sources said that a ransom was paid to facilitate the freedom of the woman.
Families of victims are often advised by security agencies to keep the ransom issue under wraps.

Ijaw youth kidnap my mother, threaten to cut off her head – Bayelsa Commissioner


We don’t have any better idea today than we did before about where these girls are

The United States said on Friday it had decreased its surveillance flights in the search for the about 219 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram, but added that the overall effort was unchanged due to more flights by other countries.

It stated that it had no idea of the location of the girls, noting however that there is no letup in the efforts to locate and rescue them.

“We don’t have any better idea today than we did before about where these girls are, but there’s been no letup of the effort itself,” Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told reporters, according to Reuters.

Kirby said the same level of effort was being sustained now through international involvement.

A US defence official speaking on condition of anonymity said American flights had been reduced only after a body of intelligence had been gathered and that the cuts had been offset by the British and the French support.

Kirby denied a suggestion that US flights over Nigeria had been reduced to accommodate increased US surveillance over Iraq, where Washington is flying unmanned and manned aircraft to gather intelligence about Sunni insurgents.

He said some of the resources that were being used in Nigeria had been diverted from other missions in Africa and could now be used elsewhere on the continent.

Officials declined to say how long heightened U.S. surveillance over Nigeria had lasted.

Asked whether it was just a week or two, the defence official said, “No. We were building this baseline for a good period of time.”

US surveillance flights over Nigeria were now intermittent, the source said.

US military personnel are in Abuja helping to coordinate the effort, and some 80 others were sent to Chad in May to support the surveillance operation.

Chad is northeast of Nigeria and borders the area in which Boko Haram is known to operate.

In the last month, US officials had played down expectations about a swift rescue of the girls and stressed the limitations of intelligence from surveillance flights.

One US official voiced concerns that Boko Haram might have booby-trapped areas where the girls could be held, and there had been reports that they might have been split up into groups that were not being held in one place.

The defence official said surveillance alone would not lead to a resolution. “It will take the Nigerian piece of the equation with their own sources and human intelligence coupled with the other forms to really understand the picture,” he noted.

In an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Friday, President Goodluck Jonathan said his government and security services had “spared no resources, have not stopped and will not stop until the girls are returned home.”

via Punch News


Mrs Obiano Unfolds Plan for Anambra Women, Unveils Pet Project

Mrs Obiano Unfolds Plan for Anambra Women, Unveils Pet Project

Wife of the governor of Anambra State, Chief Mrs Ebele Obiano has unfolded her plan to uplift the lives of women, children and the underprivileged in Anambra State.

Speaking at the formal presentation of the corporate symbol of her pet project known as the Caring Family Enhancement Initiative (CAFE) at the Women Development Centre, Awka at the weekend, Chief Mrs Obiano explained that CAFÉ was a well-articulated response to the outcry of the forgotten members of the society whose well-being is just as important as the well-being of the leaders of the society.

According to her, CAFÉ is a bold initiative that seeks to wipe the tears off the eyes of underprivileged children, widows and young women who are not adequately equipped to fend for themselves and restore hope to the society’s hopeless.

Revealing the recent exploits of the initiative, Chief Mrs Obiano recalled the rescue of two abandoned babies and the resuscitation of the Children-in-need facility at Isulo in Orumba Local Government area where she had just commissioned a portable water project among several other interventionist efforts.

The First Lady also explained that the Initiative has developed a full template for women economic empowerment and children‘s welfare programmes and was ready to partner with national and international organizations to ensure a smooth and steady implementation of life-changing programmes.

She also explained that adequate arrangement had been made to ensure that many women from all the local government areas of the State enrolled in the agricultural vocational training programme that the Initiative was planning and enjoined all women to register with cooperative societies in order to gain access to government empowerment programmes.

In his own remarks at the occasion, the governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obianio declared his commitment to gender sensitivity and announced his plans to open the political space for the womenfolk in Anambra State by ensuring that his administration gives women stronger voice and presence in the society.

According to him, his administration has made a bold attempt to give women a fair share of political appointments in order to encourage them to participate more actively in governance and decision-making process.
The governor further assured his administration would also assist Anambra women to attend national and international programmes that would expose them to modern realities that would enable them to contribute more to nation-building and attain their full potentials.

Also speaking, a political stalwart, Mrs Maria Ejielo commended the first lady for her efforts to uplift the lives of the under-privileged.
Mrs Ejielo further noted that the Obiano administration had within a short time achieved commendable results that touched the lives of the people.

