Wednesday 30 July 2014

2015: I’ll turn Imo around economically – PDP guber aspirant, Chukwueke

For the Chairman, Contact and Mobilization Committee of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Imo State, Chief Jerry Chukwueke, Imo needs a governor from the core private sector to fully return to its past glory.
This is why he sees himself as the man suitable for the job in 2015. Chukwueke who is also the chairman/chief executive officer of Germaine Group who disclosed this in a chat with newsmen in Owerri, the Imo State capital said that as a private-sector person, he would bring his experience to bear in Imo, which he claimed has not grown economically.
He also assured that the PDP despite numerous challenges would carry the day and win the governorship of state in 2015. He claimed that the Boko Haram insurgents are only targeting to stop President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015 and also weaken his support base in the South East.
Imo after President Goodluck Jonathan visit
Our great party, the PDP is strong and on the ground in Imo State and our people are being mobilized day by day. Without any doubt PDP will win the 2015 elections in the state. We have successfully exposed all the weaknesses of the current administration in the state and their lack of performance, which is the consequence of poor vision and unpreparedness to govern. Imolites now believe that we have an accidental government that thrives on deceit. Imolites are also now aware that the House of Assembly has been emasculated, that there is no due process, that the community government system is a ruse.
In Imo today, there is massive unemployment, as general unemployment is over 55 per cent and youth unemployment is over 90 per cent.  The educational system has collapsed. Imo State University, for instance, which ranked among the top 10 in Nigeria only a few years ago, is currently ranked a 111 out of 112. To compound this awful situation, the state university has lost 12 programmes accreditation within the last three years, including Law and Medicine. Imo is 98 per cent dependent on federal allocation and Governor Rochas Okorocha has racked up debt profile of over N140 billion. No wonder  he has refused to publish even one Imo financial statement/report since he became governor.
Our governor does not understand the importance of due process and does not respect court rulings and resolutions.  You will recall that one of his maiden unilateral decisions was the sacking of the 27 local government chairmen and councillors. And now with the recent Supreme Court ruling, the state is hugely indebted to those elected chairmen and councillors whose sack was illegal. The Supreme Court has ruled recently that state governors have no right to dissolve local government councils or sack local government chairmen and councillors.
The state is now liable to pay all 27 local government chairmen and 305 councillors backlogs and other emoluments throughout the period of their illegal dissolution. This will further add to the financial burden and stress on the state.
Rising insecurity
At the national level, Nigerians have come to realize that Boko Haram is largely political. Their sole aim is to make Nigeria ungovernable and to hound President Jonathan out of office. But apart from President Jonathan, the Igbo are the next target of Boko Haram because they know that Jonathan’s major support base is the South East and they, therefore, imagine that they can by intimidation and with terror coerce the South East into abandoning Jonathan. But the Igbo are resolute and will vote for Jonathan in 2015. At the formation of the political party, APC, many Nigerians were excited about the introduction of an opposition party that would spur our great party, the PDP, to greater performance.
But APC has disappointed most Nigerians . So far it has no ideology, no interest and wellbeing of Nigerians, it has been a gathering of men and women whose common interest is to pull down President Jonathan as they see him as a common enemy. I commend Mr. President on the setting up of the Danjuma committee to raise funds to assuage the hardship of the victims of Boko Haram  nd the hundreds of thousands of displaced Nigerian (internal refugees).
As for our internal security in the state, the way out is to upgrade the community policing from what we currently have to a high standard security organization in terms of quality of personnel, equipment and tools and proper coordination of their activities at the state level. What we have now as Imo Security Network is a group of ill-trained and poorly equipped young men without strategic coordination. Besides, their orientation is more political and less professional.
Okorocha giving stipend to school children as a form of empowerment Instead of adopting strategies to fight unemployment and poverty, the governor resorted to glorifying and perpetuating the culture of poverty and dependence. He goes about public primary and secondary schools sharing stipends of between N100 and N300 to innocent school children in public. Now, he has ordered that parents queue beside their children as they receive these scandalous handouts. These handouts, he claims, run into hundreds of millions of naira monthly.
The governor should have channeled our scarce resources into investments that will create economic opportunities for Imolites instead of destroying the psyche of our innocent generation and perpetuating a dependency syndrome which is both dehumanizing and alien to Igbo culture. Besides, these stipends shared is unbudgeted and unaccounted for.
Okorocha and private-sector experience
In all fairness Governor Rochas has improved the road network in the state, whether or not they are of good quality. He has also built useless roundabouts all over the state. What Imolites need is human development and empowerment and not walking on Governor Rochas’ roads and roundabouts on empty stomachs. I am a key private sector player with expertise in auto sales/services, logistics, agriculture, oil and gas consulting, fast food and retails, hospitals and pharmaceuticals.
