Monday 28 July 2014

Zoning in Enugu and Nsukka candidature

The agitation for the cre­ation of Enugu State which spanned more than two decades of tireless efforts materialised on August 27, 1991 as an aftermath of former President Ibrahim Babangida’s maradonic transi­tion to civil rule. The quest for the creation of the state ab-ini­tio was predicated on entrench­ing the principle of “Equity” among stakeholders which was brazenly lacking and violated in the politics of old Anambra State. It was a dream come true to all the “Wawa” people who had agitated, worked and prayed for a state of their own; a state that will meet the demands and aspirations of their people.
Dr. Okwesileze Nwodo of the then National Republican Convention (NRC) emerged the first executive governor of the state after defeating Dr. Hyde Onuaguluchi of the then Social Democratic Party (SDP) in a keenly contested gubernatorial election. As a new state born out of championing the princi­ples of equity and fairness, the government of that day in its bid to avoid rancorous politics; foresaw the need to embrace the aforementioned priced princi­ples of holding certain political offices amongst the peoples of Enugu North (Nsukka), Enugu East and West (Nkanu/Agwu/Udi and Abakaliki (Present Eb­onyi State) which made up the state in 1992. “Triangular Equi­librium” a tripartite principle of equity, unity and fairness among the then three senato­rial zones was adopted after due consultations and certifica­tion by leadership of the zones; heralding the birth of a new and germane principle which will govern the political activities of the state.
Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo of Nsukka extraction after as­sumption of office in 1992 re­activated and became the first beneficiary of this principle. Unfortunately, the third repub­lic and tenure of his government was short-lived as a result of the sudden overthrow of the gov­ernment by late General Sani Abacha on November 2,1993. However, the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh republics which brought in the governments of Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani, Enu­gu South (Nkanu, Enugu South) and Sullivan Chime (Udi, Enu­gu East) respectively naturally towed the line of that honoured principle and respected it into to.
Come 2015 when Gover­nor Sullivan Chime must have completed his second and fi­nal tenure, equity and fairness demands that the people of Nsukka (Enugu North) should have an undeniable shot at pro­ducing the next governor of the state after patiently waiting for twenty-two years. It was against this backdrop that the public declaration not too long ago by His Excellency, the Governor of Enugu State, Barr. Sullivan Chime during an interactive meeting in the State that pow­er shift favours Enugu North Senatorial Zone, was greeted with applause and scathing comments by both citizens and friends of the State.
As fair and supportive as the governor’s position might seem, there is a political battle ahead and a lot of meticulous hard work needs to be done by the people of Nsukka to enable them lift this coveted trophy. Bare-faced intrigues and visible arm-twisting are hallmarks of Nigerian politics. In this vein, there is need for a properly articulated consultations and transparent selection of the best among a whole lot of candidates who will be jostling for this post come 2015.
A transparent and rancor free selection of the governor­ship candidate is a key politi­cal point which must be scored. Therefore, anything that will jeopardise transparent selection of the best candidate must be avoided. It should be noted that some eminent Enugu politicians who care less about the arrange­ment are bent on exercising their right to political contest and ready to take their battle to political field. The antics of external politicians who will fi­nance proxies, stooges and neo­phytes to grandstand and parade themselves as candidates only to scuttle or create confusion should be identified before they cause unimaginable havoc.
The issue of zoning of po­litical and indeed, other critical political positions according to Hilary Ogili “are as contentious as the age-long geo-political and socio-cultural issues that characterised the entity called Nigeria. That is why each time such situation arises whether at the federal level, state or local government, political and social actors are always at their wits end to score the desired points.”
Votes from Nsukka people alone are not good enough and cannot ensure victory at the poll; therefore, consensus building among stakeholders of Enugu East and West which drives politics should begin now. The Nsukkas should as a matter of political exigency commence a bridge building ef­fort aimed at convincing other zones to buy into this idea. The fact that the governor lends his support of allowing an Nsukka man succeed him should not create a feeling in the zone that it has won fair and dry. This is because politics is the wish of the entire people and not that of the state governor alone
It must be reaffirmed that every qualified Enugu man or woman has the right to contest any political position of his choice without hindrances. The governor’s position is only an added advantage which should be grabbed with both hands in selling the Nsukka candidature.
*Eze is with the Power Hold­ing Company of Nigeria, Sama­ru Business Unit, Zaria

Zoning in Enugu and Nsukka candidature

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