Outrage over Nigerian lawmakers’ move to cripple NGOs, voluntary organizations

NGOs have helped sustain embarrassing pressure on the government to rescue Chibok Schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram months ago.
Leaders of CSOs say the bill is a veiled attempt to stifle dissent Nigerian Civil Society Organizations, CSOs, have expressed outrage over a proposal before the House of Representatives seeking to regulate international funding to nongovernmental bodies in Nigeria.
The bill is titled: “An Act to Regulate the Acceptance and Utilisation of Finance/Material Contributions of Donor Agencies to Voluntary Organisations and for matters related connected therewith”.
The bill was sponsored by Eddie Mbadiwe, a first-term member of the House of Representatives representing Ideato North/South constituency of Imo state.
Mr. Mbadiwe is a member of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA.
The bill sets out to give the Nigerian government the powers to regulate international funding to civil society organizations, a plan many believe is a veiled attempt to clampdown on CSOs in Nigeria.
The Executive Director of Enough is Enough, EIE, Yemi Ademolekun, in reaction to the bill, said Mr. Mbadiwe should focus on the many Nigeria’s problems like the missing N20 billion, and an end to the Boko Haram bombings.
The Executive Director of International Centre for Investigative Reporting, ICIR, Dayo Aiyetan, said the bill was setting a “dangerous trend”.
“It is unbelievable that a lawmaker from the House of Representatives would come up with this idea,” Mr. Aiyetan said. “If you leave things in the hands of government and government institutions alone, Nigeria would remain the way it is, corruption would continue and it is only civil societies and the media and public service organisations that can keep them in check.”
Hundreds of local CSOs receive donor funding from international partners to pursue developmental projects across Nigeria yearly.
If the proposed bill is made law, such funding henceforth would only materialize if the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, ICPC, approves.
The bill states that no voluntary organisation is allowed to accept funds from international donors without the permission of ICPC.
The bill also seeks to bar individuals from accepting funds from any international organisation on behalf of any voluntary organisation. It proposes to compel voluntary organisations to make use of only one branch of a Nigerian bank; and explain the expenditure of the received funds.
Other provisions of the bill include a proposal to allow the ICPC inspect the records of voluntary organisations and seize their information if the law is violated. Penalty for violation of the bill is two years in jail.
Under the plan, CSOs based in Nigeria are to first apply to the ICPC and wait for months for clearance. The commission reserves the right to reject or approve the application.
While not stated officially, supporters of the law say it will help address money laundering and block funding for programmes that may undermine Nigeria’s interest.
But leaders of civil society groups say Nigeria currently has specific laws to deal with corruption, money laundering and terrorism.
The groups say the government is bound to abuse the bill, if ever passed, and use its stipulations to go after CSOs perceived to be anti-government.
The coordinator of African Centre for Media and Information Literacy, Chido Onuma, suggested that the bill was targeted at the media that are critical of the government.
“Anything that tries to limit the civil society should be thrown out. If they are interested in any particular NGO, they can go to them to ask for their annual reports. I really don’t see the need for this bill and I hope it is thrown out when the time comes,” he said.
A coalition of Civil Society Organizations said the bill would add no value to governance, but would retard development.
“The Bill will hinder remittances and contributions by Nigerians in Diaspora to the development of the fatherland. This will increase and deepen poverty and the Nigerian misery index leading to further escalation of violence in the country,” the coalition said.
“That the provisions of the Bill is superfluous and duplicates the provisions of existing legislations such as the Banks and other Financial Institutions Act, the Companies and Allied Matters Act, the Terrorism Prevention Act, the Central Bank Act, the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act and several other extant Acts, practices and procedures.
“Many voluntary organisations are already registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission and file their annual returns; and have registered with Special Control Unit against Money Laundering (SCUML) and also file the due returns.”
Efforts to speak with Mr. Mbadiwe, the sponsor of the bill, was unsuccessful as did not answer or return calls seeking comments. He also did not reply text messages sent to his phone

Outrage over Nigerian lawmakers’ move to cripple NGOs, voluntary organizations

Group calls on FG to probe death of Ado Bayero

ABUKA: A group known as the Concerned Citizens of Kano, CCK,has called on the Federal Government to set up a panel of inquiry into various occurrences surrounding the death of immediate past Emir of Kano, Dr. Ado Bayero.
The group also demanded for probe into the violent protest that followed the appointment of the successor to the throne Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.
Chairman of the group, Alhaji Ibrahim Umar in a statement in Abuja yesterday said, “the Concerned Citizens of Kano in its recent meeting has called on the Federal Government to set up a panel that would probe into the circumstances surrounding the death of the erstwhile Emir of Kano, Alhaji Dr. Ado Bayero.”
He also noted that the probe is informed by the previous attack on the emir early in January, 2013 where he was almost killed ,adding that, “several incidences had happened to put him off by some unscrupulous elements to pave way for a new dynasty.”
The group said Bayero’s 51 old reign came to an end with controversies after his death especially as it allegedly gathered that the state government did not use the successor list sent to him by the Kano Emirate Council Kingmakers.
“This was the entrant of the controversy that trailed the appointment of the new Emir which we know was not a name among the ones sent to the state Governor. Immediately the new Emir was announced, a major protest and riots erupted in Kano City as people condemned the way the appointment came up,” the statement read in part.
It therefore tasked the government on a critical assessment of the situation resulting to the Emir’s death and the subsequent appointment as a step to preserving the traditional dynasty of the Emirate Council, and returning peace to the people.


The funeral Mass for the late Justice Chukwudifu Oputa yesterday ended in a fiasco as the son of the former Supreme Court Justice, Charles Oputa, a.k.a Charly Boy, prevented the state governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, from making a speech.
The Mass was held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oguta. Saturday Mirror observed that shortly after representative of President Goodluck Jonathan and Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, delivered the President’s speech, Governor Okorocha walked towards the podium to give his own speech. At that point, Charly Boy dashed towards the governor and forcefully removed the microphone from him.
The scenario forced the governor to walk out of church hall.
Okorocha, positioned to make his speech, but was stoutly resisted by Charles, insisting that he had told the governor not to politicise his father’s burial.
Not even the plea of from the presiding Bishop, Hassan Kukah, could save the situation as Charley Boy snatched the microphone from Okorocha, preventing him from addressing the congregation.
Completely shocked by the development, Governor Okorocha busted into laughter in spite of the scuffle.
Similarly, Charly Boy had during the day of tribute held at the Imo International Conference Centre, Owerri, walked out on the governor, accusing the governor of politicising the burial processes of his father, having brought avalanche of top members of the All Progressives Congress (APC), led by their national chairman, Chief John Oyegun, to make speeches at the event.
However, in a swift reaction, the Imo State Government in a statement through the Senior Special Assistant to Okorocha on Media, Mr. Sam Onwuemeodo, described Charly Boy’s action as “regrettable”, blaming it on the activities of politicians.
The statement reads in parts, “The Imo State government wishes to take exception to the ugly scenario that played out at the funeral church service for the late Justice Chikwudifu Oputa, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oguta. It is highly regrettable that the son of the late Justice, Mr. Charles Emeka Oputa, aka, Charly Boy, threw caution to the wind and turned the church service into a political theater that saw him acting or playing out the script he drafted in Abuja with some Imo politicians who have remained cowed by the overwhelming popularity of Governor Rochas Okorocha.”
The statement read further, “The Imo State governor had worked together with Charly Boy when the late Justice was sick, until the time he died and the preparation for the burial which also encouraged the state governor to make substantial financial input and also organised a special day of tribute for the late Justice at the expense of state government with Charly Boy also present with other members of the family.
In his sermon, Rev. Kukah said the deceased was an accomplished personality in his legal profession, family setting and other endeavours. He said he learnt a lot from his legal dexterity as the chairman of the Oputa panel instituted in 2001 by the then President Olusegun Obasanjo on Human rights abuses.
Source: ‪#‎National‬-Mirror

