Thursday 31 July 2014

Impeachment: Stop shedding crocodile tears, APC tells Alao-Akala, Ladoja

Oyo State chap­ter of All Pro­gressives Con­gress (APC) has advised former gover­nors of the state, Adebayo Alao-Akala and Rashidi Ladoja, to stop shedding what it described as croc­odile tears over the recent rumoured impeachment bid of the state House of Assembly against its par­ty-led government.
The APC said the two gov­ernors were products of cha­otic governments and could not now pretend that theirs were governments of peace.
In a statement issued by the party Chairman, Chief Akin Oke, in reaction to two separate statements credited to the former governors, the APC said they lacked the moral right to postulate or advise any government on peace since they headed gov­ernments that were allegedly renowned for brigandage, thuggery, bloodshed, where peace was elusive to the peo­ple of the state.
“Is it not an irony that Akala and Ladoja will tell us how peaceful our state should be with a House of Assembly that is devoid of rancour? Both of them ran govern­ments whose Houses of As­sembly were like Israel and Palestine and the Governor’s Office like Gaza, even when members were of the same Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),” the APC stated.
The party said the two for­mer governors were banking on the short memory theory of Nigerians in seeking to come back to rule the state.
The party said if the two former governors were bank­ing on a repeat of the Ekiti governorship election ex­perience in Oyo State, they would be thoroughly disap­pointed.
“They both forcefully removed the famous Oyo State, the land of firsts, from the radar of development and dragged government to their levels. In the hands of one, Oyo became no more than a cosmetic kit and in the hands of the other, Oyo became drab, clueless and without form. It took the pedigree and depth of Governor Abiola Ajimobi to retrieve our dear state from social and govern­mental disintegration,” said the party.
The APC said its govern­ment would go down in his­tory as the first party to win the governorship twice, stat­ing that both Alao-Akala and Ladoja would soon be retired from active politics after the 2015 elections.

Impeachment: Stop shedding crocodile tears, APC tells Alao-Akala, Ladoja

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