Thursday 28 August 2014

Okonjo-Iweala: No one can take Dora’s place

On the 7th of June, 2014, Nigeria lost one of her most illustrious daughters. Prof. Dora Nkem Akunyili distinguished herself by her great accomplishments in public service.
As Director General of the National Agency for Food Drug Administration and Control, she demonstrated, practically and unforgettably, that with the right kind of leadership, it is possible to reform the food and drug industry for the benefit of Nigerian people. She built a world-renowned system, which significantly tackled the proliferation of fake drugs and unlicensed manufacture of fake drugs and unwholesome foods.
She understood that in a country with significant challenges that can sometimes seem overwhelming, we can make a significant impact by our dedication to doing our best within our area of influence. With her dedication and courage, she saved the lives of thousands of Nigerians, risking her own life in the process. She demonstrated same passion and commitment when she served as Minster of Information.
Even in her final days, she worked tirelessly as a National Confab delegate, contributing to forging a Nigeria that we all can be proud of. Nigeria is grateful to her.
Let me share my sincere condolences with her husband and children. We lost Dora too soon and no one can take her place. But we are comforted by the fact that her commitment and courage have undoubtedly inspired a generation of young Nigerian men and women that they too can make a difference in their communities. This is a legacy that lives on. I am certain that there are many Nigerian children, mothers, fathers and grandparents, who are forever grateful to Dora for her outstanding leadership and her commitment to Nigeria. My sister Dora’s name is forever written in the hearts of these Nigerians.
To live in the hearts of those you love is never to die. When you live in the heart of a nation, you live a thousand forevers. Sleep well my good sister.
• Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy

Okonjo-Iweala: No one can take Dora’s place

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