Obiano Pays Final Tribute to Oputa, to Immortalize Ozoemena Nsugbe

Chief Willie Obiano, the governor of Anambra State has lauded the monumental legacy left behind by the late pre-eminent jurist, Justice Chukwudifu Oputa, describing him as an outstanding scholar and fearless jurist whose legacy would last for a long time.
Obiano was among many Nigerians who came in their thousands to pay their last respect to the late legal luminary, Justice Chukwudifu Oputa at his home-town, Oguta, Imo State on Friday.
Addressing newsmen at the requiem mass held in honour of the late justice of the Supreme Court at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oguta which attracted many dignitaries including members of the Federal and State Executive Councils, National and State Assemblies, governors, and former governors, traditional rulers, organized private sector and the clergy, among others, Chief Obiano bemoaned the seeming passage of Nigeria’s finest breed of legal minds and maintained that Oputa was one of the tallest among them all.
According to him, the late Justice Oputa set a high standard other legal practitioners should aspire to emulate, making a tremendous impact in jurisprudence as a scholar, an astute and courageous jurist and a man of integrity.
Obiano prayed God to give his soul peaceful repose and the family courage to bear the loss
Similarly, governor Obiano has promised to build a befitting civic centre in honour of the cultural music legend, Chief Peter Achukwu, popularly known as Ozoemena Nsugbe.
Announced this at the funeral ceremony of the deceased at his country-home in Nsugbe, Chief Obiano issued a directive to all broadcast stations in the State to play the deceased’s musical works for one week while all his works would be packaged and preserved for posterity.
He urged Igbo musicians to promote Igbo cultural heritage and traditions through their works and restated that one week would be set aside in December this year for celebration of Igbo customs and traditions.
A youth leader, Mr. Peter Anekwe said Ozoemena Nsugbe was a role model to many and brought
pride and honour to Omambala, the State and Nigeria.
Mr. Anene thanked the governor for initiating moves to immortalize the late icon, noting that governor Obiano had within a short period time justified the mandate of the people through purposeful leadership
Obiano Pays Final Tribute to Oputa, to Immortalize Ozoemena Nsugbe


Following the disappointing outing recorded by the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the June 21 governorship election in Ekiti State, party leaders and governors on the platform of the party have begun a strategic drive to ensure that the same experience is not repeated in Osun State, which election is billed to take place on August 9, Saturday Tribune can report.
This is just as it was gathered that the strategic move is, indeed, not only targeted at winning Osun State but also retaining the party’s hold on states which it currently controls, with findings revealing that the governors had begun to hold unusual meetings with key stakeholders in their respective states.

It was learnt that the APC leadership has identified the civil service as a vital segment of the Osun State population that must be won over before the August 9 polls.
As part of the strategic move, the party has reportedly impressed it on the state government that it needed to settle all outstanding entitlements of workers and pensioners, while it should also keep an eye on the opposition’s scheme to use the workers against the party as it did in Ekiti.
With less than 43 days to the governorship election, Saturday Tribune learnt that the Speaker of the Osun State House of Assembly, Honourable Najeem Salaam, met with permanent secretaries, tutors-general, executive secretaries, general managers and other civil servants on Grade Levels 16-17 in the employment of the state, at the House of Assembly chamber on Thursday.
A similar meeting was held with directors and other civil servants on Grade Levels 12-15 on Wednesday, with the governor, Rauf Aregbesola, said to have scheduled a meeting with school principals early next week, while a similar meeting will be held with teachers and the lower cadre of the state’s civil service, later.
According to findings, the meetings were targeted at assuaging the feelings of the workforce towards the state governor, which, it was gathered, would play a vital role in the forthcoming election.
A source in one of the meetings, who confided in the Saturday Tribune, said the speaker pleaded with the workers during the meeting.
“We met with the speaker today (Thursday) as scheduled. It was a begging galore to civil servants to forgive the government of its iniquities, with a promise to turn a new leaf. The speaker pleaded for our support to return the governor for another term, promising to acquaint the governor with some of the foibles identified with his government,” he said.
It was also learnt that as a result of Dr Kayode Fayemi’s loss in Ekiti, the APC governors have resolved to be more involved in the activities going on in Osun State, especially as they affect workers, teachers and other groups in the formal sector.
Further findings revealed that apart from Osun State, similar meetings were being held in Oyo and Ogun states.
The Oyo State governor, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, Saturday Tribune learnt, held a closed door meeting with all elected political office holders on the platform of the APC in the state on Wednesday, while he also met youth groups later that day.
The meeting, held at the House of Chiefs, Ibadan, had heavy security presence, with journalists reportedly not let in into what was discussed at the meeting.
Reacting over the development, the director of publicity, research and strategy of the APC in Osun State, Mr Kunle Oyatomi, said “the PDP has been trying woefully to create disharmony between Aregbesola and the workers.
“Aregbesola has been paying workers’ entitlements as and when due since the beginning of his administration. No complaint. Some months ago, didn’t you hear the labour leadership at Gbangba Dekun in Ile Ife, saying there has been no worker friendly governor like Aregbesola since the creation of Osun State?
“The PDP has died in Osun State for a long time. Whatever their antics, even from Abuja will make no sense to the people.
They failed the people for eight years .Even, the blind can see that Aregbesola has changed the face of Osun.”
While countering the position of the APC, the Director General of Iyiola Omisore Campiagn Organisation (IOCO), Chief Lere Oyewumi, confirmed that “we are wooing every sector of our political economy of which civil servants are an integral part.
Aregbesola has short-changed everybody.
We want our state back and God willing, we have already got it.
Aregbesola should know that his time is up. We will get him out on August 9.
“The troubled ship of APC-led administration has finally wrecked in Osun State and the casualties are too injured to survive the wreckage.
It is a pity, it behoves him to prepare his handover notes in earnest, if he does not run away before or on the August 9, 2014 as his usual practice whenever he runs his followers into problems,” he said.
Source: ‪#‎Tribune‬