I understand job creation, wealth creation and economic empowerment, and I have continuously created jobs and empowered people in the last 30 years. In fact, my partners and I are employers of over 20,000
Nigerians nationwide with an average of four dependants each. To create jobs is not to allocate or share employment; it is to create an enabling environment for private sector investment and businesses to thrive. It is to identify the natural assets and endowment of our people and systematically develop and convert them to economic opportunities. I have a track record of a good manager in a tight economy. I make willing people able  and able people willing and that is the key to human development.
PDP wresting power from Okorocha in 2015
Virtually all the people that matter in Imo State are members of the PDP, and those who left earlier have returned, and our party is swelling in numbers by the day and with strong grassroots support. I am proud to say that my grassroots support in Imo is growing
tremendously and the victory in 2015 will be grassroots based. The question now is, how we in PDP will manage our success and that will depend on the existing understanding in terms of power rotation or political balancing, and the quality of the candidate that will fly
the party’s flag. From my field experience, both in mobilizing Imo for PDP in all 27 local government areas and my ongoing  campaign
consultation visits  of the local government of the state, Imo people are looking for a grassroots candidate. More importantly, they don’t want recycled old names. They are desirous of a new direction and are fed up with the same old story by recycled politicians. They want a focus on Imo economy, economic empowerment, jobs and more jobs.
Grassroots will be the key.  In my view there lies the future of the PDP in Imo State. Imolites appreciate the fact that I personally
funded the entire mobilization of Imo PDP and devoted 12 months at a huge opportunity cost of being away from my businesses and took a personal risk of challenging the policies of an  opposition party sitting governor.
Many aspirants from Owerri zone eyeing governorship instead of Senate We have had delegations offering us the senatorial seat. I have only one answer to that; I’m running for  governor of Imo State and I believe that today’s governance should be private-sector driven. Those whose only experiences have been legislative and appropriation should go to the Senate and let operators like me run government. I am not a sharer, I’m a baker and my desire is to bake for Imo.
My priority within the first 100 days in office if elected
My priority will be jobs, more jobs and more jobs, and how will I achieve that? We will immediately set up an Imo Economic Council that will include distinguished Imolites from the private sector, top professionals and representatives of government. All Imo billionaires will be part of this council which will fashion out an economic development plan and investment strategy for our state. We will start with local investors who will also attract foreign investment.
We will set up agricultural zones in each local government of the state and focus on commercial production of cassava, yams, corn, palm produce, fruits and vegetables, in order to achieve food security for Imo and for export to other states and abroad. These will now give us the opportunity to set up agricultural processing centres to add value to our agricultural products and create even more jobs. We will focus on a joint venture approach to leverage on Imo hydro-carbon, i.e, gas to attract an independent power plant. This gives Imo the opportunity of a predictable level of power supply at a predictable cost with the ultimate objective of creating industrial layouts. We will turn the Imo Concorde Hotel into a training facility for hospitality industry.
This will include bringing the Concorde Hotel up to at least a three-star level with internationally certified staff, so that young Imolites can be trained in customer service, bar-tending, catering, chef services, house-keeping, etc.  We will turn the Oguta Blue Lake and its environs opportunity into a true tourist resort of international standard. We will create thousands of good paying jobs and Imo will become a safe and viable tourist destination in Nigeria.
We will quickly achieve a pool of trained and qualified manpower to deploy to the hospitality industry locally and internationally, thereby providing jobs for our people. You know, of course, that I’m an automobile man; we will immediately take advantage of President Jonathan’s new Nigerian automotive policy. We will set up a fully equipped and functional automotive engineering department at the Imo State University in partnership with major vehicle manufacturers. This will be a training ground for our youths in automotive engineering, particularly in engine overhaul, transmission repairs and overhaul, brake systems, air conditioning repairs, etc, and this becomes a launching pad for the setting up of an automotive assembly plant in
Imo State. We will also set up a School of Nursing with European Union and US certification where young graduates can be trained by globally certified staff in nursing and health care delivery. This will not only provide qualified and competent nurses for our health care system, but we will have a pool of globally certified health care providers for export to Europe and America where on the average, a certified nurse can earn as much as 50 to 80 thousand US dollars annually. We will have to move to immediately begin to provide health care delivery to Imolites as well as regaining full Imo State University and Polytechnics programmes accreditation. This is just a tip of the iceberg. A hundred days is too long to begin to perform as  Imo governor, I am ready to deliver from day one.

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