Monday 28 July 2014

National confab falters

Again, extends resumption date by one week
Contrary to the earlier scheduled August 4 re­sumption, for the final adoption of the National Conference reports, announced by the Chairman, Justice Idris Legbo Kutigi, a new date has been fixed.
According to the conference’s Press Secretary, James Akpandem, delegates are now expected to resume on Monday, August 11.
Akpandem admitted the inability of the conference management to tidy up the final reports, blaming it on the Sallah public holidays slated for today and tomorrow.
“When the management of the National Conference adjourned plenary session on Monday, July 14, 2014, delegates were informed that they will reconvene on Monday, August 4 to certify the draft report of the conference to be assembled by the secretariat.
“Substantial work has been done on the various sections of the report as at now and we were hopeful that the entire draft will be ready by the scheduled date.
“However, because of the two-day public holiday declared for Monday and Tuesday, July 28 and 29 respectively, and the volume of the report, which various sections have to be integrated and produced at the same time, it is becoming obvious that 500 copies of the draft report in the required volumes may not be ready for distribution to all the delegates on Monday August 4, 2014.
“This is because external facilities needed to reproduce the volume required became unavailable beginning this weekend because of the long holiday,” he said.
On the new resumption date, Akpandem said: “To avoid a situation where delegates return to Abuja without having the necessary materials to conclude the session within the time frame specified in the work plan, management decided to move the return date ahead by one week.
“Consequently, delegates are now required to return for certification of the Conference Report on Monday, August 11, 2014. This shift may not affect other schedules already set for the eventual winding up of the 2014 National Conference.
“While management appreciates the understanding, and seeks further cooperation of distinguished delegates, it deeply regrets any inconvenience the shift is likely to cause them,” he said.

National confab falters

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