President Goodluck Jonathan said he had so far been silent on efforts being made to rescue the 219 students who were abducted from Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State, over two months ago because he did not want to compromise investigation.
He also said for Nigeria to defeat the violent Boko Haram sect, the country must first overcome what he called political, religious and ethnic cleavages.
Jonathan made his position known in an opinion he wrote which was published on Friday by the Washington Post.
The article which has since gone viral in the social media was titled, “Goodluck Jonathan: Nothing is more important than bringing home Nigeria’s missing girls.”
Jonathan said he decided to remain silent about the continuing efforts by Nigeria’s military, police and investigators to find the Chibok girls because he did not want to jeopardise investigation.
He however regretted that his silence was being used by those he described as partisan critics to suggest inaction or weakness.
His silence notwithstanding, Jonathan said his government would not spare any resources until the girls were rescued and their abductors brought to justice. He said he had ordered security agents to hunt the terrorists in the forests in Borno State.
The President said as a parent himself, he felt the pain of parents whose daughters are still with the sect members.
He wrote, “My silence has been necessary to avoid compromising the details of our investigation. But let me state this unequivocally: My government and our security and intelligence services have spared no resources, have not stopped and will not stop until the girls are returned home and the thugs who took them are brought to justice.
“On my orders, our forces have aggressively sought these killers in the forests of northern Borno State, where they are based. They are fully committed to defending the integrity of their country.
“My heart aches for the missing children and their families. I am a parent myself, and I know how awfully this must hurt. Nothing is more important to me than finding and rescuing our girls.”
The President said the country was in dire need of a greater understanding and outreach between Muslims and Christians if the terrorism war must be fought and won.
Issues such as economic disparities, corruption, rights abuse and abuse of rule of law, he added, must and would be addressed to end the insurgency.
Jonathan wrote, “In Nigeria, there are political, religious and ethnic cleavages to overcome if we are to defeat Boko Haram.
We need greater understanding and outreach between Muslims and Christians.
“We also know that, as it seeks to recruit the gullible, Boko Haram exploits the economic disparities that remain a problem in our country. We are addressing these challenges through such steps as bringing stakeholders together and creating a safe schools initiative, a victims’ support fund and a presidential economic recovery programme for North-Eastern Nigeria.
“We are also committed to ridding our country of corruption and safeguarding human and civil rights and the rule of law.
“Something positive can come out of the situation in Nigeria: most importantly, the return of the Chibok girls, but also new international cooperation to deny havens to terrorists and destroy their organisations wherever they are — whether in the forests of Nigeria, on the streets of New York or sanctuaries in Iraq or Pakistan. Those who value humanity, civilisation and the innocence of children can do no less.”
Jonathan also vowed that his government was determined to stop the Boko Haram sect from overwhelming the country.
“Since 2010, thousands of people have been killed, injured, abducted or forced by Boko Haram, which seeks to overwhelm the country and impose its ideology on all Nigerians. My government is determined to make that impossible. We will not succumb to the will of terrorists.
“The abduction of our children cannot be seen as an isolated event. Terrorism knows no borders. This month, Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Britain and the United States established an External Intelligence Response Unit to share security information on such threats in West Africa.
“I propose that we build on this step to establish an enduring, worldwide commitment to destroying terrorism and those who finance or give safe haven to the terrorists.
“In September, I will urge the U.N. General Assembly to establish a U.N.-coordinated system for sharing intelligence and, if necessary, special forces and law enforcement to confront terrorism wherever it occurs,” he added.
Source: ‪#‎Punch‬


My mission is to give Anambra the best —Obiano

Anambra Governor, Chief Willie Obiano, says his administration has mapped out ways of making the state one of the greatest economies in the world.
Addressing the mammoth crowd that graced the Women Development Center, Awka, to mark his 100 days in office, Obiano said his four developmental pillars which still center on industrialisation, agriculture, trade and commerce and oil and gas, would be dutifully pursued. He assured that whatever project he set out to do during his tenure would be world class because he is not a half measure person.
According to the governor, “My vision is to transform Anambra into a first class choice investment destination and a hub for industrialisation and commercial activities, that was why I kicked off with security because that is the only foundation for investors to freely come in and invest.

