Monday 25 August 2014

Glo Mobile Money Agent Network births

LAST Thursday, August 21, 2014, Globacom Un­limited, in partnership with mobile money op­erators, formally became the authorised money agent for Firstmonie, Ecobank and Stan­bic IBTC Bank. The epochal consummation of this unique intervention is confirmatory of the company’s robust pedigree in all departments of commu­nicative and transactional mat­ters.
Apart from the characteristic prefatory note, the writer intends to dwell on the spiraling accom­plishments of the national carrier in the past one year and a prog­nosis ultimately. This approach is informed essentially by its per­formance quintessence over the years, especially in the last 11 months.
The triumphal entry of Globa­com into the Nigerian telecom space on August 29, 2003, was heralded with an overflow of na­tionalistic emotions because that was the preface to indigenization in that sector in country’s evo­lutionary profile. At the outset, not many people believed in the growth and sustainability of the initiative.
Ever since its advent, it has car­ried on like a Trojan in bullish fervor as if it was the first network to arrive in Nigeria! The passion with which Nigerians are intense­ly attached to the Glo brand is so stupendously emotive that one would think it is a government– owned network on a takeover bid of existing competition.
The exploratory step by multi-billionaire and entrepreneurial colossus Dr. Mike Adenuga Jr. (GCON) has shown that with a passion for our conviction there are no challenges that can be in­surmountable. At the outset it looked as if Glo would just be an­other Nigerian pipe–dream! Not even teething bottlenecks could dissuade the trailblazer, who has a harvest of “firsts” in this sphere.
In pursuit of its vision of be­coming the largest and most suc­cessful telecom network in Africa, the national carrier has taken its unprecedented service to parts of West Africa. Globacom’s spread will continue until it takes over the region and the continent, The commitment has a lot of panache because of the promoter’s avowals on warehousing this unique chan­nel of communication.
It is a given pathos that Glo will continue to export its trail-blazing quality service that has characterized its Nigerian opera­tions via state-of-the-art technol­ogy, world–class communicative platforms, superb network infra­structure, superior technical com­petency and the deep pocket of the ownership.
From all indications, the year 2008, when it clocked five years, was a trail-blazing one for Nige­ria’s national carrier, Globacom, which, in its tradition, introduced sectoral novelties.
In 2008, Glo pioneered the 3G office tool which has revolution­ized the corporate would with borderless facilitations of job ex­ecution. The wireless nature of this instrumentality and its com­pactness make it a compulsory accessory for all upwardly mobile persons. It is indeed an indispens­able companion for external office environments.
It is on record that Glo remains the first home-grown telecom­munications institution in Nige­ria to inaugurate a network in the Republic of Benin. Globacom in 2008 became the first network in Nigeria to set up a home zone ad­vantage even though it was opera­tionally restricted to commercial users. On the heels of this novelty, it also launched a time zone ad­vantage thereby effectively reduc­ing call tariff by up to 95 per cent.
The telecoms giant last year intensified its facility expansion efforts in order to sustain its cus­tomer-centric focus. The continu­ous re-engineering takes into con­sideration the multifarious service desires of its increasing clientele.
With the explosion in offerings, the company’s customer care unit is regularly being staffed with more and more competent human capital and infrastructural deploy­ment for complaints resolution and other needs.
The ultimate goal of the na­tional telecommunication opera­tor is to take service excellence to the door-steps of customers with more than 100 Gloworld out­lets already functional and new ones on the drawing board. In the weeks ahead, the company will unveil a bouquet of unprecedented products and services that will see patrons of the network becoming more satisfied amid demonstration of undivided loyalty to this robust brand.
Last year’s rededication to ser­vice was indeed nurtured by the passion displayed to Glo network by about 30 million subscribers whose patronage has led to revo­lutionary initiatives by the organi­zation that keeps setting sectoral heights in this part of the world.
Already there are so many value–added services which Glo­bacom’s customers are enjoying: per second billing (PSB) 3G+, Blackberry Solutions, massive coverage within and outside Ni­gerian shores, Pre-Paid Roam­ing, M–Banking, Multi-Media Messaging Service (MMS), Voice Short Messaging Service and call­er tunes which keep endearing the network to an increasing number of patrons. It is pertinent to point out here that for every subscriber of Globacom there is something to savour. This is an exclusive com­ponent of this network.
A pan–African telecommuni­cations firm with tentacles rap­idly spreading transitionally, Globacom has in the past decade become the fastest-growing GSM outfit on the continent. This de­velopmental stride can only be at­tributed to an expansive clientele base whose satisfaction with the network essentially translates to a swell in patronage. In other words, it is a function of the optimality of service threshold.
There is no doubt that Glo­bacom is largely accepted by a majority of Nigerians who, un­derstandably, see it as their own institution, hence their identifica­tion with the plum brand. From current developments, it is easy to predict that in the years ahead, Glo will become the biggest and best telecom network in this part of the world. As they say, determi­nation can take you to the top, but only service excellence will keep you there. This is the platform on which Globacom rests its multi­farious efforts.
In appreciation of the undiluted loyalty from its customers, Globa­com, from its activities, seems to have made a resolution on the con­tinual improvement of its services and quality of operations within and outside Nigerian shores.
Recently, the Nigerian Com­munications Commission (NCC) issued a clean bill of health to Globacom for surpassing the qual­ity of service threshold. And for not meeting operational standards set by NCC, other GSM networks were sanctioned. Coming from the regulator, this is a veritable en­dorsement and a testimony to the sterling character of Glo as the gi­ant of Nigeria’s telecom industry.

Glo Mobile Money Agent Network births

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