“Our aim is to create a socially stable, business friendly environment that will attract both indigenes & foreigners to seek wealth creating opportunities in Anambra State.
“To realise our vision and mission statements, we have evolved what we call the four pillars which are the vehicle through which accelerated development will be delivered to Ndi Anambra. They include agriculture, industrialisation, trade and commerce, as well as oil and gas.
“Interestingly, the four pillars are firmly supported by what we call the enablers which include security, education, health, the environment, social infrastructure, housing and urban development, tourism, youth and sports development, security and social welfare and administration and local government, among others.
“100 days down the road, we have laid the necessary foundation for growth and I trust we will deliver because I don't believe in half measures, people that know me will testify to the fact that I always go for the best.”
Reeling out what he has achieved so far, Obiano pointed out that the major cities of Awka, Nnewi and Onitsha have been reclaimed from kidnappers and armed robbers, adding that so far, 177 kidnappers have been arrested, out of which 97 are currently undergoing prosecution.
He noted that their warehouses as well as where they keep their victims have been destroyed while cutting off their weapon supply route. “Anambra people can sleep with both eyes closed,” the governor said.
In agriculture, the governor said the state government has launched and started a revolution that would ensure food sufficiency and create massive employment in partnership with the Coscharis Group, a farm he noted was capable of producing 120,000 metric tons of rice per annum adding that it will also create about 1000 jobs for the youths.
Obiano said: “We have flagged off the construction of 14 new roads across Anambra, totalling up to 167.494 kilometres. We have also commenced the construction of three flyovers in Awka and one bridge that leads to the oil fields of Aguleri, also I have commissioned the longest road in Anambra which will start at Aguleri and terminate at Idah with seven bridges to go with it.
“The administration has rolled out a 10-year industrial development plan and commenced the development of new international model markets in Ogbunike, Oba, Awka and Umunze.
“Plans are in top gear to ensure that Anambra is recognised as Nigeria’s 10th oil producing state because we have what it takes.
“We have also cleared all outstanding arrears of pension and gratuity to 644 pensioners totalling up to the sum of N946, 571, 926.46k.
On building a befitting capital city, the governor said his government has have flagged off the construction of three flyovers and a three Arms Zone in Awka and also set up the new Awka Capital Territory Development Board saying that they will come up with a plan to transform Awka into a super-modern city the people would be proud of.
He noted that the administration has commenced a comprehensive collection of data on Anambra youths with a view to placing them in gainful employment.
“We have tested our own strength and seen that indeed, like our fathers before us, we are capable of great things but we have also realised that if we build only roads and bridges and forget the building of our social and psychological consciousness, our foundation for future greatness would have been laid on quick sand.
“The Spirit of Anambra is the inherent kinetic energy behind the numerous accomplishments of our people in commerce and industry, education, sports, literature & the arts, science, politics and other fields of human endeavour.
“It is the light we bear with us to every part of the world in pursuit of happiness and our readiness to absorb or be absorbed into diverse cultures of the world. The Spirit of Anambra is a high-achieving spirit that finds motivation in itself and fulfilment in the achievement of others.
“We are a great people of extra-ordinary heritage. Our heritage has been enriched by a profound clash of civilisations in the later stages of the 18th Century and the bitter experience of a civil war.
“We are a proud, hardworking and proud people with a capacity to adapt and flourish in any part of the world. We are individually brilliant but collectively we have yet to put our individual brilliance together to produce a mighty beam of light that will announce our presence on earth as a group. And that is why we are performing this segment of the ceremony today to mark the beginning of our collective quest for excellence as a group.”
The governor rounded off is speech with the launch of a new symbol for the state, adding that government has held fruitful deliberations with the leadership of the Anambra State House of Assembly for the immediate passage of a parliamentary instrument that would facilitate the adoption of the new symbols of the socio-cultural identity of Anambra State.
According to governor Obiano, the identities include a new emblem, a new anthem and a new flag, as well as distinctive colours that is synonymous with Anambra State.
The gathering which had the presence of the clergy, traditional rulers, Nollywood actors and actresses, politicians and business men also witnessed the presence of a renowned novelist, Chimamanda Adichie who delivered a lecture called “for the renewal and retrieval of Igbo values by the people.”
The novelist said: “We can disagree and agree to disagree, but we should do so not as separate fractions and groups fighting each other constantly, but as people who ultimately have the same goal.”
Adichie applauded the governor for taking a bold step in dismantling the crime rings in the state within a short time in office, adding that the state would continue to march forward under his leadership if he sustains the tempo.
On his part, the State Commissioner for Information, Culture and Tourism, Chief Tony Onyima said the state had witnessed a new philosophy of government under Obiano within a short period saying that Obiano’s 100 days in office was a special day in the annals of history of the state.

My mission is to give Anambra the best —Obiano


Imo State Governor Rochas Okorocha has described the incident at the funeral church service for the late Jus¬tice Chikwudifu Oputa, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oguta where he was not allowed to speak as a conspiracy of Abuja based politicians against him.
A statement by his spokes¬man, Sam Onwuemeodo yesterday said “It is highly regrettable that the son of the late Justice, Mr Charles Emeka Oputa, aka, Charly Boy threw caution to the wind and turned the church service into a political theater that saw him acting or play¬ing out the script he drafted in Abuja with some Imo poli¬ticians who have remained cowed by the overwhelming popularity of Governor Rochas Okorocha.”
While expressing surprise at the sudden turn of events, the statement said “the Imo State governor had worked together with Mr Charly Boy both when the late Jus¬tice was sick, until the time he died and the preparation for the burial which also encouraged the state governor to make substantial financial input and also organized a special day of tribute for the late Justice at the expense of state government with Charly Boy also present with other members of the family.
“This is why the sudden change of character of Charly Boy at the church service, in which case, he insisted that the governor would not talk as protocol demanded could not be understood, except that he was acting out the script handed over to him by some of the gubernatorial aspirants from the state who might have been rattled by the thunderous ovation that greeted the governor by the crowd when he was first in¬troduced.”
The state government fur¬ther explained that “at a function like that, protocol had demanded that the host gov-ernor must talk before any other speaker. But Senator Pius Anyim representing the President was first called to talk. Ideally, as a representative of the president, there was no way Senator Anyim would not have talked at the event.
But protocol would have seen the governor talking first to welcome the invitees to the service as the host governor.
“Perhaps afraid of the popularity of governor Okorocha among the Imo populace that has always made them to hail him where ever and whenever he talks, the few politicians from the state in Abuja who are desperate to capture power in the state in 2015, saw a willing tool in Charly Boy for them to ensure that the governor would not talk at the event.
“We condemn that ugly in¬cident. And also wish to advise politicians from the state to stop heating the polity over power since God is the giver of power. In 2015, God will decide who will govern Imo State and when God decides that, there is nothing anybody can do about it.”
Source: ‪#‎Sun‬


Pilgrims from Borno state were on Friday compelled to travel seven hours tortuous journey to Kano to board flight for this year's lesser hajj in Saudi Arabia as military barred Maiduguri International Airport from lifting of passengers to the Muslims holy land.
Also given a sad dose of treatment is the former minority leader of the House of Representatives and senator presently representing Borno Central at the National Assembly, Mohammed Ali Ndume, who was not allowed to travel in a chartered flight by the military establishment in troubled Borno state.
It was gathered that all efforts of the governor of the state, Alhaji Kashim Shettima, to persuade the military to rescind its decision fell on deaf ears as every aircraft was ordered to leave the terminal empty.
It took the intervention of prominent politicians in the state to calm the aggrieved 278 pilgrims who had plan to board the flight to Saudi Arabia as they were persuaded to take a seven-hours bus ride to the Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano, a journey which normally would have lasted five hours without the numerous military checkpoints on the highway.
Source: ‪#‎Thisday‬


A major disaster was averted on Friday in Kano as 13 high-calibre Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) targeted at Juma’at worshippers were discovered near a mosque by the state police command.
The Commissioner of Police, Mr Adenrele Shinaba, displayed the devices to newsmen in the state capital on Friday.
He said the explosives were discovered at about 1.30 p.m. in a rickety car parked near a mosque at Sauna-Fafunga in Dakata area of Kano metropolis.
“When we got the information, we quickly moved in to the place and in the course of screening the vehicle, our anti-bomb squad discovered the explosives.
The explosives were primed to explode when the Juma’at prayer is going on and they can destroy a whole neighbourhood because they are of high calibre,” he said.
Shinaba said the police had to detonate one of them but the Anti-bomb Squad advised that they should be removed from the area.
“While we detonated one of the explosives, it shook all the buildings around the area and even left cracks in one of the buildings in the vicinity.
“The cylinders discovered are of high calibre as they can ruin and destroy a whole village,” he said.
Shinaba commended the people of Kano for the timely information they gave to the police which saved the situation.
He also urged the people to continue to give security agencies useful information to enable them carry out their duties effectively.
50 terrorists killed in Borno
In a related development, the Defence Headquarters said on Friday that more than 50 suspected terrorists died during a raid on a makeshift camp used by terrorists in Miyanti and Bulungu, Borno.
In a statement posted on its website, the Defence Headquarters said 53 terrorists died in the encounter, while the troops lost two of their men, and five others sustained injuries.
The statement said that a fuel dump used for storing fuel as well as vehicles, including Toyota Hilux vans, and seven motorcycles; were destroyed in the raid.
It also said that 15 rifles, 11 machine guns and ammunition were recovered by the troops.
“In a separate encounter around Duguri, near the Nigeria-Niger border, troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force stormed a terrorists’ hideout in a raid. The troops recovered 18 rifles, five general purpose machine guns, 25 hand grenades and IED(improvised explosive devices)-making materials,” it stated.
The statement said a suspected gun runner was apprehended and was being interrogated in connection with the seizures. It said the suspect was arrested during a cordon and search operation by troops.
It said further that 15 other suspects were being detained in Abuja after a raid that led to the recovery of seven rifles, pistols, swords and other weapons.
It also said that military operations to track armed gangs would be sustained in various locations.
On Wednesday’s bomb explosion in Abuja, the statement said more explosives were seized from two suspects believed to have coordinated the bombing of the Emab Shopping Plaza in Wuse.
“Bystanders at the scene of the explosion alerted soldiers on patrol to the two suspects who were speeding off on a power bike.
The soldiers pursued the fleeing suspects and shot at one who fell off the bike with his bag, while the rider escaped through the crowd.
“The bag recovered from the suspect was later confirmed to contain a package of IEDs and other accessories.
The statement said that the accessories included stop clock, mobile phones and other materials used for setting off explosives.
The statement said the suspect who was shot later died in a hospital while yelling: “People will die!
People will die!”
Twenty-one persons were confirmed dead following the explosion, while the wounded are receiving treatment in various hospitals.
Source: ‪#‎Tribune‬


Osun State governor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola has declared that the plot of the Federal Government to cripple his administration before the August 9 election in the state through the statutory monthly allocation will fail.
The governor while answering questions during the eight edition of “Gbangbadekun”, a state government public interactive feedback programme in Ijebu-Jesa, headquarters of Oriade Local Government Area of the state said aside from the drastic drop in the allocation, plans are underway to stop it temporarily.
He accused the Federal Government of a deliberate attempt to weaken the federating units especially the states where the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) is ruling, by ways of not making funds available to them for political reasons.
Aregbesola said that, despite the falling alloca¬tion his administration will continue to pay the workers regularly.
According to him, “the Federal Government aside from the drop in the allocation has devised a means to cripple our government before the August election by not giving us the statutory monthly allocation.
“Though the allocation aside from the drop has not been coming on time, the allocation for the Month of May only came yesterday, even before it came we have paid the May salary of our workers.
“Let me tell you that there are plans by the federal government not to release the allocation of the coming months before the election so as to cripple our government, thinking that we will not be able to pay workers salary. I want to tell you that they have failed because we will device means of paying our workers”.
He assured the people of the State that his administration will never sack any worker despite the falling allocation from the federation account.
Source: ‪#‎Sun‬

50 terrorists die in Borno raid -DHQ

Abuja – The Defence Headquarters said on Friday that more than 50 suspected terrorists died during a raid on a makeshift camp used by terrorists in Miyanti and Bulungu, Borno.
In a statement posted on its Website, the Defence Headquarters said 53 terrorists died in the encounter, while the troops lost two of their men, and five others received injuries.
The statement said that a fuel dump used for storing fuel, vehicles, including Toyota Hilux trucks, and seven motorcycles were destroyed in the raid.
It also said that 15 rifles, 11 machine guns and ammunitions were captured by the troops.
“In a separate encounter around Duguri, near the Nigeria–Niger border, troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force stormed a terrorists’ hideout in a raid.
“The troops recovered 18 rifles, five general purpose machine guns, 25 hand grenades and IED making materials.’’
The statement said a suspected gun runner was apprehended and was being interrogated in connection with the seizures.
50 terrorists die in Borno raid -DHQ

South East APC criticizes ‘planned’ ID card scheme for northerners in Imo

Party asked security agencies to expedite action on the 486 northerners arrested in Abia State
The South East chapter of the All Progressives Congress, APC, has asked the governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha, to rescind his plan to issue identity cards to northerners resident in the state.
The APC administration in Imo is reportedly planning to introduce an identity card scheme for the northerners residing in the South East state.
The governor, a member of the APC, has made no mention of the plan.
The south-east chapter of the party, however, described the plan as a “unconstitutional and undemocratic.”
“Whereas we condemn the devilish and heinous atrocities of the deranged Boko Haram elements; we are of the candid view that the Boko Haram elements are not playing northern script, as their agenda is more or less opaque and futile,” the APC said in a statement by its spokesperson, Osita Okechukwu.
“We cannot easily forget that Boko Haram killed General Mohammed Shuwa, uncountable Northerners and nearly assassinated the Shehu of Borno.
Reports indicate that the Emir of Kano did not recover fully from the trauma he suffered in their hands before his death.
“Any attempt to segregate Nigerians like in Nazi Germany will be the greatest disservice to our dear country and to do so will either by omission or commission be playing into the hands of Boko Haram insurgents.”
The party said the unity, stability and harmonious relationship of Nigerian citizens was paramount and fundamental to and that it would not subscribe to a situation where Ndigbo residing in other parts of the country would be subjected to screening and carrying identity card.
It stated, “APC South East maintains that the only way to crush Boko Haram insurgents is a well equipped Army, security agencies, vigilantes and improved welfare of the citizenry that engender hope, trust and confidence.”
The party also “urged the security agencies to expedite action on the screening of those Nigerians arrested in Abia State so as to separate the wheat from the chaff.”
South East APC criticizes ‘planned’ ID card scheme for northerners in Imo


A police constable, Justin Ezeozor was Friday sentenced to death by hanging for the murder of a fellow police officer, Inspector Clement Onwuegbuta two years ago.
Ekeozor is to be hanged on the neck until he is dead. May God forgive your soul," the judge added.
Justice L. O. Okereke while deciding a case of murder of Onwuegbuta, on Feb 17, 2012, ruled that the accused was found guilty as charged.
Justice Okereke in his judgement noted that the plea by Constable Ekeozor that he shot the deceased on self defence was not tenable as he did not receive order from his senior officer on duty with him to shoot before doing so.
Source: ‪#‎Thisday‬


Alleged false N20m burial contribution: Charly Boy exposes Okorocha

It was a sad moment for Imo State governor, Rochas Okorocha at
at Oputa’s burial requiem mass when Charly Boy declared that the governor lacked the moral ground to deliver an oration for the late Socrates of the Supreme Court, Justice Chukwudifu Oputa.
Eye witnesses said that the mass which was conducted by the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Rt Rev. Matthew Hassan Kukah at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oguta, went on smoothly until Okorocha was permitted by the Bishop to pay his tribute to the fallen judge.
However, Chief Okorocha, was stopped midway into his speech, by Charley Boy who was visibly infruiated with Kukah for granting the governor the permission to speak.
He walked up angrily to the altar and snatched the micro-phone from the governor, to the embarrassment of all the dignitaries present. It was a disgrace to the governor.
Among eminent Nigerians present at the church service included representative of President Goodluck Jonathan, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, Governors Willie Obiano (Anambra), Theodore Orji (Abia); the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chief Emeka Ihedioha and former governors of Anambra State, Senator Chris Ngige and Mr Peter Obi respectively.
Also present, were the former governor of Imo State, Ikedi Ohakim,, Senator Uche Chukwumerije and the Minister of Labour, Chief Emeka Wogu, the state Police Commsiioner, Almajid Ali and the Divisional Police Officer, DPO, for Oguta, Ikembuchukwu Abugu.
The intervention of Bishop Kukah could not assuage Charly Boy’s anger as he insisted that no politician would take advantage of his father’s burial to score “cheap political” goals.
He insisted that the Governor should not speak at the event.
However, obviously embarrassed by Charley Boy’s action, the Governor and members his entourage hurriedly left the church service mid -way, despite entreaties from the officiating Bishop Kuka for them to stay on.
It was gathered that Charly Boy’s action followed a recent statement by Government House, Owerri, to the effect that the Oputa family was given N20 million to assist it in the burial arrangements.
It was gathered that “the family never received a dime from either Okorocha or the state government, not to talk of the alleged N20 million said to have been made available to them,’’ as reported by a section of the media.
Earlier in his sermon, Bishop who lauded the virtues of Justice Oputa, stressed that “to tolerate a son like Charley Boy by a man of late Justice Oputa’s reputation, is a measure of the greatness of the man.”
He called on Nigerians to stand up in defence of justice and equity, adding that late Oputa had serious liking for the concept of justice and equity during his life time
Alleged false N20m burial contribution: Charly Boy exposes Okorocha


A bed-ridden victim of Wednesday’s bomb attack at the EMAB Plaza, Wuse II Abuja, Solomon Tesso, on Friday cried out for a job from President Goodluck Jonathan during the president’s visit to the Maitama General Hospital to commiserate with survivors.
The victim, who spoke in pidgin English, told the president that he was caught by the blast as he struggled to make ends meet by selling GSM recharge cards, having left school years ago and unable to find a regular job.
He said he had not been able to sleep since he was brought to the hospital and was now agonizing over what lay ahead of him in his present condition.
“Na recharge card I dey sell for Banex Plaza. I no get job. See what I am going through; since yesterday I no fit sleep. I finish school since, no job. I can’t go and steal; na recharge card I de sell, Sir. If people can help me to start better business, to start my life again…”
The president, however, did not respond directly to his request but only said he was happy that the victim survived the attack.
“We are happy you are alive. Thank God you are alive,” Jonathan said.
The president had cut short his trip to the 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Heads of States and Governments in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, because of the bomb attack.
Before visiting the Maitama General Hospital, he had inspected the scene of the blast to see things for himself, after which he vowed that the perpetrators of the attack would be punished.
Accompanied by the Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, and other top government officials, Jonathan arrived there at about 11.10 a.m. and was briefed on the incident by Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Suleiman Abba.
Speaking with reporters after the visits, Jonathan said the latest attack was regrettable and painful, observing that when some Nigerians were struggling and thinking about how to contribute to national development, some people were planning to kill them.
He described this era of bomb blasts and other forms of terrorism as the darkest phase of the nation’s history, but expressed the belief that Nigeria would overcome it.
Jonathan said: “It is quite regrettable and extremely painful that when some Nigerians are struggling, thinking about how to contribute to nation development, working very hard to take care of their families and train their children, others are busy planning to kill people, intimidate people, and destroy people’s property. It is regrettable. It is one of the darkest phases in the history of our nation; but surely we will get over it.”
The president appealed to Nigerians to bear with the security forces over their various initiatives to curtail the threat of terror.
He said, “I will use this opportunity to continue to plead with our citizens that under such situation, security operatives will come up with different options that sometimes will create some inconvenience for us. Instead of condemning them, let us bear (with them).
“We all bear some pains, from the highest to the least, because as a president, I may not go to everywhere I would have loved to go. These are some of the challenges I have to face. Even for our citizens, under such condition, we have reached some level of restrictions and some pains. Instead of shouting and insulting security operatives, let’s give them maximum cooperation; give them relevant information.”
Jonathan reiterated that terrorism is not peculiar to Nigeria, as all countries that face terror suffer the same thing. He said that citizens must therefore give maximum cooperation to the security forces in their effort to successfully deal with the situation.
Source: ‪#‎Tribune‬

Adieu, Dora Akunyili

THE untimely passing on of Professor Dora Akunyili is a blow, an unrelieved catastrophe. Her killer, conveniently said to be “cancer” for want of an appropriate medical name, reduced the beautiful, well-built lady to a literal skeleton, a cadaverous frame, before finally snuffing the life out of her. And the woman of unsurpassed honour, courage and integrity gallantly yielded up the ghost, in the prime of her life. And she died in India, one of the greatest exporters of the fake drugs that she waged a relentless battle against!
Prof. Dora Akunyili’s radiating friendship, coupled with the wealth of her richly-stored mind, equipped by nature, long training and uncommon courage, enabled her to deal squarely and logically with some of the most profound and abstruse questions of life. She was the very quintessence of honesty: Unlike phantom pictures of friendship which iniquitous men and women foist on undiscerning others, Dora Akunyili was an instant reality that one’s whole being immediately recognized, and the radiance of fellowship that pervaded her actions, thought- and behavioural-pattern held all the essence of long companionship.  The lucidity of her utterances, her steely and incorruptible force of character and gentle humanity were Dora Akunyili’s distinctive characteristics. Yet, cancer killed her, in the prime of her life!
Prof. Dora Nkem Akunyili began her 59-year-life’s pilgrimage as a prodigy, a gifted, precocious child, always on top of her classes, winning prizes, whether at the primary, secondary or tertiary level and scoring firsts and distinctions all the way. She was a holder of a genuine, thesis-backed, doctorate degree in Philosophy (PhD), which she acquired, magnum cum laude, from the reputable University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN).  She was a university lecturer and a public-spirited public servant per excellence. In the Foreword to her seminal autobiographical book, “The War Against Counterfeit Medicine: My Story” (2010), Francis Gurry, Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), has this to say of Dora Akunyili: “When Prof. Akunyili took up her post as head of NAFDAC, no hospital, clinic or pharmacy in the country could be certain that the drugs they dispensed were genuine….” adding that “Dora Akunyili’s achievements as Director General of NAFDAC are an inspiration to everyone, in every country, who is involved in countering the proliferation of fake food and drugs….”
Dora Akunyili’s unassuming superiority, her unaffected humanity, her keen sense of honour, her wit and humour, her inimitable generosity and unimpeachable character marked her out as a consummate lady, a title that is won by very decent members of the fair sex, and not just a woman, the generic name for anyone with female biological gadgets! Dora was as much a rara avis, a rare bird, as she was a kindly philosopher and a true friend of the people. The spirit of benign friendliness illuminated her public life. Her sincerity was beyond question and her devotion to truth was a nonesuch. She epitomized guilelessness, and her reverence for human life was nonpareil. For good measure, Dora was a philanthropist extraordinaire.  The other day, when I was infected with an itch to travel to the Holy Land of Israel to visit the holy places which our Lord Jesus Christ traversed, Prof. Dora Akunyili gleefully offered to defray all my expenses, including air fares, to and fro, accommodation and local transportation expenses in Israel. I was away for fourteen days on end! That I am Urhobo, from Kokori-Inland in Delta State and that she was Igbo from Nanka in Anambra State meant nothing to her. She called me “Brother Chris” familiarly as though we were biological relations!
A pharmacist of repute and an international pharmacologist of transcendent genius, Prof. Dora Akunyili exhibited unexampled courage, in 2010, when invertebrate animals, men and women of straw, pressed the panic button and betrayed the cloven hoof. That was when the late President Umar Yar’Adua was permanently invalided and when some brazen-faced rascals brazenly foisted governance by proxy on the helpless populace: Section 144 (1) (a) of the Constitution stipulates that
“The President or Vice-President shall cease to hold office if-
(a)   by a resolution passed by two-thirds majority of all the members of the executive council of the Federation it is declared that the President or Vice-President is incapable of discharging the functions of this office; and
(b)   the declaration is verified, after such medical report as may be necessary, by a medical panel established under subsection (4) of this section in its report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
“(2) Where the medical panel certifies in the report that in its opinion the President or Vice-President is suffering from such infirmity of body or mind as renders him permanently incapable of discharging the functions of his office, a notice thereof signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Government of the Federation.
“(3)   The President or Vice-President shall cease to hold office as from the date of publication of the notice of the medical report pursuant to subsection (2) of this section…”
Even though it was as clear as crystal to all and sundry that President Yar’Adua had been afflicted with “such infirmity of body and mind as rendered him permanently incapable of discharging the functions of his office”, it was only the indomitable Prof. Dora Akunyili, of the forty-four-member executive council, who was ready to pass a resolution mentioned in section 144 (1) (a) (b) (2) (3) supra. It was her fervid, even if, unsuccessful, effort to force her horsy colleagues to drink the water of constitutionality that issued forth in the therapeutic, even if, phony, doctrine of necessity (see my new book, “The Way It Is”, Vol. 2) that brought Vice-President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to power as Acting President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation, in February, 2010. The unalloyed patriotism of this lady of unsullied character and her invaluable contributions to the Nigerian nation-space, which she made phrenetic efforts to rebrand, must compel Anambra State, from which she hailed, and the Federal Government, which she served meritoriously, to immortalize her.
Adieu, Prof. Dora Nkem Akunyili, a lady who shunned chafing particularism in favour of fervid nationalism, an unsurpassable patriot, a distinguished altruist, an extraordinary philanthropist, an uncommon lady, endowed with Spartan self-discipline and savoir faire, the adorable wife of Dr. Chike Akunyili, a philoprogenitive mother of six, a lady of letters, a versatile pharmacist and an international pharmacologist, a public-spirited public servant and an incomparable Amazon. Adieu.

Adieu, Dora Akunyili